Miitopia Switch

Differences from 3DS Version: Switch vs. 3DS

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This is an article about the differences between Miitopia for the Nintendo Switch and its original version on the 3DS. Read on to learn what features are new in the Miitopia Switch remake!

Differences from 3DS Version

Differences from 3DS: Makeup & Wigs

Miitopia on the Nintendo Switch had added the feature of adding makeup and wigs to your Mii. There are hundreds of different styles, designs, and stickers to customize your character, which will ensure you create a uniquely personalized Mii! Makeup and wigs can be applied at any time through the Menu, after you create a Mii.

Mii Maker Guide and Character Creation Tutorial

Differences from 3DS: Makeup editing screen

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A total of 100 makeup features can be added to your Mii, which allows for creations far more complex than what was allowed on the 3DS. In addition to eye shadow, blush, and lipstick, you can edit makeup to highlight your eyes and even add masks or stickers. You can precisely choose the color of each application, as well as scale and rotate each part.

Differences from 3DS: Wig editing screen

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In addition to bangs and back hair, you can also add a cowlick. The wig's color can be changed just as precisely as the makeup. It is also possible to give a wig a color gradient.

Differences from 3DS: Outing Tickets

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In Miitopia for the Nintendo Switch, you can go on outings by collecting Outing Tickets as the game progresses. From the Inn, you can select Mii's to go an outing. The Mii's will go on outings to places such as the Cinema, Seaside, or the Cafe. Mii's that go on an outing together will get an increase in their relationship, and possibly even Grub!

How to Farm Outing Tickets

Differences from 3DS: Introducing the Horse!

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You will get to befriend a Horse in the middle of Chapter 1. Just like other Mii's, you can customize the appearance of the Horse, as well as give it a name. You can also edit these at any time through the Party section of the Menu.

Miitopia Horse Battle.jpg

Like other party members, Horses have relationship levels that, when leveled up, unlock certain actions in battle. You can only raise your relationship level with the Horse in the Inn or on an outing, not in battle or while traveling.

Horse Guide: What Does the Horse Do?

Differences from 3DS: New Events

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Miitopia for the Nintendo Switch has events, or short cut-scenes, that were not previously shown on the 3DS version. Events can't be replayed from Highlights, so make sure to record them with your Switch if you want to relive them.

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3 Alexover 2 years

Hi! Actually you can boost relationship with the horse during battles! If the horse uses randomly triggered relationship moves (such as Snuggle Up, or Neigh) the heart goes up the same as with anyone else. :) Thank you!

2 Anonymousover 3 years

jk good


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