Star Wars Outlaws

Ship Combat Controls

Star Wars Outlaws Ship Combat Guide.png

The Trailblazer is your primary ship in Star Wars Outlaws. Learn your ship's combat controls and how to upgrade the Trailblazer in this guide.

Ship Controls Guide

Console Ship Controls

XBOX PS Effects
XBOX - A Button PS4 - X Button Press once to lock on a target, then press again to fire a Missile
XBOX - B Button PS4 - Circle Button Enable Laser Turrets
XBOX - X Button PS4 - Square Button Boost the ship forward.
XBOX - Y Button PS4 - Square Button Interact with items or points of interest.
XBOX - RT Button
PS4 - R2 Button
Fire Lasers at a target.
XBOX - LT Button
PS4 - L2 Button
Locks in on a target and enters Pursuit Mode.
XBOX - LB Button or XBOX - RB Button DualShock - L1 Button or DualShock - R1 Button Dodge Attacks.
XBOX - RS Button DualShock - R3 Button Ping items or locations of interest surrounding your ship.
Aim at targets.
XBOX - DPAD DOWN Button Repair parts of your ship.

The Trailblazer is Kay's trusty ship, serving as your main mode of transportation between planets. While it can be controlled on PC using a keyboard and mouse, using a controller is recommended for an optimal gaming experience.

Ship Combat Guide

Attack Enemy Ships With Lasers

Ship Combat Controls - Attack Enemy Ships With Lasers
The simplest way to attack enemy ships is to hold the Up Button on your D-pad for increased accuracy and then fire lasers at your targets by holding the RT or R2 Button.

Pursue Targets and Fire Lasers

You can also attack enemy ships while in pursuit by holding the LT or L2 Button to lock onto them and firing your lasers with the RT or R2 Button. This allows you to automatically track and shoot down your target without needing to steer the ship manually.

Fire Missiles

Ship Combat Controls - Fire Missiles
To launch missiles at enemies, press the A or X Button once to lock onto a target, then press it again to fire the warhead. The missile icon at the bottom of the screen will display the number of missiles available for launch, and they can be used again once their cooldown period has elapsed.

Deploy Turrets

Ship Combat Controls - Deploy Turrets
Once you have obtained this upgrade, you can activate the Trailblazer's Turrets, which automatically lock onto and fire lasers at targets. This feature becomes available for use again after its cooldown period resets, allowing you to employ it repeatedly in combat.

Dodge Attacks

While in combat, you can dodge attacks by pressing the LB or L1 Button to swerve to the left, and pressing the RB or R1 Button to swerve to the right.

Be Cautious of Your Shield

Ship Combat Controls - Be Cautious of Your Shield
The Trailblazer can be upgraded with a Shield to help mitigate enemy attacks that you might not be able to dodge in time. Be careful though, as you will become incapacitated for a short period while your shields recover.

How to Upgrade the Trailblazer

Speak to a Ship Mechanic

You can install upgrades on the Trailblazer by speaking to a Ship Mechanic like Waka once the ship is docked at a safe location.

Upgrade Different Parts of Your Ship

Upgrade Type Upgrades
Weaponry Cannons
Propulsion Engines
Defenses Shields

You can install upgrades or repair parts of the Trailblazer under the Weaponry, Propulsion, and Defenses categories. Doing this will increase your chances of survivability out in space where combat will be inevitable.

Gather Upgrade Materials

You can obtain upgrade materials either by buying them from merchants or collecting them from chests across the galaxy.

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