Last of Us 2

Chapter 2: Seattle Day 1 - Downtown Walkthrough

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This is a walkthrough for Chapter 2: Seattle Day 1 - Downtown in The Last of Us Part 2 (TLOU2). For a list of objectives in this section, items, collectible locations, enemy strategy and other tips & tricks, read on!

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The Gate Eastbrook Elementary

Seattle Day 1 - Downtown Walkthrough

1 Continue moving towards the Serevena Hotel.
2 Find the generator by following the Yellow Power Line.
3 Based on the artifact that you pick up, the gas is available at the Courtroom Garage or the Dome.
4 Enter the open gate with the Fuel Distribution sign on it.
5 Move forward until you reach the locked gate, then squeeze through it to enter.
6 You will encounter 2 Runners on the area. Deal with them, then go over the wooden wall to proceed.
7 On this area, You will encounter 2 Clickers and 2 Runners. You can go Prone to silently get past them.
8 Head up through the scaffholdings to get inside the Dome.
9 After spotting the gas from the other side of the metal bars, squeeze through the broken metal wall and use the trolley as boost to get the Gas Container.
10 Head to the Courtroom Garage.
11 Use the trolley again to boost yourself up to the other side of the courtroom.
12 Dina will find a rope. Swing yourself to jump to the other side.
13 Exit through the broken window and go to the Courtoom Garage.
The Courthouse will have a big US flag on the outside, so it will be easy to find.
14 Head to the right side of the courthouse and climb up the ladder.
15 Open the window to get inside.
16 You will encounter 2 Clickers and 3 Runners right after you get inside.
17 At the end of the hallway, open the double door with the help of Dina.
18 Head downstairs and you wil find a locked room. Smash the windows to get in and open the Safe.
19 Use the rope at the elevator to go down.
20 After opening the elevator you will encounter 5 Runners and 2 Clickers.
21 Fill up your Gas Container.
22 Use the chain to open up the garage doors.
23 Go back to the Fedra gate and turn on the generator.
24 Input the code 5-3-4-5 to open the gate.
25 Move forward the Serevana Hotel.
26 You will spot an infected. Hop on the fence to get inside.
27 Inside the lobby you will encounter 5 Runners.
28 Head upstairs and check one of the rooms until you encounter a tortured person, where a cutscene will trigger.
29 Exit the hotel and go to your horse.
30 Go to Gate East 1 and turn on the generator. Dina will input the code to open the gate.
31 Continue moving forward up to the bridge and another cutscence will trigger.

Seattle Day 1 - Downtown Tips and Strategy

Seattle Map

Seattle Map.jpg
You can visit some of the places that Ellie marked as ? on her map. There may be a lot of supplies inside those buildings, so be aure and check them out while in the area.

Swinging with the Rope

Rope Swing.jpg
This is the first experience that you will have swinging on a Rope. You have to build up momentum to successfully cross the other side by pressing the jump putton when you reach the peak of momentum.

Safe in the Courthouse

This safe can be found inside the courthouse before hopping down the elevator shaft. Break the window near end of the hall and hop into the room on the other side to find a safe. The code to the safe is written on the board in the same room.

Inside you will find some scavenged parts and ammo.

Safe Combination

Seattle Day 1 - Downtown Safe Locations

Bank Vault Code

Bank Vault
After entering town, the Bank is ahead and slightly to the left. Inside the bank, there will be two Clickers and several Runners. The Vault is in a room behind the counter. The combination is on the table in front of the vault.

Bank Vault
Here you will be able to get the Pump Shotgun.

Shotgun Vault

Courthouse Safe Code

Opening Safe.jpg
This safe can be found inside the courthouse before hopping down the elevator shaft. Break the window near end of the hall and hop into the room on the other side to find a safe. The code to the safe is written on the board in the same room.

Inside you will find some scavenged parts and ammo.

