Last of Us 2

List of Skill Branches | All Player Upgrades

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Listen Mode Upgrades.jpg
Player Upgrades are a way upgrading your character's abilities and making them even stronger in The Last of Us Part II. Read on to see all available character skill branches, and learn how to upgrade them.

What Are Player Upgrades?

Listen Mode Upgrades.jpg
Player Upgrades (also known as skills) are a set of available skills which can be upgraded to give your character extra abilities in different stats. By upgrading these skills, your character will have a higher rate of survivability by increasing health or health recovery, better use of Listen Mode, as well as battle skills.

In The Last of Us Part II, upgrades all belong to a branch. Skills in a single branch must be upgraded in the order that they are listed (from top to bottom).

How to Upgrade Skills


Learn via supplements

Skills can be upgraded through the use of Supplements, which are found in various areas throughout the story. You won't be able to upgrade all skills in a single playthrough of The Last of Us 2, so be sure and think carefully about which skills you want to upgrade.

To upgrade skills, first press the touchpad on your control, then press R1 to switch over to skill branches. Select the skill that you want to upgrade, then hold the 'Learn' button (in our case ○) to spend supplements and upgrade it.

The following trophies are unlocked by upgrading skills:

bronze trophy.png Apprentice
Learn a player upgrade
silver trophy.png Specialist
Learn all player upgrades in one branch
silver trophy.png Survival Training
Learn 25 player upgrades
gold trophy.png Survival Expert
Learn all player upgrades

Note: Survival Expert is only unlockable via New Game Plus.

Trophy List and Guide

How to Unlock New Branches

Crafting Training Manual.jpg

New Player Upgrade branches are unlocked by using Training Manuals. Find Training Manuals to unlock new upgrade branches!

List of Training Manuals and Locations

List of All Player Upgrades


Name Supplements Effect
Listen Mode Movement Speed I 30 Move faster in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+50% Movement Speed
Faster Health Kits 30 Increase the speed of using a health kit.
+100% Speed
Increased Health 60 Increase maximum health.
+25% Health
Listen Mode Movement Speed II 40 Move much faster in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+100% Movement Speed
Endure 60 Otherwise lethal damage will instead leave you at low health, giving you an opportunity to escape.


Name Supplements Effect
Craft Melee Upgrades 20 Craft an upgrade for your melee weapon, restoring it to full durability and greatly increasing its damage.
Recipe requires binding, blade, and melee weapon.
Faster Crafting 40 Craft all items twice as quickly.
+100% Crafting Speed
Craft Smoke Bombs 30 Stun bombs become smoke bombs, adding a smokescreen which blocks enemy line of sight.
Craft Improved Health Kits 40 Craft more effective health kits.
+50% Healing
Craft More Smoke Bombs 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting smoke bombs, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 1 ▶︎ 2
Inventory capacity: 3 ▶︎ 4


Name Supplements Effect
Craft Silencers 20 Craft pistol silencer that makes shots silent until it breaks.
Press △ while aiming to toggle the silencer on and off.
Durability: 3
Recipe requires rag and canister.
Listen Mode Clarity 40 Enemies seen in listen mode show up in sharper clarity. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
Faster Prone Movement 50 Move faster while prone. Hold ◯ to go prone.
+50% Movement Speed
Improved Silencers 40 Increase the durability of crafted silencers.
Durability: 3 ▶︎ 5
Faster Stealth Kills 60 Stealth kills are faster and keep a lower profile.
+100% Speed


Name Supplements Effect
Craft Explosive Arrows 20 Craft arrows with explosive tips that deal massive damage in a blast radius.
Press △ while aiming to change arrow types.
Recipe requires explosive and binding.
Improved Trap Mines 20 Craft more effective trap mines that are deadly at greater range.
+50% Blast Radius
Improved Molotovs 40 Increase the effectiveness of your molotovs, spreading fire in a wider radius.
+50% Flame Radius
Craft More Trap Mines 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting trap mines, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 1 ▶︎ 2
Inventory capacity: 3 ▶︎ 4
Craft More Explosive Arrows 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting explosive arrows, producing more from the same resources.
Press △ while aiming to change what type of arrow is being used.
Craft amount: 1 ▶︎ 2
Inventory capacity: 3 ▶︎ 4


Name Supplements Effect
Aim Stability Increase 30 Improve aiming stability and accuracy while moving.
+100% Stability
+100% Accuracy
Faster Aim Movement 30 Move faster while aiming.
+50% Movement Speed
Listen Mode Range 40 Detect enemies at a greater range in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+50% Range
Hold Breath 40 Press L3 while aiming to hold your breath, steadying your aim.
Craft More Arrows 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting arrows, producing more from the same resources.
Craft Amount: 2 ▶︎ 3

