Miitopia Switch

Neksdor Walkthrough (Chapter 2)

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Miitopia Neksdor Maps Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for Neksdor (Chapter 2) in Miitopia on the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn how to progress through Neksdor, the best team for Neksdor, and the Neksdor map list.

Neksdor Walkthrough

Neksdor Progression

The numbers on the map indicate in which order the areas are recommended to be done.

1 Battle through Neksdor Desert until reaching Neksdor Town. Take on the request of the Desert Celebrity at the town.
2 When you accept the request, the Underground Maze will become available. You will obtain a Mysterious Jewel at number ⑫. This will allow you to unlock the Pyramid later on.
3 Confront the Genie of the Lamp at "F".
4 Return to Neksdor Town, where the faces of its residents will be stolen by the Dark Lord.
5 Rescue the faces at ⑮, ⑱, ㉑, and ㉖. For each face you save, you will obtain a gem used to unlock the final area of the Pyramid.
6 Head to ㉗, the final area the Pyramid, and fight the boss Pharaoh "Genie of the Lamp" .

Best Team for Neksdor

Recommended Party Members
Hero ScientistScientist
Teammate 1 MageMage
Teammate 2 WarriorWarrior
Teammate 3 ClericCleric

In Neksdor, avoid choosing the Cat for the Hero

The Cat is one of the best choices for the Hero's job, but choosing the Cat as the main hero's job in Neksdor will prohibit the Cat from being chosen in the next chapter, Realm of the Fey. Since there is more EXP to be earned in Realm of the Fey than in Neksdor, it's recommended to choose the Cat in Realm of the Fey instead, so that it will be at a much higher level when it's needed for the Dark Lord fight in the following chapter, Karkaton.

Scientist has useful skills in Neskdor

The Scientist is a great job option for the Hero, as its high Speed and access to powerful area of effect attacks allow you to make quick work of enemy mobs. You'll also learn the Safety Mask skill at higher levels, which allow you to protect yourself and your teammates from status ailments. The Safety Mask skill comes in great use especially against the final boss of Neksdor.

Select teammates for balance

For teammates, you'll want to balance out roles between damaging and defending. A Warrior teammate is ideal for damaging and defending allies at the same time, while a pure offensive teammate (preferrably Mage or Cat) dishes out the damage. A healer teammate like a Cleric is there to keep your HP up. This is to prevent your teammates from wasting turns consuming HP Bananas or MP Candies.

Neskdor Map List

Neksdor Desert

Miitopia Neksdor Desert Map Guide.png

Map Image Unlock Condition / Enemies / Treasure Locations
Miitopia Neksdor Desert Map.jpg
① Neksdor Desert
Available at Start of Chapter 2
Cacti Stack / Scaredy-Scorpion
A: Game Ticket (3)
Miitopia Neksdor Desert Map.jpg
② Neksdor Desert
Meet the Great Sage at A
Lady Mural / Cacti Stack / Scaredy-Scorpion
A: Cactus Juice ★★ (1)
B: 200G
Miitopia Neksdor Desert Map.jpg
③ Neksdor Desert
Meet the Great Sage at A
Griffin / Goblin / Cacti Stack / Cumulus / Scaredy-Scorpion
A: Weapon (Max level: 12)
B: 320G
Miitopia Neksdor Desert Map.jpg
④ Neksdor Desert
Clear course ②
A: Weapon (Max level: 12)
Miitopia Neksdor Desert Map.jpg
⑤ Neksdor Desert
Clear ①
Lady Mural / Goblin / Cacti Stack / Scaredy-Scorpions
Miitopia Neksdor Desert Map.jpg
⑯ Neksdor Desert
After defeating the 'Genie of the Lamp', go to Neksdor Town and talk to the 'Merchant Family' who were robbed by the Genie.
A: Game Ticket (3)
Miitopia Neksdor Desert Map.jpg
⑰ Neksdor Desert
After defeating the 'Genie of the Lamp', go to Neksdor Town and talk to the 'Prickly Couple' who were robbed by the Genie.
Cacti Stack / Cactus Ball / Evil Mole
A: 450G
B: Game Ticket (3)
Miitopia Neksdor Desert Map.jpg
⑱ Neksdor Desert
Clear ⑰
1st encounter: Yellow Cobra / "Prickly Husband" Cobra / Cactus Ball / Jade Butterfly / Blue Cobra / Venus Mii Trap
Subsequent encounters: Cactus Ball/ Jade Butterfly / Venus Mii Trap
Miitopia Neksdor Desert Map.jpg
⑲ Neksdor Desert
Clear ⑯ or ⑱
Cacti Stack / Scary Scoprion / Green Snurp
A: 360G

Wetland Way

Miitopia Wetland Way Map Guide.png

Map Image Unlock Condition / Enemies / Treasure Locations
Miitopia Wetland Way Map.jpg
⑥ Wetland Way
Talk to the Desert Celebrity in town and accept a request.
Jade Butterfly / Mole / Evil Mole
A: Trap Chest
B: Game Ticket (3)
C: 360G
D: Strata Sundae ★★ (1)
Miitopia Wetland Way Map.jpg
⑦ Wetland Way
Talk to the Desert Celebrity in town and accept a request.
Man Mural / Lady Mural / Cacti Stack
A: Banshee Tears ★ (2)
Miitopia Wetland Way Map.jpg
⑧ Wetland Way
Clear ⑦
Jade Butterfly
A: Trap Chest
B: Weapon (Max level: 12)

