Last of Us 2

Emily: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

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Emily is a new character appearing in The Last of Us Part II (TLoU 2). This page will explain Emily's backstory, voice actor, and how old Emily is.

Emily: Character Information


Basic Information

Name: Emily
Age: Unkown
Status: Deceased
Occupation: Seraphites Member
Role: Antagonist
Voice Actor: Emily Swallow

Profile and Backstory

Little is known about the Seraphite Emily. She is a member of the Seraphites, and based on the trailer that was shown in the Paris Week Games, she may have a higher rank compared to the other members.

What Happens to Emily?

After she captured Abby with her men, they proceeded to hang her and kill her like they did with the other WLF members and trespassers. Her men were able to find Yara, and she tried to interrogate Yara on Lev's location but failed to get any information.

She then ordered her men to break Yara's arm before Lev ambushed them. During the fight, Abby chokes Emily using her legs and Yara kills her by smashing her head with a hammer.

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