Last of Us 2

Chapter 2: Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill Walkthrough

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Capitol Hill.jpg
This is a walkthrough for Chapter 2: Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill in The Last of Us Part 2 (TLOU2). For a list of objectives in this section, items, collectible locations, enemy strategy and other tips & tricks, read on!

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Eastbrook Elementary Channel 13

Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill Walkthrough

1 Check inside the houses for supplies. You will find a Short Weapon Holster.
2 Go upstairs through the apartments and cross over into the next area.
3 Moving forward, you will encounter more WLF members patrolling the streets.
4 After getting past the patrol, go to the gasoline station, and you will see a Workbench inside.
5 Continue heading down the street and go to the right side of the area, where you will encounter WLF and infected in the area.
6 Go inside the building with the second floor on it and head upstairs to get over to the next area.
7 Give Dina a boost to get over the wall.
8 Move forward to reach the Radio station.
9 Use the traps to bait the incoming infected that are swarming the area.
10 Enter the open gate and go down the river.
11 Follow the river and you will encounter Tommy's dead horse.
12 After the cutscene, continue moving forward to the forest.
13 Jump over the barricade then move forward. Squeeze through some tight spaces to avoid triggering the trip wire.
Optional: Get inside the building that has a WELLWISHES sign on it, and you will encounter a safe.
The safe code is 55-01-33
14 Go Prone to cross over the third truck that you will encounter.
15 Use bricks to trigger the tripwire, since there is no way around it anymore.
16 Go upstairs at the end of the street and trigger some of the tripwire again.
17 Move past the locked door and go over the broken metal wall.
18 Move around the locked door and go over the broken metal wall.

Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill Tips and Strategy

More WLF members patrolling the streets.

More WLF.jpg
Since you are mostly on the outside, make use of your surroundings to hide from them. Getting involved in a gun fight will be hard for you, since these enemies call for backup and can have you surrounded in no time.

Triggering the Trip Wire

Triggering Tripwire.jpg
You can spot these Trip Wire on the ground, and they can be avoided easily. Alternatively, you can trigger them by throwing a Brick or Bottle to these traps.

Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill Safe Locations

Thrift Shop Safe Code

Capital Hill Safe.jpg
After you start to use bricks to destroy the trip mines, follow the street to the back, and on the left side of the street, you will see a thrift shop. The safe will be inside to the left.

Safe Combination

Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill Collectibles


ChevyChevy's Apology
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This artifact is on the bed at the second floor of the house with the home number 6 and fresh blood on the ground floor.
RaulRaul's Olive Branch
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This artifact is inside the drawer of the kitchen counter inside the apartment behind the motel.
To get to this apartment, you will need to reposition the dumpster in order to enter through the balcony.
RebeccaRebecca's Tip Off
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This artifact is beside the sink in the Coffee House section of the Books store.
Tower Doodles.jpgTower Doodles
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This artifact is on top of the watchtower you can climb before sliding down the slope.
RaulRaul's Account
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This artifact is inside the truck under the broken highway just before you encounter the dead horse.
FranFran's Refusal
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This artifact is pinned on a cork board in the first building you can enter after passing multiple tripwires.
Thrift Store Reminder.jpgThrift Store Reminder
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This artifact is pinned on a cork board in the intersection of the second building you can enter after passing multiple tripwires.

Trading Cards

Kinnard Esq..jpgKinnard, Esq.
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This trading card is inside a drawer on the ground floor of the house with the home number 3.
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This trading card is on the floor inside the motel room with the number 3.
You can enter the motel room by entering the room beside it and going around the back.
Doctor Stem.jpgDoctor Stem
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This trading card is on the chest in the area with infected at the Books store.
Sergeant Frost.jpgSergeant Frost
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This trading card is inside a locker at the very back of Olive Street Market.
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This trading card is on the shelf at the corner of the Liquor store after witnessing infected walk on trip mines.
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Capitol Hill
Location This trading card is on the left bookshelf inside the second building you can enter after passing multiple tripwires.

Last of Us 2 Related Links

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Eastbrook Elementary Channel 13

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 3 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 4 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 5 The Park
Chapter 6 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 7 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 8 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 9 The Farm
Chapter 10 Santa Barbara
Chapter 11 The Farm


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