Miitopia Switch Walkthrough & Guides Wiki

Miitopia wiki front page

Create and customize your Mii and be the star of your own RPG in Miitopia for the Nintendo Switch! Learn how to use the Mii Maker feature to design your characters, and the best jobs and personalities for each Mii in your party. For a full story walkthrough with maps and boss guides for each area, look no further than Game8!

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News and Game Info Best Team Comp Jobs
Personalities Walkthrough and Maps Tips and Tricks
Grub Equipment Monsters
Bosses Message Boards About Miitopia

Miitopia News and Game Info

Coming Out on May 21, 2021

Miitopia Software Cover.jpg
Release Date May 21, 2021
Price $49.99 (USD)

The Switch version of Miitopia will come out on May 21, 2021. See below to learn more about the release date, how to pre-load the game, as well as other useful articles!!

Miitopia Release Date and Demo.jpgRelease Date Guide Miitopia - How to Pre-Load.pngPre-Load Guide
Miitopia Switch Differences from 3DS Version.pngDifferences from 3DS Version Is Miitopia Switch Multiplayer.pngIs Miitopia Switch Multiplayer?
Miitopia Switch Update and Patch Notes.pngPatch Notes Miitopia Switch Review.pngGame Review: Is Miitopia Switch Worth It?

Miitopia Best Team Compositions

Miitopia Switch Best Team Comp.png

Best Team Comp: Party Building Guide

Miitopia Jobs

Miitopia - Jobs Partial.pngList of Jobs
List of Jobs
WarriorWarrior MageMage ClericCleric
ThiefThief Pop StarPop Star ChefChef
CatCat ScientistScientist ImpImp
TankTank PrincessPrincess FlowerFlower
Hidden Jobs
VampireVampire ElfElf

Best Jobs: Job Tier List

Miitopia Personalities

Miitopia - Personalities Partial.pngList of Personalities
Kind Energetic Laid-back
Cool Airheaded Stubborn
Cautious - -

Best Personality for Each Job

Miitopia Story Walkthrough and Maps

Maps and Guides Image.png See Map and Guide List
Map List for Main Story
Miitopia Greenhorne Map Icon.pngChapter 1: Greenhorne Miitopia Neksdor Map Icon.pngChapter 2: Neksdor
Miitopia Realm of the Fey Map Icon.pngChapter 3: Realm of the Fey Miitopia Karkaton Map Icon.pngChapter 4: Karkaton
Miitopia Travelers Hub Map Icon.pngChapter 5-1: Traveler's Hub Miitopia Powdered Peaks Map Icon.pngChapter 5-2: Powdered Peaks
Miitopia Peculia Map Icon.pngChapter 5-3: Peculia Miitopia Nimbus Map Icon.pngChapter 5-4: Nimbus
Miitopia Sky Scraper Map Icon.pngChapter 6: The Sky Scraper / Otherworld
Post Game Maps
Miitopia Galados Isle Map Icon.pngGalados Isle Miitopia New Lumos Map Icon.pngNew Lumos
Miitopia Tower of Dread Map Icon.pngTower of Dread Miitopia Tower of Despair Map Icon.pngTower of Despair

