Miitopia Switch

Imp Job: Equipment, Skills, and Best Personality

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Miitopia Imp Weapons and Skills

This is a guide for the Imp Job in Miitopia for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn how to unlock the Imp, skills, weapons, outfits, and best personality to use with the Imp Job!

Miitopia Imp Rating


ImpImp Rating Attack Type
Main Hero: ★★☆
Companion: ★☆☆
Single Target
The Imp focuses on inflicting magic damage against enemies, as well as breaking down their defenses and leeching HPs and MPs from them. It is recommended to start your Imp with a Cool personality and then switch to Energetic later in the game for increased efficiency

Best Jobs: Job Tier List

Deals Magic Damage with High Durability

The Imp can deal magic attacks in the same way as Mages and Scientists. However, the Imp has a higher HP and defense capabilities compared to the other magic-type Jobs.

Useful Main Hero

With the Imp's debuffing abilities and high durability, it is an excellent main hero to use. Sweet Whisper itself makes The Imp worth having in your team, as this skill can increase the damage inflicted to enemies affected by the skill.

Best Personality for Imp in Miitopia

You can finish the game regardless of the personality you choose, so if you're looking to have fun without worrying about efficiency in the early stages, it's best to just use your preferred personality to go with your playstyle. However, if you want to get the best out of your character, continue reading our guide below for our recommendations.

Recommended Personality for Imp

Personality Rating
Cool ★★★
Energetic ★★★
Laid-back ★★☆
Cautious ★☆☆
Stubborn ★☆☆
Kind ★☆☆
Airheaded ★☆☆

Choose 'Cool' During the Main Story

Choosing the Cool personality will allow you to use Pressure Point, which is an effective move. It is also safe to use, as it does not have any disadvantages compared to other personalities.

Choose 'Energetic' After the Main Story

As you finish the Main Story, you will have more skills that consume a lot of MP, so it is recommended to switch your personality to Energetic during Chapter 5 to have the ability to restore MP to your allies.

Best Personality for All Jobs: Personality Tier List

Best Stats to Increase for Imp

Stat Rating
Magic ★★★
MP ★★★
Defense ★★☆
Speed ★★☆
HP ★☆☆
Attack ★☆☆

Investing in Magic helps Imps deal more damage overall. MP is also a great investment to compensate for their low MP stat, and while Imps have access to the Brain Drain ability they'd be better off not wasting a turn to cast it. Speed is a good second investment that helps get them ahead of enemies and either deal damage or apply debuffs on the enemy. Imps are also decently bulky, so investing a few points into Defense works well for them.

How to Unlock Imp in Miitopia

Imp Available After Completing Chapter 1

The Cat Job becomes available in the Neksdor region, which is unlocked after completing Chapter 1. At the same time, Scientist and Cat will also become available. Please refer to the guide below to learn more about every Job's availability:

How to Unlock All Jobs

List of Imp Skills in Miitopia

Here is a list of skills for the Miitopia Imp.

Lv. MP Name|Effect
2 4 Naughty Pitchfork
Skewer an enemy with a fork formed of darkness. (magic)
3 3 Butt Jab
Gently prod a friend and get them to attack an enemy in your place.
6 7 Sweet Whispers
Tell an enemy a little white lie to distract it.
10 0 Brain Drain
Draw mental energy from an enemy and transform it into MP.
11 12 Energy Drain
Drain an enemy's life energy and transform it into HP. (magic)
15 10 Charm
Tinker with a friend's emotions and rouse them to action.
18 12 Punishing Pitchfork
Skewer an enemy plus the two next to it with forks of darkness. (magic)
23 20 Demonic Whisper
Try to drag enemies into the depths. If you're lucky, they'll simply vanish.
31 35 Wicked Pitchforks
Skewer all enemies with forks of darkness. (magic)

Imp Equipment

Here is a list of outfits and weapons for the Miitopia Imp.

