Last of Us 2

Jordan: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

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Jordan is a new character appearing in The Last of Us Part II (TLoU 2). This page will explain Jordan's backstory, voice actor, and how old Jordan is.

Jordan: Character Information


Basic Information

Age: Unknown
Occupation: WLF Combatant
Role: Supporting Character
Voice Actor: Chase Austin

Profile and Backstory

Little is known about Jordan life. He was a former firefly and is part of the Salt Lake Crew with Abby and his friends. He is also romantically involved with Leah, who is also part of the Salt Lake Crew.

After the fireflies disbanded, he went together with his friends to join the WLF in Seattle.

What Happens to Jordan?

Jordan along with her friends included in the Salt Lake Crew travel to Jackson to help Abby take revenge on Joel for attacking the Fireflies. After this event, Jordan got assigned to the Serevena Hotel to evacuate the WLF at Hotel and the School and get all the remaining supplies.

When he arrived at the Serevena Hotel, found Nick's dead body and was next seen interrogating Ellie at the Eastbrook Elementary School. In the middle of his interrogation, Mike interrupts him and he learns that Isaac told Mike to execute all trespassers.

Jordan tries to stop Mike since he wants to learn if there were more people from the Jackson Community that are going to attack the WLF. Mike shoves him and tries to shoot Ellie, but Dina kills Mike from the glass roof and Jordan was able to shoot the glass to make Dina fall from the roof.

After that, he tries to kill Dina by choking her, but Ellie manages to escape from her binds and stab Jordan in the neck killing him in the process.

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See All Characters

Jackson Community
Ellie Icon.pngEllie Dina Icon.pngDina Joel Icon.pngJoel
Jesse Icon.pngJesse Tommy Icon.pngTommy Maria Icon.pngMaria
Seth Icon.pngSeth - -
Abby Icon.pngAbby Owen Icon.pngOwen Mel Icon.pngMel
Nora Icon.pngNora Manny Icon.pngManny Jordan Icon.pngJordan
Isaac Icon.pngIsaac Alice Icon.pngAlice Jerry Icon.pngJerry
Whitney Icon.pngWhitney Nick Icon.pngNick -
Lev Icon.pngLev Yara Icon.pngYara Emily Icon.pngEmily


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