Miitopia Switch

Best Personality for All Jobs: Personality Tier List

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Best Personalities.png

This is a guide to the best personalities in Miitopia for the Nintendo Switch. Learn what personality is best for each job, the benefits and downsides of each personality's Quirks, and which personalities are best for the early game, late game, and endgame.

Best Personalities Overall

Personality Rank Best Jobs
Cool ★★★ Any except Vampire
Energetic ★★★ Any
Laid-back ★★☆ Mage, Scientist
Cautious ★★☆ Tank, Flower
Stubborn ★☆☆ Cat, Vampire
Kind ★☆☆ Thief, Vampire
Airheaded ★☆☆ None

Choose 'Cool' at the Beginning

Cool can increase the damage of a regular attack and help avoid an enemy's attack. In the early stages of the game where there are few skills, the ability to increase the damage of attacks is advantageous. In addition, there are no disadvantages, so it is efficient to use this personality across all party members.

Choose 'Energetic' from Chapter 5

From the middle of Chapter 5 (Powdered Peaks, Peculia, Nimbus), MP management becomes important as using Skills during a battle becomes the key to winning.

Energetic is an excellent personality to use because it gives the ability to recover the MP of their fellow party members who have little MP left.

Like Cool, it has almost no disadvantages, so it's a good idea to increase the number of characters that use Energetic as the number of skills increases.

Consider 'Kind' or 'Stubborn' Rarely

Kind and Stubborn are not recommended because they have major disadvantages with their quirks, but they also have the ability to play an active role in some jobs such as Kind: Thieves / Vampires and Stubborn: Cats.

Best Personality for Each Job

Best Personality for the Warrior

Best personality for all jobs - warrior.png

Personality Rating
Cool ★★★
Energetic ★★★
Cautious ★★☆
Laid-back ★☆☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Cool in Early Game, Energetic in Endgame

Like many other classes, the Warrior is best off using Cool during the main story to increase attack damage and avoid attacks, and can consider switching to Energetic after the main story to help the party better conserve MP.

Warrior Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Mage

Best personality for all jobs - mage.png

Personality Rating
Cool ★★★
Laid-back ★★★
Energetic ★★☆
Cautious ★☆☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Cool or Laid-back

For Mages, Cool or Laid-back is the way to go. Laid-back helps Mages to conserve their precious MP, while Cool helps them avoid attacks, which is helpful considering their low defenses.

However, Cool's Pressure Point Quirk will cause Mages to attack with regular attacks more frequently, so the Magic-focused Laid-back is a solid option.

Mage Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Cleric

Best personalitiy for all jobs - cleric

Personality Rating
Cool ★★★
Energetic ★★★
Cautious ★★☆
Laid-back ★☆☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Cool or Energetic

Because the Cleric has low defenses, the attack-dodging effects of Cool suit it well. Energetic is also a good pick for endgame as it meshes with the Cleric's supporting role with its MP-recovery properties.

Cleric Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Thief

Best personality for all jobs - thief.png

Personality Rating
Kind ★★★
Energetic ★★★
Cool ★★☆
Cautious ★☆☆
Laid-back ★☆☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Kind in Early Game, Energetic in Endgame

Thieves are recommended to be Kind, especially during the early game. Being Kind gives you the ability to share resources with your allies, strengthening the pack of your party.

As you finish the Main Story, you will have more skills that consume a lot of MP, so it is recommended to switch your personality to Energetic during the second half to have the ability to restore MP to your allies.

Thief Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Pop Star

best personality for all jobs - pop star.png

Personality Rating
Cool ★★★
Energetic ★★★
Laid-back ★★☆
Cautious ★☆☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Cool in Early Game, Energetic in Endgame

The Pop Star is should use Cool during the main story to increase attack damage and avoid attacks, and can consider switching to Energetic after the main story to help the party better conserve MP.

Pop Star Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Chef

Best personality for all jobs - Chef.png

Personality Rating
Cool ★★★
Energetic ★★★
Cautious ★★☆
Laid-back ★☆☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Cool in Early Game, Energetic in Endgame

The Chef should use Cool during the main story to increase attack damage and avoid attacks, and can consider switching to Energetic after the main story to help the party better conserve MP.