Safe Combination

West Gate 2 Safe Code

West Gate 2 safe
The West Gate is located across from the music store. Writing that reads 'Use gate code' is on the wall next to the safe. You should already have the note with all of the gate codes.

Safe Combination

Seattle Day 1 - Downtown Collectibles


FEDRA Census Document.jpgFEDRA Census Document
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is in a drawer inside a guard house to your left right after you spot the Serevena Hotel with Dina.
Cache Hunter Note.jpgCache Hunter Note
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is located inside the small pouch at a small broken building straight ahead after you enter downtown.
Bank Heist Plans.jpgBank Heist Plans
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is located inside the small pouch in the room with the Vault Door of the Westlake Bank.
Bank Robber Letter.jpgBank Robber Letter
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is located on the main table inside the Vault Room of the Westlake Bank.
Antique Ring.jpgAntique Ring
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is located in the drawer at the corner of the Vault Room of the Westlake Bank.
Letter from Isaac.jpgLetter from Isaac
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is located inside the small pouch near the burnt tank.
Street Drawing.jpgStreet Drawing
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is located inside a drawer on top of a security checkpoint on 5th Ave.
You can easily get to the security checkpoint if you exit the Valiant Music Shop from the second floor.
WLF Community Supply Chest Note.jpgWLF Community Supply Chest Note
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is located inside the small pouch up the stairs and beside some crates east of Valiant Music Shop but on the same block.
WLF Safe House Supply Note.jpgWLF Safe House Supply Note
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is on the counter inside Ruston Coffee at the corner of 5th Ave and Spring St.
Pet Store Key.jpgPet Store Key
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is on a baby changing table in the restroom at Ruston Coffee.
Join WLF Note.jpgJoin WLF Note
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is on a printer inside the Barko's Pet Shop.
Note to Informant.jpgNote to Informant
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is inside the frontmost truck of the convoy between 6th Ave and 7th Ave.
Plea to a Friend Letter.jpgPlea to a Friend Letter
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is on a corpse at the first floor of the Courthouse after the area with Clickers and Runners.
Lt. TorresLt. Torres' Final Memorandum
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact can be picked up from a corpse after you get the machete of its body in the Bailiff's Office at the Courthouse.
List of Known WLF Agitators.jpgList of Known WLF Agitators
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact can be found in the bottom of file cabinet in the Bailiff's Office at the Courthouse.
Emergency Protocols Memo.jpgEmergency Protocols Memo
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is on a table beside a TV on the upper floor of the Dome opposite to where entered.
Rabbi SaundersRabbi Saunders' Letter
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is inside a drawer of the desk in the Rabbi's Office after you swing from a cable at the Dome.
WLF Recruiter Journal.jpgWLF Recruiter Journal
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This artifact is inside a drawer across the two beds on the second floor of the Serevena Hotel.

Journal Entries

Entry 6.jpgShimmer
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This journal entry can be gained by interacting with view from the security checkpoint right after you pickup the Street Drawing artifact.
Entry 7.jpgRabbi Saunders' Letter
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This journal entry can be gained automatically after you get the artifact Rabbi Saunders' Letter from the desk in the Rabbi's Office.

Trading Cards

Doctor Uckmann.jpgDoctor Uckmann
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This trading card is inside a drawer on the third floor of a broken building north of Westlake Bank.
Das Wort.jpgDas Wort
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This trading card is inside a drawer behind the counter with the cash register at the Valiant Music Shop.
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This trading card is inside a safe at the end of Madison ST behind West Gate 2.
Big Blue.jpgBig Blue
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This trading card is inside a drawer behind the counter of Ruston's Coffee.
Know It All.jpgKnow It All
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - Downtown
Location This trading card is inside a nightstand between two beds at the second floor of the Serevena Hotel.

Last of Us 2 Related Links

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The Gate Eastbrook Elementary

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 3 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 4 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 5 The Park
Chapter 6 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 7 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 8 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 9 The Farm
Chapter 10 Santa Barbara
Chapter 11 The Farm


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