Last of Us 2

Jerry: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

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Jerry is a new character appearing in The Last of Us Part II (TLoU 2). This page will explain Jerry's backstory, voice actor, and how old Jerry is.

Jerry: Character Information

Warning: This article contains major spoilers! Proceed with caution if you have not played TLoU2 yet.


Basic Information

Age: Unknown
Occupation: Doctor
Role: Supporting Character
Voice Actor: Derek Phillips

Profile and Backstory

Jerry was the surgeon that was originally going to kill Ellie to develop a cure to the disease that has caused the world's population to drop by 60%. However, anyone who played TLoU1 will know that this ends with Joel killing all of the Fireflies and surgeons, including Jerry.

A big plot device to the game is Jerry's death, which caused Abby to seek revenge by killing Joel. Jerry is seen in a flash back saving a zebra from a barbed wire fence, and although willing to kill Ellie to make a cure, he seems a bit uneasy with the idea, making Jerry look like a much kinder individual.

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Ellie Icon.pngEllie Dina Icon.pngDina Joel Icon.pngJoel
Jesse Icon.pngJesse Tommy Icon.pngTommy Maria Icon.pngMaria
Seth Icon.pngSeth - -
Abby Icon.pngAbby Owen Icon.pngOwen Mel Icon.pngMel
Nora Icon.pngNora Manny Icon.pngManny Jordan Icon.pngJordan
Isaac Icon.pngIsaac Alice Icon.pngAlice Jerry Icon.pngJerry
Whitney Icon.pngWhitney Nick Icon.pngNick -
Lev Icon.pngLev Yara Icon.pngYara Emily Icon.pngEmily


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