Last of Us 2

Who Dies in The Last of Us Part 2?

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Curious to know who does and doesn't die in The Last of Us 2? This page will tell you the fate of each character who plays a role in the game.

Who Dies in The Last of Us 2?

Let's start off by getting the spoiler warning out of the way. This article WILL contain tons of spoilers, but if you have come to this article it's assumed that you are ok with that.

Final Fight
In The Last of Us 2, many key many key characters either die or come near death. The Last of Us 2 has a lot of characters, so only characters that have a bigger role in the overall plot of the story are mentioned here.

Does Joel Die?

During a patrol with Tommy, his younger brother, Joel saves Abby from getting bitten by an Infected. Abby then brings Joel and Tommy to a ski resot that Abby and her friends are using as shelter to wait out a snow storm.

Upon arriving, Joel and Tommy introduce themselves to Abby's friends, before getting his kneecaps folded by a shotgun blast from Abby herself. Abby then proceeds to beat Joel with a golf club until Ellie eventually arrives, leading to Abby ending Joel with a final swing to the head.

Character Joel
Status Deceased
Cause Abby: Beating
Chapter of Death Chapter 1: Jackson - The Chalet

Joel: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

Does Ellie Die?

While Ellie does survive to the end of the story, she does come out of the story badly hurt and with missing digits. She also sustains several serious injuries, such as getting impaled in the side via a tree.

Character Ellie
Status Crippled
Cause 2 Fingers bitten off by Abby
Chapter of Death N/A

Ellie: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

Does Abby Die?

Abby also goes through a lot of pain in the story, but overall comes out in a much better condition than Ellie. At the end of the game she is found in rough shape from treatment of the rattlers, however other than some cuts and bruises, plus malnutrition, she walks away from this story in better shape than most characters.

Character Abby
Status Alive
Cause N/A
Chapter of Death N/A

Abby Anderson: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

Does Dina Die?

Dina is, like most characters, not left without any injuries. However, compared to most of the main characters who were were killed or severely crippled, Dina makes it out okay. She does almost die to the hands of Abby, but when Lev tells Abby not to, she lets Dina go. Dina is able to survive her trip to Seattle with just some cuts and bruises on her body.

Character Dina
Status Alive
Cause N/A
Chapter of Death N/A

Dina: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

Does Jesse Die?

Jesse meets up with Ellie later in Seatle to help Dina and Ellie. However, once Ellie and Tommy return to the theater that they are using as a base, Abby shoots Jesse in the face, killing him instantly.

Character Jesse
Status Deceased
Death by Abby: Shot to the head
Chapter of Death Seattle Day 3 - Infiltration

Jesse: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

Does Tommy Die?

Tommy doesn't fully die. From the end of Chapter 4: Seattle Day 3 - Infiltration, he seems dead due to Abby shooting him in the face. By chapter 9 we see him alive but badly crippled from the encounter.

It would appear as though he is now blind in one eye, and one of his legs does not totally function anymore.

Character Tommy
Status Crippled
Cause Limp in left leg by arrow.
Left eye damged by gunshot wound.
Chapter of Death N/A

Tommy: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

Does Owen Die?

At the end of chapter 4, Wwen was arguing with Mel when Ellie infiltrated the aquarium. Ellie comes in and holds them at gun point. Owen makes a move to take the gun from Ellie, but Ellie is able to shake him off, and shoots him in the chest.

Character Owen
Status Deceased
Cause Ellie: Gunshot to the chest
Chapter of Death Chapter 4: Seattle Day 3 - Infiltration

Does Mel Die?

After Ellie infiltrated the aquarium, Ellie comes in and holds them at gun point. After Owen fails to disarm Ellie, Mel attemps to stab Ellie but after some fighting for the knife Ellie stabs her in the neck.

Character Mel
Status Deceased
Cause Ellie: Stab to the throat
Chapter of Death Chapter 4: Seattle Day 3 - Infiltration

Does Lev Die?

Lev is punished for trying to escape from imprisonment from the Rattlers with Abby, and the two are tied up outside left to die. When Ellie frees them, they are both extremely malnourished, and Lev seems barely even conscious. However, he is able to make it off of the island alive, together with Abby.

Character Lev
Status Alive
Cause N/A
Chapter of Death N/A

Lev: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

Does Yara Die?

Yara is punished by the Seraphites by having her arm smashed to bits. In order to prevent the condition getting worse, she has to have it amputed, but she does survive this operation.

However, after Lev steals a boat to run back to the Seraphite's island and Abby and Yara go to save him, Yara is killed by WLF soldiers who are conducting a full on invasion of the island.

Character Yara
Status Deceased
Cause WLF Sodier: Gunshot
Chapter of Death Seattle Day 3 - The Escape

Yara: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

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