Last of Us 2

Hospital Boss Guide: How to Kill The Rat King

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Rat King - The Last of Us 2.jpg

The Rat King is one of the new infected introduced in the game The Last of Us Part II (TLoU 2). This guide will show you how to deal with this boss when encountered in the hospital.

How to Kill The Rat King

Basic Information

Rat King - First Encounter.jpg
You will first encounter the Rat King during the Ground Zero section of Chapter 7 (Seattle Day 2), after you get the Medical Supplies that you needed from the ambulance.

This monstrosity is a combination of a Stalker, Clicker, Shambler and Bloater, which has mutated for a very long time. It is a lot bigger than the Bloater, and much faster.

Be Prepared

Rat King
While the right method of fighting the Rat King is key, making sure to be well stocked with ammo, Pipe Bombs, and crafting items will make the fight much easier. You can still find crafting items and ammo during the fight, but it is much more difficult to be forced to run away and search for anything to throw at the Rat King because you ran out of ammo and pipbombs. If you go in fully prepared you should have plenty to finish the fight.

Use Pipe Bombs and the Flamethrower

Rat king - Flamethrower.jpg
Pipe Bombs can stun and deal damage to this creature, especially when it charges right at you.

While the creature is stunned, use the Flamethrower to deal a ton of damage to it. This gun has the highest damage output of any in the game, so this is the perfect place to use it. You can also switch to the Double Barrel Shotgun with a Incendiary Shells if you run out of gas.

Avoid Getting Grabbed

16. Defeat the Rat King.jpg
Just like the Bloater, this creature will charge right at you and try to get a hold of you. When this creature grabs you, your character will immediately die. Be sure to use the Dodge function to avoid getting one-shotted by this creature.

Stalker Half

Stalker Half
During the fight with the Rat King, there will be a Stalker Half will tear itself from the Bloater Half. It fights the same as a stalker except it has much more health and will throw acid bombs, similar to a Bloater.

Stalker Half During Rat king Fight

Stalker Half - Detaching
The Stalker Half will attempt to flank you and sneak up on you during your fight with the Rat King. Keep you eyes open for the Stalker Half, and if possible, try to deal some damage to it as soon as he detaches from the rat king.

Try dealing with him whenever you can catch him coming at you as the worst thing is he will grab and hold you until the Rat King can get you. After doing enough damage to it, it will run away and not come back. This will leave you with only the rat king to fight, making everything much easier.

Stalker Half Alone

Stalker Half - Escaping
Make sure to pick up whatever ammo and supplies you need before you follow the Stalker Half.

Stalker Half - Fight
The Stalker Half is easier to fight than the Rat King itself. The best tactic is to chase him down when he tries to run away and blast him with the shotgun, but if you run out of shotgun rounds just use your rifle.

Last of Us 2 Enemies

List of Enemies


Infected Enemies
Runners Stalkers Clickers
Bloaters Shamblers Rat King


Non-Infected Enemies
WLF Dogs
Seraphites Rattlers

Other Guides

Enemy Guides
New Infected and Enemies


3 Anonymousover 4 years

I just cannot get past the Rat King. I haven't the flame thrower though :-(

2 Anonymousover 4 years

Yes i also noted that the best way to weaken the ratking during the first stage is to aim all your shots at the lower portion where you will see a very noticeable Stalker head and body attached head shots to that part will take you into the second stage much quicker and with relative ease


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