Last of Us 2

Revolver: Location and Best Upgrades

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Finding Revolver.jpg

This page about the Revolver, a Handgun in The Last of Us Part II. Read on to learn how to get the Revolver, as well as the best weapon upgrades for it, and how to use the Revolver.

Revolver: Basic Information

Weapon Revolver IconRevolver
Description Mid-range revolver with moderate damage and slow reload speed.
Type Handgun
Capacity 3

Revolver: Best Upgrades

Revolver: List of Upgrades

Name Parts Effect
Fire Rate 30 Replace the hammer spring to increase firing rate.
+35% Fire Rate
Stability 50 Replace the revolver grip to reduce recoil and decrease weapon sway.
-25% Recoil
+35% Stability
Reload Speed 50 Use a speed loader to load rounds all at once instead of individually.
+85% Reload Speed
Damage 70 Replace the barrel to fire more powerful shots.
+40% Damage
+25% Accuracy

Best Upgrades for the Revolver

Upgrade Upgrade Priority
Fire Rate ★☆☆☆
Stability ★★★★
Reload Speed ★★☆☆
Damage ★★★☆

Stability will make landing those critical headshots much more easy, making this powerful gun even more deadly. After that, damage is your go-to upgrade, as being able to take down foes even if you don't hit them in the head is a big help.

Reload speed is less important than the other two, so save it for third. Since you'll mainly be using the revolver to one-shot foes, fire rate is rather unimportant, and should only be upgraded if you have extra parts to spare. Maybe save this upgrade for your second playthrough.

How to Use the Revolver

Finding Revolver.jpg
While headshots are important for any gun you use, this is especially true for the revolver, due to its low fire rate. However, this gun does pack a punch, and after upgrading the damage output, it can usually one-shot runners and hunters, even if you do not shoot them in the head.

Generally, it is good for smaller crowds, and since it is more accurate than the pistol, it is better at a medium range. It is very effective on human foes, since they are less likely to rush at you, and as mentioned above, they can be one-shotted even without head shots. For battling hordes of charging runners, the pistol will usually be a safer option due to its quicker fire rate.

How to Get the Revolver

Shoe Box.jpg

In Jackson - Packing Up, you will have a chance to explore the house before leaving for Seattle. Go upstairs and look on the bed to see a box. On the inside, the revolver sits and waits for you.

Chapter 1: Jackson - Packing Up Walkthrough

Last of Us 2 Weapons

List of Weapons


Semi-Auto Pistol Revolver
Military Pistol Hunting Pistol

Long Guns

Long Guns
Bolt-Action Rifle Pump Shotgun Bow
Semi-Auto Rifle Double Barrel Shotgun Crossbow
Flamethrower Silenced Submachine Gun -


Throwable Weapons
Bottle Brick Molotov
Stun Bomb Trap Mine Pipe Bomb


Other Weapons
Machete Hammer 2x4
Axe Pickaxe Pipe
Sickle Club Baton
Pipe Wrench Switchblade Shiv


Recovery Items
Health Kits


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