Miitopia Switch

Tower of Dread Guide

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Tower of Dread Guide.png

This is a guide for the Tower of Dread area in Miitopia for Nintendo Switch. Learn more about the best team compositions to beat the area, as well as strategies and recommendations to beat each boss here!

How to Unlock Tower of Dread

'Save' the Dark Curse in Chapter 6 and Clear any District Beyond the 3rd in New Lumos

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To unlock this area, you must choose to 'Save' the Dark Curse after you beat the Darker Lord in Chapter 6. Afterwards, you must go to New Lumos and defeat a boss in any District from the 3rd to 8th.

If you haven't chosen to 'Save' the Dark Curse, you can do so by fighting the Darker Lord again in the Otherworld, this time choosing to save the Dark Curse once given the option.

Best Team for Tower of Dread

Team Used (Stability Oriented Team)

Lineup Explanation
'Hero' FlowerFlower Personality: Cool
・Primary healer, secondary damager
・Use Horse Whispering on the last floor
Friend 1 ScientistScientist Personality: Cool
・Main damager and emergency healer
・Acts quickly
Safety Mask helps prevent status ailments
Friend 2 PrincessPrincess Personality: Cool
・Powerful debuffer
・Can nullify status ailments via Blindfold
・Can also dodge attacks via Escort
Friend 3 ThiefThief Personality: Cool
・Widespread attacker
・Acts quickly

Alternative Options

Job Used Alternative
'Hero' FlowerFlower ClericCleric
Friend 2 PrincessPrincess VampireVampire
Friend 3 ThiefThief ElfElf


This is the team used by the writers which focuses on stability. Everyone on the team can attack, while the Princess and Scientist can keep most status ailments away from their teammates. With proper team management, this group can reach the final floor without using Sprinkles. It's recommended to run Cool or Energetic personalities on them because of the lack of glaring drawbacks.

Team Placement

You'll want to avoid putting your Princess and Scientist in the Safe Spot while the enemy is acting to counter potential status ailments. Additionally, by placing teammates who are on the center of your team into the Safe Spot you can potentially reduce the number of teammates being hit by enemy attacks that hit 3 of your allies.

Taking the team above into account you'd want to put your Scientist and Princess on opposite sides of the team, with the Thief and Flower in the middle.

What You Need Before Tower of Dread

・Party Level 40 at Least
・Strong Equipment (Around 17000-20000 gold value on weapons and clothes)
・Feed Party with Grub
・Maximum Sprinkles amount (999HP, 500 MP)
・Take a Traveler Companion

Strenghten your Levels, Spend on Equipment, and Eat lots of Grub

Miitopia - Inn Guide - Grub Priority Final Members.png

The Tower of Dread is a high difficulty area so you'll want to be able to go through the early floors with as little difficulty as possible. It's advised to have your team members at Level 40 before entering the area, as well as buying them strong equipment and feeding them a lot of Grub. In the case of feeding them Grub, it's recommended that they have at least a +10 to all stats. The more you feed them, the better.

Raise your Sprinkles Level

Miitopia Switch Sprinkles 04.png

Sprinkles will be your lifeline when your team gets into a bad situation, and it's highly advised that you raise the power of your Sprinkles to maximum, which is achieved by rescuing 2500 faces.

Bring a Traveler Companion


Some quests in Traveler's Hub will involve a companion following you as you do the quest. If you enter the Tower of Dread before finishing the quest, the companion will also follow you into battle, essentially giving you a free 5th party member for the fight. It's recommended to have a Cleric or Scientist companion accompany you, as their heals and status ailment protection can keep your team alive during a fight.

Tower of Dread Tips and Tricks

Don't Use Autobattle and Fast Forward


You're taking on one of the most difficult challenges in the game at this point, and using these two options for this area is nothing short of suicide. You need to go through each of your party members' turns slowly and one by one. This is so that you can time when to use Sprinkles or put your units into the Safe Spot when the need arises.

Keep Your Combat Menu Up

You'll want to have your Menu up at all times for the duration of these fights. This allows you to quickly apply Sprinkles on teammates or move them into the Safe Spot at a moment's notice.

Master the Safe Spot

safe spot.jpg

The Safe Spot is the most efficient method of recovery in the game, and proper use of it can win you many difficult fights. The HP and MP restoration values are large, and can be even larger if certain skills like Snuggle Up or Get Well Soon trigger together. Additionally it prevents your units from wasting turns eating HP Bananas and MP Candies, which are far less efficient.

Know the Order of Attack

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You'll want to keep track of the turn rotation, which means knowing who gets to act first, second and so on. This gives you a variety of advantages such as anticipating when the enemy will attack, knowing when to move your units in and out of the Safe Spot, and so on.

