Star Wars Outlaws

Jet Kordo's Legacy Walkthrough

Star Wars Outlaws - Jet Kordo’s Legacy Walkthrough: All Vault Locations

Jet Kordo's Legacy is a Side Quest under Outlaw Legend that requires you to locate 6 vaults in Toshara, Kijimi, Tatooine, and Akiva in Star Wars Outlaws. Find out all of Jet Kordo's vault locations, and Jet Kordo's Legacy rewards here!

Jet Kordo Related Articles
All Jet's Journals Locations Jet Kordo's Legacy Walkthrough

Jet Kordo's Legacy Toshara Vault Location

Toshara Vaul Locations
Jet Kordo's Vault Secret Room

Jet Kordo's Vault in Toshara Location

This is the first vault you need to locate before finding the other vaults in Kijimi, Tatooine, and Akiva!
1 Isolate Frequency Near Typhon's Rock

After starting Jet Kordo's Legacy by interacting with the Holotracker in the Trailblazer, go to the location shown above, near Typhon's Rock in Toshara. Then, interact with a rock that has a symbol to isolate the Holotracker's frequency.
2 Insert the Holodisc Nearby

After isolating the frequency, insert the Holodisc inside a cave as shown above. Doing this allows you to locate the Jet Kordo's vault in Toshara.
3 Access the Vault in Toshara

Climb up the ladder in front of you. Next, override the lock inside the room to access the vault.
4 Investigate Jet Kordo's Vault in Toshara
Star Wars Outlaws Open the Container in Jet Kordo
Open the container inside the vault to get the Scoundrel Belt and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part 2.

▲ Return to All Toshara Vaults ▲

Secret Room Inside Jet Kordo's Vault

The secret room can only be accessed after finding all the vaults in Toshara, Kijimi, Tatooine, and Akiva!
1 Pick Up the Tinkered Holodisc
Star Wars Outlaws Tinkered Holodisc
After accessing all of Jet Kordo's vaults and opening all the containers inside them, return to your ship, the Trailblazer to get the Tinkered Holodisc.
2 Return to the Toshara Vault

Once you have the Tinkered Holodisc, return to Jet Kordo's vault in Toshara, which is already marked in-game.
▲ Toshara Vault Location
3 Inspect the Secret Room

Once you are inside the vault, open the door nearby and then open the container inside the secret room to get Cocktail Umbrella and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part 8. Opening the container will also end the side quest.

▲ Return to All Toshara Vaults ▲

Jet Kordo's Legacy Kijimi Vault Location

Sheltered Vault Location

1 Talk to a Mechanic in Kijimiko Square

Teleport to Kijimi using the Fast Travel Point in Kijimiko Square to receive an Intel Chain called Sheltered Vault from a Mechanic, who is located at the waypoint above.
2 Go to Sabacc Table in the Thieves District

Go to the location of the player above. Then, talk to the NPCs playing at the Sabacc table. You need to beat the gamblers in a game of Kessel Sabacc to get the Gambled Holodisc.
3 Isolate Frequency Near Duradan Soup

Go to the location of the player shown above, near Duradan Soup. Then, interact with a rock that has a symbol to isolate the Holotracker's frequency.
4 Insert the Holodisc Near the Thieves' Quarter

After isolating the frequency of the Holotracker, go to the player's location as shown in the video above. Then, insert the Holodisc to gain access to the vault in Kijimi.
5 Access the Sheltered Vault in Kijimi

To finally access the vault in Kijimi, go through the door shown above. Inside the vault, the game will highlight a container.

Open the container to obtain the Shift Token called Direct Transaction and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part 6.

Jet Kordo's Legacy Tatooine Vault Location

Tatooine Vault Locations
Buried Vault Perched Vault

Buried Vault Location

1 Talk to an Engineer in Wayfar

Use your Speeder or fast travel to Wayfar and then locate the Engineer shown above. You can use your Hutt Contract if you have a good reputation with the Hutts to obtain the Intel Chain called Buried Vault.

If you do not have a good reputation with the Hutt Cartel, you need to pay the Engineer 50 Credits.

Do note that you need to complete the main quest, The Heavy first before the mechanic actually appears in Wayfar. If the Mechanic is not in your game try fast travelling at a different planet and then return to Wayfar.
2 Get the Treasure Hunter's Holodisc

Go to the location of the player above to pick up the Treasure Hunter's Holodisc. Unfortunately, you will have to use your Speeder to reach the area since there are no Fast Travel Points nearby.
3 Isolate Frequency Near Mos Algo

Go to the location of the player shown above, near Mos Algo. Then, interact with a rock that has a symbol to isolate the Holotracker's frequency.
4 Insert the Holodisc to Enter the Buried Vault

Go to the player's exact location shown in the video above. Then, insert the Holodisc to progress the Intel Chain.
5 Access the Buried Vault in Tatooine
Star Wars Outlaws Use Ion Module of Your Blaster
Use the Ion Module on your blaster to activate the Power Cell which will open a vent nearby. Enter through the vent to finally gain access to the vault. Open the container inside the vault to get a Scoundrel Jacket, Jet Kordo's Legacy Part 5, and an X-FP-C28-Ship Computer.

After opening the container, an Intel Chain called Perched Vault will be unlocked. The Intel Chain is required to access the Perched Vault in Tatooine.

