Last of Us 2

Double Barrel Shotgun: Location and Best Upgrades

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This page about the Double Barrel Shotgun, a Long Gun in The Last of Us Part II. Read on to learn how to get the Double Barrel Shotgun, as well as the best weapon upgrades for it, and how to use the Double Barrel Shotgun.

Double Barrel Shotgun: Basic Information

Weapon Double Barrel Shotgun IconDouble Barrel Shotgun
Description Mid-range shotgun with high damage and slow reload speed.
Type Long Gun
Capacity 2

Double Barrel Shotgun: Best Upgrades

Double Barrel Shotgun: List of Upgrades

Name Parts Effect
Stability 30 Add weight to the stock to decrease weapon sway.
-35% Recoil
+50% Stability
Reload Speed 40 Store shotgun shells in bullet loops on the stock to increase reload speed.
+35% Reload Speed
Damage 60 Replace the barrel to fire more powerful shots.
+30% Damage

Best Upgrades for the Double Barrel Shotgun

Upgrade Upgrade Priority
Stability ★★☆☆
Reload Speed ★★★☆
Damage ★★★★

It is recommended that you immediately upgrade the Damage of your shotgun once it is available. The firepower of your shotgun is already strong by default, but upgrading its damage will further increase its effectiveness when dealing with the tougher enemies that you will encounter.

Upgrading the Stability and Reload Speed will not matter much, since you will be using the Double Barrel Shotgun in mid to close-range fights where you will take out most enemies with one shot most of the time. Upgrade them only if you have extra parts.

How to Use the Double Barrel Shotgun

Shotgun - Banner 1.jpg
The Double Barrel Shotgun can deal massive damage on close-range fights, especially if you are against the tougher enemies like the Shambler or Bloaters. Using the Double Barrel Shotgun against them will help you take them out faster when fired at point-blank, or when used with the Incendciary Shells from the Firearms Skill Branch.

List of Skill Branches

Shotgun - Banner 2.jpg
Also, if you find yourself in situations where the enemies have you surrounded, it is a good idea to use the Double Barrel Shotgun because of its powerful piercing shots and large spread, which can take down multiple enemies at once.

How to Get the Double Barrel Shotgun

Found in Seattle Day 1 - Hostile Terrritory

You'll find the double barrel shotgun in Seattle Day 1 - Hostile Territory (chapter 6). At the shop with chinese vase, it is placed behind the cash register.

Chapter 6: Seattle Day 1 - Hostile Territory Walkthrough

Last of Us 2 Weapons

List of Weapons


Semi-Auto Pistol Revolver
Military Pistol Hunting Pistol

Long Guns

Long Guns
Bolt-Action Rifle Pump Shotgun Bow
Semi-Auto Rifle Double Barrel Shotgun Crossbow
Flamethrower Silenced Submachine Gun -


Throwable Weapons
Bottle Brick Molotov
Stun Bomb Trap Mine Pipe Bomb


Other Weapons
Machete Hammer 2x4
Axe Pickaxe Pipe
Sickle Club Baton
Pipe Wrench Switchblade Shiv


Recovery Items
Health Kits


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