Miitopia Tips and Tricks

Miitopia - Tips and Tricks Partial.pngTips and Tricks
Miitopia - BeginnerBeginner's Guide Miitopia - Mii Maker.pngMii Maker Guide
Miitopia - Roulette Guide.pngRoulette Guide Miitopia - How to Win Rock Paper Scissors.pngRock, Paper, Scissors Guide
Horse Guide.pngHorse Guide Miitopia Switch Relationship Top Banner.pngRelationship Level Guide
Miitopia Switch Food Preferences Guide.pngFood Preferences Guide Miitopia - How to Farm Gold.pngHow to Farm Gold
Miitopia Switch Safe Spot Top Banner.pngHow to Use Safe Spot Efficiently Miitopia - How to Unlock All Jobs.pngHow to Unlock All Jobs
Miitopia Switch EXP Farm Top Banner.pngHow to Farm EXP Miitopia Switch Status Effects Guide.pngStatus Effects Guide
Miitopia Switch How to Recruit More Teammates.pngHow to Recruit Miis and Get More Teammates Miitopia Sickness Guide.pngSickness Guide
Miitopia - How to Unlock Neksdor Pyramid.pngHow to Unlock Neksdor Pyramid Miitopia - Inn Guide - Events and Things to DoInn Guide
Post Game Guide.pngPost Game and 100% Completion Guide Miitopia - Resentement and Quarrels: How to Fix.pngResentment and Quarrels
Miitopia - Quizmaster Guide.pngQuizmaster Guide Hidden Paths.png Hidden Path Locations
Miitopia Quests Guide.pngQuest Guide Miitopia - Allies and Companion GuideAllies and Companion Guide
Miitopia - List of Songs (revised).pngList of Songs and Where to Listen List of All amiibo Outfits Miitopia.pngList of All amiibo Outfits
Miitopia Switch How to Unlock All Medals.pngHow to Unlock All Medals
Miitopia Equipment Guide.pngCatalogue Guide Miitopia How to Farm Grub.pngHow to Farm Grub and Best Grub to Farm
Miitopia How to farm HP Banana and MP Candy.pngHow to Farm HP Bananas and MP Candies Miitopia Switch Sprinkles Top Banner.pngSprinkles Guide
Miitopia Switch Outing Tickets Top Banner.pngOuting Tickets Farming Guide Miitopia Switch Farming Game Tickets Top Banner.pngGame Tickets Farming Guide
Miitopia Best Food Which Food to Use.pngBest Food: Which Food to Use Miitopia - How to Farm Equipment.jpgHow to Farm Equipment
Online Features
Miitopia Switch Access Key Codes.pngAccess Key Code Guide
Miitopia Switch Control Characters Top Banner.pngCan You Control Party Members? Miitopia - How to Transfer Save Data.pngHow to Transfer Demo Save Data
Miitopia - How to Start A New Game.pngHow to Start A New Game
Mechanics and Game Controls
Miitopia - Pause Menu Guide.pngPause Menu Guide Miitopia Switch How To Save Top Banner.pngHow To Save Game
Miitopia - How to Change Roles.pngHow to Change Roles Mii - How to Change Personalities.pngHow to Change Personalities
How to Change Jobs.pngHow to Change Jobs

Miitopia Grub

List of Grub partial.pngList of Grub
Grub Rarities
Miitopia Switch Normal Grub Top Banner.pngNormal Miitopia Switch Rare Grub Top Banner.pngRare Miitopia Switch Very Rare Grub Top Banner.pngVery Rare

Miitopia Equipment

Partial Banner - Equipment.pngList of Equipment
Weapons Outfits

Miitopia Monsters

Miitopia Switch List of Enemies Monsters.png

List of Enemies: Monster Guide

Miitopia Bosses

Miitopia - Bosses Front Banner.pngList of Bosses
Story Bosses
Miitopia How to Beat the Dark Lord Boss.pngHow to Beat the Dark Lord Miitopia - How to Beat the Darker Lord.pngHow to Beat the Darker Lord
Tower of Dread Bosses
King Cow Boss Guide.pngHow to Beat the King Cow Calc King Boss Guide.pngHow to Beat the Calc King
Frog King and Frog Queen Boss Guide.pngHow to Beat the Frog King and Frog Queen Dragon Lord Boss Guide.pngHow to Beat the Dragon Lord
King of Hounds Boss Guide.pngHow to Beat the King of Hounds Dark King and Dark Queen Boss Guide.pngHow to Beat the Dark King and Dark Queen
Evil Sage Boss Guide.pngHow to Beat the Evil Sage Dark Sun.pngHow to Beat the Dark Sun
Tower of Despair Bosses
Boss Snurp Guide.pngHow to Beat the Boss Snurp ---

Miitopia Message Boards

Miitopia Switch Discussion BoardDiscussion Board
Mii Sharing Board.pngMii Sharing Board Meme Sharing Board.pngMemes Board

Message Boards

About Miitopia

Software Information

Miitopia Demo.jpg
Release Date:May 21, 2021 Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1 Player Developer: Nintendo EPD
Genre: Adventure / RPG Game File Size: 3.0GB
Supported Languages: Japanese, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)
Supported Play Modes: TV Mode, Tabletop Mode, Handheld Mode.
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Crude Humor, Mild Cartoon Violence, Mild Language

Official Trailer

Walkthrough Menu

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