▲ Return to All Tatooine Vaults ▲

Perched Vault Location

1 Talk to a Spacer in Bestine

To find the second vault in Tatooine, go to Bestine, a territory on the Galactic Empire in Tatooine, in order to talk to a Spacer located at the waypoint above!
2 Get the Damaged Holodisc

Next, go the player's location, specifically in Garrick Ranch, in order to get the Damaged Holodisc inside the house highlighted above. Do note that you need a Slicing Kit to open the door.
3 Isolate Frequency at South Jundland Wastes

Go to the waypoint shown above, at South Jundland Wastes. Then, interact with a rock that has a symbol, in front of a trader named Tretet Zadiket, to isolate the Holotracker's frequency.
4 Insert the Holodisc to Enter the Perched Vault

After isolating the frequency, proceed to the Perched Vault's location as shown in the video above. Insert the Holodisc near the Perched Vault's door to access it.
5 Access the Perched Vault
Star Wars Outlaws Container Inside the Second Vault
Open the container inside the Perched Vault to get a Sandcrawler Paint Job and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part 7.

▲ Return to All Tatooine Vaults ▲

Jet Kordo's Legacy Akiva Vault Location

Akiva Vault Locations
Overgrown Vault Forgotten Vault

Overgrown Vault Location

1 Buy the Mysterious Holodisc from a Merchant

Go to Myrra in Akiva then fast travel or go to the Market District. Talk to the Scrap Dealer nearby and then buy the Mysterious Holodisc from them. It is possible that the dealer in your game looks different compared to the image above.
2 Isolate Frequency at Delma Water Tower

Go to the location shown in the video above, at Delma Water Tower. Then, interact with a rock that has a symbol to isolate the Holotracker's frequency.
3 Insert the Holodisc Nearby

Go back to the tree trunk you used to cross in the previous step. After that, follow the video above until you see a prompt to insert the Holodisc on a stone wall near the vault's floor hatch.
4 Access the Overgrown Vault in Akiva
Star Wars Outlaws Container and Datapad Inside the Overgrown Vault
After inserting the Holodisc, the vault's floor hatch will then open. Once you gain access to the vault, open the container inside to get a Blaster Recirculator and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part 4.

Finally, interact with the marked Datapad inside the vault to obtain the Intel needed to access the Forgotten Vault in Akiva.

▲ Return to All Akiva Vaults ▲

Forgotten Vault Location

1 Listen to a Hired Gun at Satrap's Promenade

Go to Myrra in Akiva using the Fast Travel Point near Satrap's Promenade. Then listen to a Hired Gun NPC nearby.

Do note that to gain access to the second vault in Akiva, your Speeder should have the Hydrorepulsor upgrade which can be obtained after completing the expert quest, The Scavenger.
2 Get the Stolen Holodisc

Use the Fast Travel Point, if you unlocked it already, inside the Hutt Poaching Outpost in Akiva. Go to the location marked in-game to find the Hutt smuggler with a Holodisc. Steal the Holodisc from the marked NPC nearby using Nix.
3 Go to an Island that is West of Witch's Finger

Go to the waypoint shown above, an unnamed island to the west of Witch's Finger. Then, interact with a rock that has a symbol to isolate the Holotracker's frequency.
4 Insert the Holodisc to Enter the Forgotten Vault

Open your map to see the marked area in-game. Then, go to Speeder's location shown above. Insert the Holodisc near the vault's door for it to open.
5 Disable the Turret Inside the Forgotten Vault

Once you are inside the Forgotten Vault, open the marked container to trigger the turret. Then, disable the active turret using Nix. Finally, open the container to get the Scoundrel Pants and also Jet Kordo's Legacy Part 3.

▲ Return to All Akiva Vaults ▲

Jet Kordo's Legacy Unlock Condition

Start the Hyperspace Quest

How to Unlock ・Talk to ND-5 at the start of Hyperspace (Main Quest)
・In your ship, interact with a Holotracker on a bench.

Jet Kordo's Legacy is a Side Quest that will be available in your Journal and Map after unlocking the main quest, Hyperspace. Simply interact with a Holotracker near the blaster's workbench in the Trailblazer.

Hyperspace Walkthrough

All Jet Kordo's Legacy Rewards

Obtain the Scoundrel Gear Set

Chest Gear Waist Gear Legs Gear
Star Wars Outlaws Scoundrel Jacket
Scoundrel Jacket
Star Wars Outlaws Scoundrel Belt
Scoundrel Belt
Star Wars Outlaws Scoundrel Pants
Scoundrel Pants

The main reward of Jet Kordo's Legacy is the Scoundrel Gear Set which you obtain separately from the containers inside Jet Kordo's vaults.

Scoundrel Gear Set Guide

Other Rewards

Rewards Jet Kordo's Legacy 1-8 (Collectibles)
Direct Transaction (Shift Token)
X-FP-C28 Ship Computer
・Sandcrawler Paint Job
Blaster Recirculator
Cocktail Umbrella

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3 Anonymous5 months

For me the engineer occurred after finishing the Perched Vault on Tatooine.

2 Anonymous5 months

same person. Check after all other mission still no engineer. Even finish game and no engineer!!! There either bug or some other requirements needed!!!!


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