No. Outfit Details
1 Miitopia Imp Training Costume
Training Costume
Level Available: Start of game
Price: -
Defense: 1
2 Miitopia Imp Bat Costume
Bat Costume
Level Available: 2
Price: 140
Defense: 4
3 Miitopia Imp Uniform Costume
Uniform Costume
Level Available: 3
Price: 210
Defense: 9
4 Miitopia Imp Fairy Costume
Fairy Costume
Level Available: 4
Price: 310
Defense: 12
5 Miitopia Imp Polka-Dot Costume
Polka-Dot Costume
Level Available: 5
Price: 430
Defense: 17
6 Miitopia Imp Goat Costume
Goat Costume
Level Available: 6
Price: 570
Defense: 20
7 Miitopia Imp Leather Costume
Leather Costume
Level Available: 7
Price: 730
Defense: 24
8 Miitopia Imp Woolly Costume
Woolly Costume
Level Available: 8
Price: 920
Defense: 28
9 Miitopia Imp Demon Costume
Demon Costume
Level Available: 9
Price: 1100
Defense: 32
10 Miitopia Imp Lacy Costume
Lacy Costume
Level Available: 10
Price: 1300
Defense: 36
11 Miitopia Imp Macho Costume
Macho Costume
Level Available: 11
Price: 1600
Defense: 40
12 Miitopia Imp Mummy Costume
Mummy Costume
Level Available: 12
Price: 1900
Defense: 44
13 Miitopia Imp Statue Costume
Statue Costume
Level Available: 13
Price: 2200
Defense: 47
14 Miitopia Imp Heart Costume
Heart Costume
Level Available: 14
Price: 2500
Defense: 52
15 Miitopia Imp Rock Costume
Rock Costume
Level Available: 15
Price: 2900
Defense: 56
16 Miitopia Imp Egyptian Costume
Egyptian Costume
Level Available: 17
Price: 3700
Defense: 64
17 Miitopia Imp Super Costume
Super Costume
Level Available: 19
Price: 4600
Defense: 72
18 Miitopia Imp Odd Bird Costume
Odd Bird Costume
Level Available: 21
Price: 5500
Defense: 80
19 Miitopia Imp Hero Costume
Hero Costume
Level Available: 23
Price: 6600
Defense: 88
20 Miitopia Imp Harlequin Costume
Harlequin Costume
Level Available: 25
Price: 7800
Defense: 97
21 Miitopia Imp Silver Costume
Silver Costume
Level Available: 27
Price: 9000
Defense: 105
22 Miitopia Imp Neon Costume
Neon Costume
Level Available: 29
Price: 10000
Defense: 113
23 Miitopia Imp Steampunk Costume
Steampunk Costume
Level Available: 32
Price: 12000
Defense: 125
24 Miitopia Imp Lightning Costume
Lightning Costume
Level Available: 35
Price: 15000
Defense: 139
25 Miitopia Imp Squid Costume
Squid Costume
Level Available: 38
Price: 17000
Defense: 151
26 Miitopia Imp Robot Costume
Robot Costume
Level Available: 41
Price: 20000
Defense: 164
27 Miitopia Imp Dragon Costume
Dragon Costume
Level Available: 44
Price: 23000
Defense: 177
28 Miitopia Imp Angel Costume
Angel Costume
Level Available: 47
Price: 27000
Defense: 190
29 Miitopia Imp Legendary Costume
Legendary Costume
Level Available: 50
Price: 30000
Defense: 204
30 Miitopia Imp Ragged Costume
Ragged Costume
Level Available: Roulette
Price: -
Defense: 0
List of Outfits (Armor)
No. Weapon Details
1 Miitopia Imp Training Spear
Training Spear
Level Available: Start of game
Price: -
Attack: 1
Magic: 2
2 Miitopia Imp Fork Spear
Fork Spear
Level Available: 2
Price: 140
Attack: 2
Magic: 4
3 Miitopia Imp Demonic Spear
Demonic Spear
Level Available: 4
Price: 310
Attack: 6
Magic: 9
4 Miitopia Imp Ice Cream Spear
Ice Cream Spear
Level Available: 6
Price: 570
Attack: 10
Magic: 14
5 Miitopia Imp Skull Spear
Skull Spear
Level Available: 8
Price: 920
Attack: 14
Magic: 19
6 Miitopia Imp Sweet Spear
Sweet Spear
Level Available: 10
Price: 1300
Attack: 18
Magic: 25
7 Miitopia Imp Eye Spear
Eye Spear
Level Available: 12
Price: 1900
Attack: 22
Magic: 30
8 Miitopia Imp Heart Spear
Heart Spear
Level Available: 14
Price: 2500
Attack: 27
Magic: 37
9 Miitopia Imp Ancient Spear
Ancient Spear
Level Available: 16
Price: 3300
Attack: 32
Magic: 42
10 Miitopia Imp Rune Spear
Rune Spear
Level Available: 18
Price: 4100
Attack: 37
Magic: 49
11 Miitopia Imp Destruction Spear
Destruction Spear
Level Available: 20
Price: 5000
Attack: 42
Magic: 56
12 Miitopia Imp Hero Spear
Hero Spear
Level Available: 23
Price: 6600
Attack: 50
Magic: 67
13 Miitopia Imp Knight Spear
Knight Spear
Level Available: 26
Price: 8400
Attack: 59
Magic: 79
14 Miitopia Imp Squid Spear
Squid Spear
Level Available: 29
Price: 10000
Attack: 68
Magic: 91
15 Miitopia Imp Golden Spear
Golden Spear
Level Available: 32
Price: 12000
Attack: 78
Magic: 103
16 Miitopia Imp Water Drop Spear
Water Drop Spear
Level Available: 35
Price: 15000
Attack: 87
Magic: 117
17 Miitopia Imp Spell Spear
Spell Spear
Level Available: 38
Price: 17000
Attack: 98
Magic: 130
18 Miitopia Imp Crimson Rune Spear
Crimson Rune Spear
Level Available: 41
Price: 20000
Attack: 108
Magic: 145
19 Miitopia Imp Ruinous Spear
Ruinous Spear
Level Available: 45
Price: 24000
Attack: 123
Magic: 166
20 Miitopia Imp Legendary Spear
Legendary Spear
Level Available: 50
Price: 30000
Attack: 143
Magic: 193
List of Weapons