Save Sprinkles for the Last Floor


Your Sprinkles won't be replenished after each fight and ideally you'd want to save them for the last fight, so keep your team healthy through proper timing of heals and Safe Spot usage to minimize Sprinkle usage. You can opt to use some Shield Sprinkles for the 7th floor against the Evil Sage, but save your HP, MP and Life Sprinkles for the final floor.

Tower of Dread Boss Guide (Ground Floor to Apex)

Ground Floor: King Cow

king cow.jpg

Attack Pattern (Acts Twice)
1 Normal Attack (Hits 1)
2 Hammer Swing (Hits All)

King Cow Boss Guide

Second Floor: Calc King

calc king.jpg

Attack Pattern (Acts Once)
1 Normal Attack (Hits 1)
2 Shock Wave (Hits All)
3 Call Companion (Summons Ultimate Robot Warrior)
・The summoned monster will lock-on to two targets and deal high damage to them on the next turn. It's better to just kill them quickly than waste Shield Sprinkles.

Calc King Boss Guide

Third Floor: Frog King and Frog Queen

frog king and frog queen.jpg

Frog King (Acts Twice)
1 Breathes in
2 Breathes in some more
3 Exhales (Targets All)
4 Shock Wave (Targets 1 member and adjacent members)
Frog Queen (Acts Twice)
1 Breathes in
2 Breathes in some more
3 Exhales (Targets All)
4 Shock Wave (Targets 1 member and adjacent members)

Frog King and Frog Queen Boss Guide

Fourth Floor: Dragon Lord

dragon lord.jpg

Attack Pattern (Acts Twice)
1 Intimidating Roar (Damages 1 member and Inflicts Terror)
2 Gust of Wind (Hits All)

Dragon Lord Boss Guide

Fifth Floor: King of Hounds

king of hounds.jpg

Attack Pattern (Acts Thrice)
1 Normal Attack (Hits 1)
2 Fireballs (Hits 1 member and adjacent members)
3 Frost Breath (Hits All)
4 Howl (Inflicts Terror on one member)

King of Hounds Boss Guide

Sixth Floor: Dark King and Dark Queen

dark king dark queen.jpg

Dark King (Acts Twice)
1 Normal Attack (Hits 1)
2 Nightmare (Inflicts Terror on 1 member)
3 Rockslide (Targets All)
Dark Queen (Acts Twice)
1 Normal Attack (Hits 1)
2 Darkness (Inflicts Evil on 1 member)
3 Chilling Wind (Targets All)

Dark King and Dark Queen Boss Guide

Seventh Floor: Evil Sage

evil sage.jpg

Attack Pattern (Acts Twice)
1 Lightning (Hits 1)
2 Explosion (Hits All)
3 Mark (Locks-on to 2 members, deals lethal damage to them after 1 turn)
・Move one of the targeted members to the Safe Spot to minimize Shield Sprinkle usage.

Evil Sage Boss Guide

Final Floor (Apex): Dark Sun

dark sun.jpg

Attack Pattern (Acts Twice)
1 Normal Attack (Hits 1)
2 Dark Hole (Hits All)
3 Nightmare (Inflicts Terror on 1 member)
4 Call Servant (Summons 1 Medal)
・Summoned Medals only do 1 weak normal attack per turn, but it's best to just wipe them out quickly when they spawn.
5 Big Bang (Attack that leaves all party members with 1 HP)
・The Dark Sun will use this skill when its HP drops very low. Be ready to use Sprinkles and move critical teammates to the Safe Spot.

Dark Sun Boss Guide

Miitopia Related Links

Maps and Guides Image.png See Map and Guide List
Map List for Main Story
Miitopia Greenhorne Map Icon.pngChapter 1: Greenhorne Miitopia Neksdor Map Icon.pngChapter 2: Neksdor
Miitopia Realm of the Fey Map Icon.pngChapter 3: Realm of the Fey Miitopia Karkaton Map Icon.pngChapter 4: Karkaton
Miitopia Travelers Hub Map Icon.pngChapter 5-1: Traveler's Hub Miitopia Powdered Peaks Map Icon.pngChapter 5-2: Powdered Peaks
Miitopia Peculia Map Icon.pngChapter 5-3: Peculia Miitopia Nimbus Map Icon.pngChapter 5-4: Nimbus
Miitopia Sky Scraper Map Icon.pngChapter 6: The Sky Scraper / Otherworld
Post Game Maps
Miitopia Galados Isle Map Icon.pngGalados Isle Miitopia New Lumos Map Icon.pngNew Lumos
Miitopia Tower of Dread Map Icon.pngTower of Dread Miitopia Tower of Despair Map Icon.pngTower of Despair


1 totally not danielover 3 years

haha dark sun go boom


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