Last of Us 2

How to Kill Clickers

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How to Kill Clickers - Banner 1.jpg

Clickers are one of the most deadly types of infected in The Last of Us Part II. Learn how to deal with Clickers so they never one-shot you again!

How to Kill Clickers

How to Kill Clickers - Banner 2.jpg
Clickers can be easily dealt with by instantly eliminating them with a stealth kill. However, it can be difficult to get near a Clicker because of their strong hearing. Clickers are more sensitive to sound than the other infected enemies you will encounter, so in addition to crouching while walking, you'll need to move your stick extremely lightly.

How to Stealth Kill | Stealth Tips

Take note that Clickers are completely blind, and they will not be able to spot you even up close, so it is possible to Stealth Kill a Clicker even when they are facing you. The only situation where a Clicker can attack you without hearing a sound from you is if you are spotted by other infected enemies within the area. This means that clickers are easy when solo, but can be a much bigger threat when partnered up with runners, who can detect you with their vision and alert other infected.

Like other infected, clickers are weak to fire, so especially when clickers are bunched up together where stealth kills seem very hard, targeting their area with a molotov can do wonders.

Fighting Off Clickers

How to Kill Clickers - Fighting off clickers.jpg
When possible, you should try and avoid combat with these beasts, and you do not want to let them near you when you've been detected. Unlike runners, which are a bit weaker individually, a clicker can easily one-shot you with a bite to the jugular, so they are extremely lethal.

If you ever get into a situation where you are getting attacked by a Clicker, try to create some distance and use ranged weapons to deal with them. Keep in mind that landing headshots on a Clicker will stun them, leaving them open for an instant melee kill. If a clicker gets to close to you and out-running it doesn't seem like an option, pop it in the head, then rush in for a melee attack.

Last of Us 2 Enemies

List of Enemies


Infected Enemies
Runners Stalkers Clickers
Bloaters Shamblers Rat King


Non-Infected Enemies
WLF Dogs
Seraphites Rattlers

Other Guides

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New Infected and Enemies


1 Anonymousover 4 years

Uh... don’t you think it’s worth noting that clickers can “spot” you with their echo-location “scream”? If they do that and you are in front of them, they will most definitely spot you.


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