Last of Us 2

Alice: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

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Alice is a dog owned byt the WLF that appears in The Last of Us Part II (TLoU 2). This page will explain Alice's backstory, voice actor, and how old Alice is.

Alice: Character Information


Basic Information

Name: Alice
Age: Unknown
Status: Deceased
Occupation: WLF Attack Dog
Role: Supporting Character
Voice Actor: Unknown

Profile and Backstory

Little is known about Alice's background. Alice was one of the K9 units issued in the WLF and is mostly called upon by the members of the Salt Lake Crew, especially by Abby, Mel, and Manny.

What Happens to Alice?

Alice was taken out for a mission when Abby, Manny, and Mel went out to patrol. During the patrol, Alice was able to save Abby from a Clicker that tried to attack her when she was trapped under the broken shelves inside the warehouse.

Later in the game, Alice was brought to the Aquarium by Mel when she went AWOL and is helping them guard the Aquarium. When Abby left the Aquarium to go to the Hospital, she was killed by Ellie when Alice found Ellie breaking in the Aquarium through the vents.

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Ellie Icon.pngEllie Dina Icon.pngDina Joel Icon.pngJoel
Jesse Icon.pngJesse Tommy Icon.pngTommy Maria Icon.pngMaria
Seth Icon.pngSeth - -
Abby Icon.pngAbby Owen Icon.pngOwen Mel Icon.pngMel
Nora Icon.pngNora Manny Icon.pngManny Jordan Icon.pngJordan
Isaac Icon.pngIsaac Alice Icon.pngAlice Jerry Icon.pngJerry
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Lev Icon.pngLev Yara Icon.pngYara Emily Icon.pngEmily


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