Last of Us 2

Chapter 10: Santa Barbara - The Resort Walkthrough

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The Resort.jpgThis is a walkthrough for Chapter 10: Santa Barbara - The Resort in The Last of Us Part 2 (TLOU2). For a list of objectives in Santa Barbara, items, collectible locations, enemy strategy and other tips & tricks, read on!

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Pushing Inland The Beach

Santa Barbara - The Resort Walkthrough

1 Move foward to make your way inside the resort.
2 Force open the door of the container.
3 Use the ladder to climb up.
4 Head towards the train, then move under it.
5 Open the fence gate.
6 Release the chained up infected to cause a distraction.
7 Go inside the house, then squeeze your way through the broken door.
8 Jump over the wall to proceed to the next area.
9 Move forward to reach the tall round building.
10 Inside the building, go upstairs, then proceeed to the other area.
11 Head downstairs and open the double wooden doors.
12 Move forward, then open the other door.

Santa Barbara - The Resort Tips and Strategy

Making your way to the Resort

1. Making your way to the resort.jpg
You will encounter the Rattlers that are controlling this area, but at the same time, your new silenced SMG will give you the edge on fighting them.

These guys are more or less the same as the WLF soldiers in Seattle. They also use guard dogs, and are armed to the teeth. Every area in the resort contains Rattlers guarding it.

Inside the Resort

7. Inside the Resort.jpg
These guys have a habit of chaining up infected in the area. Try to take advantage of it by releasing them to cause a distraction so you can freely move through the area.

Always use the surroundings to hide, and do not worry about conserving your ammo and supplies, since this is the final fight that will happen in the game.

Santa Barbara - The Resort Collectibles


Santa Barbara Slave Note.jpgSanta Barbara Slave Note
Chapter Santa Barbara - The Resort
Location This artifact is on a barrel beside a corpse near an entrance to the warehouse to your left after your drop down from a green sodium hydroxide tank.
RattlerRattler's Letter Home
Chapter Santa Barbara - The Resort
Location This artifact is on a small table at the end of the hallway to your right after you climb the curved stairs.

Journal Entries

Entry 20.jpgThe Rattlers
Chapter Santa Barbara - The Resort
Location This journal entry can be gained by examining the Rattlers logo on the side the a van in the middle of the the railroad tracks.

Trading Cards

Chapter Santa Barbara - The Resort
Location This trading card is on a table beside a speaker to your right immediately after you enter a building with an overgrown overhang.

Last of Us 2 Related Links

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Pushing Inland The Beach

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 3 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 4 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 5 The Park
Chapter 6 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 7 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 8 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 9 The Farm
Chapter 10 Santa Barbara
Chapter 11 The Farm


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