Last of Us 2

How to Deal With Dogs

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Guard Dogs are a constant threat in The Last of Us Part II. Knowing how to deal with them is key to getting around their human companions.

Dog Enemies in The Last of Us 2

A new enemy in the last of us 2, Dogs, are a hostile NPC that can sniff you out and track you, as well as attack you once you have been exposed. Dogs have excellent hearing and smelling abilities, and can find you via scent trails.

Scent Trails Explained

How Dogs Work

Dogs will usually always follow a human enemy. WLF combatants use dogs extensively. When on alert, dog patrols will try to look for your scent trail. You can check your sent trail for yourself with Listen Mode. If a dog finds your scent trail, they will guide human enemies that are on your path trying to find you straight to you.

How to Deal With Dogs

Countering Dogs While in Stealth

Scent Trail
Dogs are still not perfect beasts, and can be distracted by throwing bricks or glass bottles. Dogs also won't smell you as long, as you avoid crossing their patrol path. It is not possible to stealth kill dogs, as they will hear or smell you before you get close. The only way to kill dogs without breaking stealth is to use the bow, or a suppressed pistol to kill the dog handler, then taking care of the dog.

Fighting Dogs When Alerted

When your cover has been blown, the dogs will charge for the player, which by itself is not much of an issue since dogs have very low health and can be killed with one melee attack, but while human enemies are shooting at you, it can be difficult to expose yourself and kill a charging dog. The ideal tactic is to made the dog follow you around a corner, then either shoot the dog or perform a dodge then melee strike.

If there is no cover to lead the dog behind, the quickest and easiest way to deal with them is with a shotgun blast, or a well placed molotov. Another possible ambush plan is to lay down a Trap Mine before starting combat. The dog will then charge you, but will be taken out by the trap, making it so you don't need to take your attention away from the gunfight.

Last of Us 2 Enemies

List of Enemies


Infected Enemies
Runners Stalkers Clickers
Bloaters Shamblers Rat King


Non-Infected Enemies
WLF Dogs
Seraphites Rattlers

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