Field Tactics

Name Supplements Effect
Increased Health 30 Increase maximum health.
+25% Health
Listen Mode Clarity 40 Enemies seen in listen mode show up in sharper clarity. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
Hold Breath 30 Press L3 while aiming to hold your breath, steadying your aim.
Listen Mode Range 40 Detect enemies at a greater range in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+50% Range
Increased Health 50 Increase maximum health.
+25% Health

Covert Ops

Name Supplements Effect
Craft Shivs 20 Craft 2 shivs which allow for instant stealth kills against most enemies. They can also be used to break free when grabbed by a clicker.
Recipe requires binding and blade.
Listen Mode Movement Speed I 30 Move faster in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+50% Movement Speed
Grabbed Enemy Movement Speed 50 Move faster while holding a hostage, allowing you to quickly reposition while shielding yourself or attempting a stealth kill.
+50% Hostage Movement Speed
Faster Prone Movement 40 Move faster while prone. Hold ◯ to go prone.
+50% Movement Speed
Craft More Shivs 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting shivs, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Inventory capacity: 4 ▶︎ 6

Close Quarters

Name Supplements Effect
Momentum 40 After killing an enemy with a STRIKE, for a short time your next melee attack will also be a STRIKE.
STRIKES are high-damaging melee moves against stunned or surprised enemies.
Craft Improved Health Kits 50 Craft more effective health kits.
+50% Healing.
Aim Stability Increase 20 Improve aiming stability and accuracy while moving.
+100% Stability
+100% Accuracy
Faster Health Kits 50 Increase the speed of using a health kit.
+100% Speed
Momentum Duration 50 Momentum lasts longer.
+70% Duration


Name Supplements Effect
Craft Incendiary Shells 20 Craft 2 incendiary shells which fire in a wide cone, dealing heavy damage and lighting enemies on fire.
Press △ while aiming to change what ammo is loaded.
Recipe requires alcohol and explosive.
Craft Hunting Pistol Ammo 20 Craft 2 standard bullets for your Hunting Pistol which deal heavy damage with high accuracy.
Recipe requires explosive and blade.
Faster Aim Movement 40 Move faster while aiming.
+50% Movement Speed
Craft More Hunting Pistol Ammo 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting hunting pistol ammo, producing more from the same resources.
Craft Amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Craft More Incendiary Shells 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting incendiary shells, producing more from the same resources.
Press △ while aiming to change what ammo is loaded.
Craft amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Inventory capacity: 4 ▶︎ 6


Name Supplements Effect
Faster Crafting 20 Craft all items twice as quickly.
+100% Crafting Speed
Improved Melee Weapon Upgrades 40 Craft more durable upgraded melee weapons.
+1 Durability
Improved Pipe Bombs 30 Craft more effective pipe bombs that are deadly in a larger area.
+50% Blast Radius
Improved Silencers 40 Increase the durability of crafted silencers.
Craft Amount: 3 ▶︎ 5
Craft More Pipe Bombs 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting pipe bombs, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Inventory capacity: 4 ▶︎ 6

Last of Us 2 Tips and Tricks

Tips & Tricks

Game Mechanics and Features
Combat Guide and Tips List of Skill Upgrades
How to Use Listen Mode How to Stealth Kill | Stealth Tips
How to Upgrade Weapons -
Controls and Techniques
Game Controls & Settings
How to Ride the Horse How to Heal
How to Use Quick Turn How to Run (Sprint)
How to Turn on Aim Assist How to Ride the Boat
Resources and Tools
What are Scavenged Parts? What are Ingredients?
Recipe List List of Training Manuals and Locations
List of All Workbench Locations How to Get Infinite Ammo
Exploration and Secrets
Safe Combinations and Locations How to Find the Downtown Seattle Map
Trophy Guide | List of Trophies How to Open the Bank Vault
Soda Can Code How to Earn the High Score in the Archery Game
How to Win the Marksmanship Competition How to Put a Hat on your Companion
How to Find the Engraved Ring How to Find the Strange Artifact
How to Unlock the Hidden Trophies Easter Eggs
Miscellaneous Guides
Which Skills Should You Upgrade First? Which Weapon Upgrades Should You Get First?
How to Play Guitar What Carries Over Into New Game Plus?
How to Use Photo Mode Difficulty Settings and Best Difficulty
How to Use Generators Scent Trails Explained


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