Star Wars Outlaws

All Kessel Sabacc Shift Tokens

Star Wars Outlaws How to Get All Kessel Sabacc Shift Tokens

Shift Tokens offer advantages when playing Kessel Sabacc in Star Wars Outlaws. Discover all Shift Tokens, their effects, and how to get them in this guide!

List of All Kessel Sabacc Shift Tokens

All Kessel Sabacc Collectible Locations

Shift Token Effect and Unlock Condition
Star Wars Outlaws - Free Draw Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceFree Draw Effect: Avoid the draw fee this turn.
・Win at the Pyke Syndicate Table in Mirogana on Toshara.
・Win at the Pyke Table in Myrra on Akiva.
Star Wars Outlaws - Refund Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceRefund Effect: Retrieve 2 Chips.
・Buy from Lalini Ledeno, a Crimson Dawn Smuggler in Toshara.
Star Wars Outlaws - Extra Refund Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceExtra Refund Effect: Retrieve 3 Chips.
・Hidden in a Syndicate Vault on Tatooine.
Star Wars Outlaws - Embezzlement Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceEmbezzlement Effect: Take 1 chip from each player's pot to your pot.
・Buy from Clava Zeist, a Hutt Cartel Smuggler from Tatooine.
Star Wars Outlaws - Major Fraud Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceMajor Fraud Effect: Set Impostor value to 6 until next reveal.
・Win at the Crimson Dawn Table in Kijimi City on Kijimi.
Star Wars Outlaws - Cook The Books Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceCook The Books Effect: Invert Sabacc Ranks until next reveal.
・Win at the Pyke Syndicate Table in Myrra on Akiva.
Star Wars Outlaws - Markdown Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceMarkdown Effect: Set Sylop value to 0 until next reveal.
・Win at the Pyke Syndicate Table in Mirogana on Toshara.
Star Wars Outlaws - Prime Sabacc Sabacc Shift Token AppearancePrime Sabacc Effect: Roll 2 dice. Pick one value as the new best Sabacc.
・Win at the Hutt Table in Mos Eisley on Tatooine.
Star Wars Outlaws - General Tariff Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceGeneral Tariff Effect: Other players are taxed 1 chip.
・Win at the Pyke Syndicate Table in Myrra on Akiva.
Star Wars Outlaws - Target Tariff Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceTarget Tariff Effect: Choose a player. They are taxed 2 chips.
・Hidden in a Syndicate Vault on Toshara.
・Win at the Hutt Table in Mos Eisley on Tatooine.
Star Wars Outlaws - General Audit Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceGeneral Audit Effect: Other players in stand are taxed 2 chips.
・Win at the Crimson Dawn Table in Kijimi City on Kijimi.
Star Wars Outlaws - Target Audit Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceTarget Audit Effect: Choose a player in stand. They are taxed 3 chips.
・Hidden in a Syndicate Vault on Kijimi.
Star Wars Outlaws - Embargo Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceEmbargo Effect: Next player must stand.
・Win at the Hutt Cartel Table in Mos Eisley on Tatooine.
・Buy from Sol D'lorak, an Ashiga Clan Smuggler from Kijimi.
Star Wars Outlaws - Immunity Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceImmunity Effect: Prevent Shift tokens effects against you until next reveal.
・Buy from Karpen Miltik, a Pyke Syndicate Smuggler in Akiva.
・Win at the Crimson Dawn Table in Kijimi City on Kijimi.
Star Wars Outlaws - Exhaustion Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceExhaustion Effect: Choose a player. They must discard and draw a new hand.
・Win at the Crimson Dawn Table in Kijimi City on Kijimi.
・Hidden in a Syndicate Vault on Akiva.
Star Wars Outlaws - Direct Transaction Sabacc Shift Token AppearanceDirect Transaction Effect: Choose a player. Trade hands with them.
・Can be found as part of Jet Kordo's Legacy.

What Are Shift Tokens?

Give Special Abilities in Kessel Sabacc

Kessel Sabacc - Play Shift Tokens When Needed.png
There are different types of Shift Tokens that can be used in a game of Kessel Sabacc. You may only have three in your possession per game, so choose your set wisely.

How to Play Kessel Sabacc

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1 Rise @NalyoGaming5 months

You need to add the most important and powerful Shift Token - Cook the Books here is a clip of it being used


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