Underground Maze

Miitopia Underground Maze Map Guide.png

Map Image Unlock Condition / Enemies / Treasure Locations
Miitopia Underground Maze Map.jpg
⑨ Underground Maze
Meet with the Great Sage in C
Yellow Cobra / Goblin / Red Goblin
A: 460G
B: 220G
Miitopia Underground Maze Map.jpg
⑩ Underground Maze
Clear ⑨
Yellow Cobra / Fossil / Lizard Fossil / Mole / Red Goblin
A: Game Ticket (1)
B: Game Ticket (3)
Miitopia Underground Maze Map.jpg
⑪ Underground Maze
Clear ⑨
Fossil / Hermit Crab Fossil
A: Dragon Fruit (3)
Miitopia Underground Maze Map.jpg
⑫ Underground Maze
Clear ⑩ or ⑪
Hermit Crab Fossil
A: MP Candy (1)
B: Game Ticket (3)
C: Mysterious Jewel
Miitopia Underground Maze Map.jpg
⑬ Underground Maze
Clear ⑩ or ⑪
1st encounter: Minotaur
Subsequent encounters: Yellow Cobra / Red Goblin
A: 400G
Miitopia Underground Maze Map.jpg
⑭ Underground Maze
After defeating the 'Genie of the Lamp', go to Neksdor Town and talk to the 'Desert Celebrity' who got robbed by the Genie.
Fossil / Lizard Fossil / Venus Mii Trap
Miitopia Underground Maze Map.jpg
⑮ Underground Maze
Clear ⑭
1st encounter: Yellow Cobra / Venus Mii Trap / "Desert Celebrity" / Evil Mole
Subsequent encounters: Venus Mii Trap / Evil Mole

How to Unlock the Neksdor Pyramid


Miitopia Neksdor Pyramid Map Guide.png

Map Image Unlock Condition / Enemies / Treasure Locations
Miitopia Pyramid Map.jpg
⑳ Pyramid
Clear ⑲ and defeat Kind Golem at G
Blue Cobra / Mummy
A: Game Ticket (1)
Miitopia Pyramid Map.jpg
㉑ Pyramid
Clear ⑳
1st encounter: Hieroglyph / "Dancing Guide"
Subsequent encounters: Hieroglyph / Mummy
A: 550G
B: Game Ticket (3)
Miitopia Pyramid Map.jpg
㉒ Pyramid
Clear ㉑
Rock Face / Hieroglyph / Mummy
A: Game Ticket (3)
Miitopia Pyramid Map.jpg
㉓ Pyramid
Clear ㉑
Miitopia Pyramid Map.jpg
㉔ Pyramid
Clear by activating only the 2nd and 3rd switches in ㉓
Blue Cobra / Mummy
A: 1500G
B: Game Ticket (3)
C: Trap Chest
D: Weapon (Max level: 12)
Miitopia Pyramid Map.jpg
㉕ Pyramid
Clear ㉑
Rock Face / Hieroglyph / Mummy
A: 2 Puppet Peppers, 1 Puppet Pepper ★
Miitopia Pyramid Map.jpg
㉖ Pyramid
Clear ㉕
1st encounter: "Shady Merchant Daughter" Blade / "Shady Merchant Father'"Shield / Blue Cobra / Mummy
Subsequent encounters: Blue Cobra / Mummy
A: 580G
Miitopia Pyramid Map.jpg
㉗ Pyramid
Obtain all four Neksdor Jewels and pass through I.
Pharaoh "Genie of the Lamp"

Neksdor (End)

Miitopia Neksdor Walkthrough.png

Map Image Unlock Condition / Enemies / Treasure Locations
Miitopia Wetland Way Map.jpg
㉘ Wetland Way
Clear the course ㉗, then go to Neksdor Town and talk to the 'Genie of the Lamp', which will clear the route by D.
Cactus Ball / Scary Scorpion / Venus Mii Trap
Miitopia Neksdor Desert Map.jpg
㉙ Neksdor Desert
Clear ㉘
Jade Butterfly

Miitopia Related Links

Maps and Guides Image.png See Map and Guide List
Map List for Main Story
Miitopia Greenhorne Map Icon.pngChapter 1: Greenhorne Miitopia Neksdor Map Icon.pngChapter 2: Neksdor
Miitopia Realm of the Fey Map Icon.pngChapter 3: Realm of the Fey Miitopia Karkaton Map Icon.pngChapter 4: Karkaton
Miitopia Travelers Hub Map Icon.pngChapter 5-1: Traveler's Hub Miitopia Powdered Peaks Map Icon.pngChapter 5-2: Powdered Peaks
Miitopia Peculia Map Icon.pngChapter 5-3: Peculia Miitopia Nimbus Map Icon.pngChapter 5-4: Nimbus
Miitopia Sky Scraper Map Icon.pngChapter 6: The Sky Scraper / Otherworld
Post Game Maps
Miitopia Galados Isle Map Icon.pngGalados Isle Miitopia New Lumos Map Icon.pngNew Lumos
Miitopia Tower of Dread Map Icon.pngTower of Dread Miitopia Tower of Despair Map Icon.pngTower of Despair


2 Anonymousover 2 years

A tent is in the map.

1 Anonymousover 2 years

Did you know Neksdor has an tent?


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