Last of Us 2

The Seraphites (Scars): Battle Tips and Strategy

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Seraphites (Scars) is one of two factions of humans that you'll come across in The Last of Us Part II. Read on to learn how to deal with Seraphites, and tips for combat with them.

Who are The Seraphites?

The Seraphies are a cult-like faction that fights with the WLF for resources and territory in Seattle. They are called Scars for short because of the self inflicted scars on their face. The Seraphites refuse to use “Old World Technology”, except when it benefits them in fighing their enemies. In combat, Scars communicate by whistling, to avoid letting their enemies hear there callouts.

Seraphite Battle Tips

The Seraphites fight mainly with small arms, melee weapons, and bows. This makes long range combat ideal when fighing scar solders. Laying down Trap Bombs to keep them from closing the distance between you and the melee combatants at bay lets you engage with bow and small arm enemies at long range with your rifle. This is very good if you have already unlocked the 6x scope and Damage upgrade.

Other than that, they are rather basic. A clean shot from a revolver anywhere on these enemies is usually enough to take them down. Natuarally, headshots will be the best tactic for taking them out, but if you shoot them in the leg at a close enough distance, they will be briefly stunned, allowing you to rush in and finish them off via a melee attack.

Last of Us 2 Enemies

List of Enemies


Infected Enemies
Runners Stalkers Clickers
Bloaters Shamblers Rat King


Non-Infected Enemies
WLF Dogs
Seraphites Rattlers

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