Last of Us 2

Is The Last of Us 2 Open World?

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The Last of Us Part II - Horse

In 2020, Open World games have become synonymous with large adventure titles. Find out if The Last of Us Part II, one of the hottest releases of year, fits into this genre of games.

Defining Open World Games

Whether or not a game is an 'open world game' can sometimes be hard to determine given how some gamers and game companies define the term. First, let's take a look at what gamers generally consider to be an 'open world experience'.

What is Open World?

In general, Open World is the opposite of Linear in terms of games. An Open World game is a game that allows the player to roam freely among a (usually large-scale) area. Open world games normally accomplish getting players from point A to point B with story, dialogue, or waypoint markers to point the player in the right direction, however, the player is allowed to enjoy more random non-story based encounters in the form of side quests. Open world games also tend to encourage exploration through massive maps with tons of hidden secrets.

A Linear game does the opposite, restricting the game and guiding the player through a specific path in the game. These sorts of games tend to follow a formula of being more cinematic, and allow the player to play out these sorts of scripted encounters. Being linear isn't inherently bad though, as it allows the story of a game be at the forefront of said experience, making it more impactful and enjoyable overall for some.

Is The Last of Us 2 Open World?

Given the definitions above, The Last of Us 2 can not be considered an open world game per se. This is unsurprising, being that the style of games Naughty Dog is known for, including The Last of Us 2, are in fact story heavy games.

Open World Elements

Although The Last of Us 2 will not be a full on open world titte, we will be able to experience some open world-like parts in the game.

The game will have a section where Ellie will be able to sort of roam a small town, collecting supplies and perhaps even fighting enemies. She will have a horse to help her travel among the town and a map can even be found to help you navigate. This section of the game is limited though, so you will need to take care of what you would like to before continuing, as there will be no way to return once you leave.

Other than that, you can expect a more linear overall experience, similar to Part I in the fact that clearing a section of the game usually means not being able to return.

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2 Noblesseover 4 years

sorry for the typos, but using my mobile.. and the post screen here is super cramped...

1 Noblesseover 4 years

seems Hard mode is the best fir the 1st playthru, .. just like with part 1 ...survival / horror games need to be a bit hard (fear of dying intensifies the atmosphere.. besides the gameplay evolves a bit more on higher settings;.. and hard wont be frustrating, but you won't rush thru either (makes gameplay moments more memorable)


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