Miitopia Switch

List of All Personalities

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Miitopia Switch List of Personalities

This article is a list of all personalities and skills and their effects for Miitopia for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn more about personalities and the quirks associated with each!

Best Personalities

You can finish the game regardless of the personality you choose, so if you're looking to have fun without worrying about efficiency in the early stages, it's best to just use your preferred personality to go with your playstyle. However, if you want to get the best out of your character, continue reading our guide below for our recommendations.

Best Personality Ranking

Below is a list of each personality and their ranking.

Personality Rank Best Jobs
Cool ★★★ Any except Vampire
Energetic ★★★ Any
Laid-back ★★☆ Mage, Scientist
Cautious ★★☆ Tank, Flower
Stubborn ★☆☆ Cat, Vampire
Kind ★☆☆ Thief, Vampire
Airheaded ★☆☆ None

Best Personality for All Jobs

'Cool' Personality

Cool can increase the damage of a regular attack and help avoid an enemy's attack. It can also help you avoid status effects by being indifferent.

It is advantageous to use this in the early stages of the game because of it has almost no disadvantages, and is useful across almost all jobs and party members.
Cool Personality and Quirks

Compatible with Everyone Except Vampires

Cool is safe to use in almost every Job, except for Vampires because some of its skills such as Curse makes it incompatible with some of the personality's quirks.

'Energetic' Personality

MP management becomes important in the mid-stages of the game as using Skills during a battle becomes the key to winning.

Energetic is an excellent personality to use because it gives the ability to recover the MP of their fellow party members who have little MP left.

Just like Cool, it has almost no disadvantages, so it's a good idea to switch to Energetic at around Chapter 5 (Powdered Peaks, Peculia, Nimbus).
Energetic Personality and Quirks

Personality Effect List

Below is a list of each Personality and their quirks and effects.


Quirk Effect
Cover Protects allies and takes damage instead.
Donate Have allies who do not have recovery items use their own items.
Spare When the HP of the enemy (excluding the boss) is less than half, you have a chance to dodge the attack and kill it. If it fails, you will be attacked by the enemy.

Kind Personality and Quirks


Quirk Effect
Cheer Recovers the MP of an ally that has low MP. Works once per battle.
Hang On Survive with 1 HP when taking fatal damage.
Charge Inflicts 1.5 times more physical attack damage on one enemy, but inflicts '2' damage on self.

Energetic Personality and Quirks


Quirk Effect
Hide Hide behind your friends and let them take the damage.
Cadge Takes a food from an ally if they do not have any left.
Get Serious MP consumption of the skill remains the same, and the damage increases.
Nah... Offers immunity to emotion-based status ailments.
Slack Off The MP cost of the skill is halved, but the effect is also reduced.

Laid-back Personality and Quirks


Quirk Effect
Pressure Point Inflicts 1.5 times more damage with a normal physical attack.
Indifference Immunity to status ailments.
Shan't Refuses to cover for an ally.
Avoid Dodges the enemy's normal physical attacks.

Cool Personality and Quirks


Quirk Effect
Finisher Finish off an enemy with low HP.
Prepped and Ready Chance to retrieve recovery items if you don't have HP banana or MP candy. Activated only once per battle.
Warm Up Warm up at the beginning of the turn and attack at the end of the turn. The effect of physical attacks or HP recovery skills are doubled.

Cautious Personality and Quirks


Quirk Effect
Frolic Block the actions of one enemy (excluding the boss) for one turn.
Sleepyhead When HP is less than half, you will fall asleep.
Oops! Physically attacks enemies other than the one it is aiming for, dealing 2.5 times more damage.

Airheaded Personality and Quirks


Quirk Effect
Patience Halves the damage of normal physical attacks.
Bluff Occasionally refuses help from an ally.
Again Repeat the same action twice.

Stubborn Personality and Quirks

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4 Jose Pablo Orozco4 months

I am yawning I am a laid-back


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