Last of Us 2

Introduction to Characters

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With new and returning characters, The Last of Us Part II contains a spectacular cast of interesting lead and support characters. For a brief introduction to each character, read on!

List of Characters

List of Characters
Ellie Joel Dina
Abby Yara Nora
Lev Emily Jesse
Tommy Seth Mel
Owen Manny Jordan
Nick Alice Maria
Jerry Whitney Isaac


Name Ellie
Age 19
Gender Female
Voice Actor Ashley Johnson

Ellie is one of the main characters of the first game, and is the main protagonist played in Last of Us 2. She has immunity to the virus that turns people into infected zombie-like monsters.

Ellie: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Joel Miller
Age Early 50s
Gender Male
Voice Actor Troy Baker

Joel is the main character in the first Last of Us. After the death of his daughter, Sarah, Joel protected Ellie while trying to escape to a safer place. In The Last of Us 2 you see Joel mostly in flashbacks, but is also the first person you play as in the game.

Joel: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Dina
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Voice Actor Shannon Woodward

Dina was first shown in a trailer during E3. She is Ellie's best friend and romantic interest. She also becomes Ellie's significant other later on in the game.

Dina: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Abby Anderson
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Voice Actor Laura Bailey

Abby is the other main character you play as in The Last of Us 2. She is a member of the WLF and the other most important character along with Ellie.

Abby: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Yara
Age 16
Gender Female
Voice Actor Victoria Grace

Sister to Lev, and former member of the Seraphites.

Yara: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Nora
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Voice Actor Chelsea Tavares

Nora is one of Abby's friends and one of the characters Ellie hunts down.

Nora: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Lev
Age 13
Gender Female
Voice Actor Ian Alexander

Brother to Yara, and former member of the Seraphites. Lev is Abby's closest companion in the game.

Lev: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Emily
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Voice Actor Emily Swallow

Currently, not much is known about this character's backstory, although she seems to be a high ranked member of the Seraphites.

Emily: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Jesse
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Voice Actor Stephen A. Chang

Jesse was first seen in an E3 Trailer. He is a friend of Elllie's, Dina's ex-boyfriend, and JJ's father.

Jesse: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Tommy Miller
Age Mid 40's
Gender Male
Voice Actor Jeffrey Pierce

Tommy is Joel's younger brother, who was together with him when the outbreak just began. Along with his wife Maria, he leads the settlement community in Jackson.

Tommy: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Seth
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Voice Actor Robert Clotworthy

Seth is a resident of Jackson and is first seen at the start of the game.

Seth: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Mel
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Voice Actor Ashly Burch

Mel is one of Abby's friends and part of the WLF. She is pregnant with Owen's baby. Her and Owen are in a relationship, however, she is suspicious of Owens relationship with Abby.

Mel: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Owen
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Voice Actor Patrick Fugit

Owen is a long time friend and love interest of Abby's and is a major part of Abby's story.

Owen: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Manny Alvarez
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Voice Actor Alejandro Edda

Manny is one of Abby's companions in the game. He follows you in many of the chapters, but dosen't play as much of a plot point compared to Mel and Owen.

Manny: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Jordan
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Voice Actor Chase Austin

One of Abby's friends that accompanied her on her trip to Jackson.

Jordan: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Nick
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Voice Actor None

One of Abby's friends that Accompanied her on her trip to Jackson.

Nick: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Alice
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Voice Actor Unknown

Abby's canine companion.

Alice: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Maria Miller
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Voice Actor Ashley Scott

Maria is one of the leaders for the Jackson settlement and Tommy's wife in the beginning of the game.

Maria: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Jerry
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Voice Actor Derek Phillips

The doctor that was going to use Ellie to make a cure in The Last of Us 1.

Jerry: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Whitney
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Voice Actor Maggie Macdonald

Whitney plays no important role in the game, however, she was seen talking to Abby several times, and was featured in the demo Naughty Dog showed pre-release. She is rumored to have the last PS Vita in the world.

Whitney: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name Isaac
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Voice Actor Jeffrey Wright

A leader of the WLF. Isaac is also responsible for the the attack on the island that the Seraphites lived on.

Isaac: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory


Name JJ
Age 1
Gender Male
Voice Actor None

Jesse and Dina's baby boy.


Name Marlene
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Voice Actor Merle Dandridge

Marlene is a returning character to The Last of Us 2 and was a key character in the first Last of Us game.


Name Leah
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Voice Actor None

Jordan's girlfriend and another one of Abby's friends that went with the group to Jackson.

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4 Anonymousover 2 years

No levs transgender that’s why they said he a boy in the game but out of the game he isn’t he’s a girl and a boy

3 Anonymousover 3 years

It says brother to Yara. But technically they aren't wrong.


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