Star Wars Outlaws

List of All Kessel Sabacc Cheats

Star Wars Outlaws All Kessel Sabacc Cheats.png

There are 3 Kessel Sabacc Cheats available in Star Wars Outlaws. See a list of all cheats, their effects, and how to get them here!

List of All Kessel Sabacc Cheats

Cheat Effects and How to Get
Nix Peek Nix Peek Effect: Reveals all opponent's hands.
How to Get: Unlocked by default.
Plan A Double Draw
(Plan A)
Effect: Allows Kay to draw two cards from a card pile.
How to Get: Unlocked after completing The High Roller Expert Quest.
Magnetic Dice Magnetic Dice Effect: Allows Kay to rig the dice numbers in her favor.
How to Get: Unlocked after completing The Hotfixer Expert Quest.

These are all the 3 cheats available to Kay in Kessel Sabacc, and can be used anytime during the game unless stated otherwise at the table's rules.

How to Win Kessel Sabacc

What Are Kessel Sabacc Cheats?

Used as an Advantage in Kessel Sabacc

Cheat to Gain Advantage in Kessel Sabacc

Cheats are an integral part of winning a Kessel Sabacc game, as they offer Kay an edge when improving her hand and staying above her competitors. Prompts will appear on screen during times in the game when they can be used, and will come with a minigame to successfully perform.

Some Tables Have Cheats Disabled

Kessel Sabacc Cheats Disabled

Some tables, like the High Roller table in High-Stakes Showdown, will have some cheats disabled to make it a more challenging experience. During these instances, it is best to plan your strategy around other accessible cheats and Shift Tokens to help you win.

Failed Cheats Raise Suspicion

Use Fast-Talk if Cheating Failed

Failing the cheating minigames repeatedly will raise suspicion among your competitors at the table. If you are confronted and don’t have the Fast-Talk ability, this can result in you getting temporarily banned from the table.

Disable Cheat Minigames in Gameplay Settings

Turn Off Kessel Sabacc Cheat Minigame in Gameplay Settings

You can disable the cheating minigame under Gameplay from the game's Settings to make all of your cheating attempts automatically sucecssful and bypass the suspicion.

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