Level 50 Stats Comparison per Job

Level 50 Stats (No Equipment, No Grub)

Job HP MP Atk Mgc Def Spd
Pop Star 318 104 57 103 73 60
Elf 188 156 99 93 95 57
Cat 208 73 110 5 87 108
Vampire 325 131 86 185 87 50
Cleric 208 164 71 185 67 108
Princess 221 151 65 149 62 90
Imp 297 88 58 180 91 54
Warrior 310 62 114 10 94 48
Tank 284 62 111 52 100 0
Chef 232 125 94 82 83 54
Thief 258 83 62 82 93 120
Scientist 208 164 71 185 67 108
Flower 306 172 52 88 79 51
Mage 184 175 46 194 75 96

Level 50 Stats (Best Equipment, No Grub)

Job HP MP Atk Mgc Def Spd
Warrior 310 62 352 10 307 48
Mage 184 175 152 403 242 96
Cleric 208 164 265 383 215 108
Thief 258 83 252 82 300 120
Pop Star 318 104 236 103 236 60
Chef 232 125 309 82 333 54
Cat 208 73 346 5 281 108
Scientist 208 164 257 350 224 108
Imp 297 88 201 373 295 54
Tank 284 62 354 52 322 0
Princess 221 151 255 309 201 90
Flower 306 172 225 182 255 51
Vampire 325 131 297 383 281 50
Elf 188 156 321 192 308 57

Miitopia Related Guides

Miitopia - Jobs Partial.pngList of Jobs
List of Jobs
WarriorWarrior MageMage ClericCleric
ThiefThief Pop StarPop Star ChefChef
CatCat ScientistScientist ImpImp
TankTank PrincessPrincess FlowerFlower
Hidden Jobs
VampireVampire ElfElf

Best Jobs: Job Tier List


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