Last of Us 2

How to Kill Bloaters

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Bloaters are the toughest heavy-hitters in the game The Last of Us 2. Read on to learn how to take advantage of their slow movement and attack patterns.

How to Kill Bloaters

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Bloaters are the massive, heavy-hitting variant of the infected enemy you will encounter throughout TLoU2. They're slow, yet powerful, and can be extremely dangerous, especially in tight narrow areas. This can easily be countered by constantly moving, and only stopping to shoot. Bloaters are covered with thick fungal armor that makes them tough to kill. Use molotovs to stagger the Bloater and line up easy headshots with high-power weapons.

Watch its Movements

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Watch its movements to determine what its next attack will be. This is extremely helpful especially when he is about to throw pustules, which covers an area with a large cloud that can deal damage.

Keeping Your Distance

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Keep your distance, and fight him in a large area to avoid getting cornered by his powerful swings. Try to use a Molotov to set him on fire while running away. This is an extremely effective way to deal massive damage overtime against Bloaters, even with their thick fungal armor.

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Also, keep in mind that you should avoid hiding behind drywalls and wooden tables, since Bloaters can break them easily, rendering your cover useless.

Eliminating Weaker Threats First

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Make sure that you first try and eliminate other possible threats that can attack you. This way, you can avoid getting overwhelmed by multiple enemies attacking, and take advantage of the Bloater's slow movement and attacks.

Last of Us 2 Enemies

List of Enemies


Infected Enemies
Runners Stalkers Clickers
Bloaters Shamblers Rat King


Non-Infected Enemies
WLF Dogs
Seraphites Rattlers

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