Chef Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Cat

Best personalitiy for all jobs - cat.png

Personality Rating
Cool ★★★
Stubborn ★★★
Energetic ★★☆
Cautious ★☆☆
Laid-back ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Cool in Early Game, Stubborn or Energetic in Endgame

Like other classes, Cool in early game and Energetic in endgame is a solid pattern for the Cat as well.

On the other hand, when you reach Lv 21 or higher after clearing the second half of the story, you will be able to steal food twice in one turn by using the Stubborn personality's “Again” Quirk, making this a good alternate choice for the later game.

Cat Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Scientist

Best personality for all jobs - Scientist.png

Personality Rating
Cool ★★★
Laid-back ★★★
Energetic ★★☆
Cautious ★☆☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Cool or Laid-back

Like Mages, Cool or Laid-back work well for Scientists. Laid-back helps Scientists to conserve MP, while Cool helps them avoid attacks, which is helpful considering their low defenses.

However, Cool's Pressure Point Quirk will cause Scientists to attack with regular attacks more frequently, so the Magic-focused Laid-back has advantages as well.

Scientist Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Imp

Miitopia Switch Imp 01.png

Personality Rating
Cool ★★★
Energetic ★★★
Laid-back ★★☆
Cautious ★☆☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Cool in Early Game, Energetic in Endgame

The Imp should use Cool during the main story to increase attack damage and avoid attacks, and can consider switching to Energetic after the main story to help the party better conserve MP.

Imp Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Tank

Best personality for all jobs - tank.png

Personality Rating
Cautious ★★★
Energetic ★★★
Cool ★☆☆
Laid-back ★☆☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Cautious in Early Game, Energetic in Endgame

Tanks have little growth in terms of speed, so the Cautious personality synergizes perfectly with Tanks who act last in a team. The increased effectiveness in their attacks and abilities further cement their roles as slow but punishing damage dealers.

Like other classes, Energetic is helpful in the endgame for helping the party conserve MP, so consider switching over when MP starts getting tight.

Tank Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Princess

Miitopia Switch Princess 01.png

Personality Rating
Cool ★★★
Energetic ★★★
Laid-back ★★☆
Cautious ★★☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Cool in Early Game, Energetic in Endgame

The Princess should use Cool during the main story to increase attack damage and avoid attacks, and can consider switching to Energetic after the main story to help the party better conserve MP.

Princess Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Flower

Miitopia Switch Flower 01.png

Personality Rating
Energetic ★★★
Cautious ★★★
Cool ★★☆
Laid-back ★☆☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Energetic or Cautious

Choosing the Energetic personality will allow you to further support your team by restoring their MP, in addition to the healing that you provide. The Cautious personality is also a great choice that allows you to increase the effectiveness of your abilities in exchange for acting last in your party. The drawback is negligible considering the fact that Flowers tend to have a low Speed stat.

Flower Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Vampire

Miitopia - Best personality for Vampire.png

Personality Rating
Energetic ★★★
Stubborn ★★☆
Kind ★★☆
Cautious ★☆☆
Laid-back ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆
Cool ★☆☆

Energetic, Stubborn, or Kind

Energetic is a solid choice as always as it allows the Vampire to restore MP to the party, and also use Hang On to survive with 1 HP remaining.

Stubborn and Kind are also possible, as Kind's Cover will allow it to sometimes take attacks in place of allies, suited to its role as a defensive wall. Stubborn will allow it to sometimes attack twice, which suits its high magical damage output well.

Vampire Job: Skills and Equipment

Best Personality for the Elf

Miitopia - Best personality for Elf.png

Personality Rating
Cool ★★★
Energetic ★★★
Cautious ★★☆
Laid-back ★★☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Cool or Energetic

Elves possess low HP but have generally good stat growths in other areas, so use the Cool personality if you'd like to keep your Elf alive via dodging or the Energetic personality to further boost your support capabilities.

Elf Job: Skills and Equipment

Miitopia Related Links

Miitopia - Personalities Partial.pngList of Personalities
Kind Energetic Laid-back
Cool Airheaded Stubborn
Cautious - -

Best Personality for Each Job


13 Anonymousover 1 year

Air-headed can be good it can play with most monsters and my cleric was going to die soon but it fell asleep it was also kind of funny.

12 Anonymousalmost 2 years

you forgot kind


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