Last of Us 2

Chapter 2: Seattle Day 1 - The Gate Walkthrough

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The Gate.jpg
This is a walkthrough for Chapter 2: Seattle Day 1 - The Gate in The Last of Us Part 2 (TLOU2). For a list of objectives in this section, items, collectible locations, enemy strategy and other tips & tricks, read on!

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Packing Up Downtown

Seattle Day 1 - The Gate Walkthrough

1 Ride through the forest until you reach the Seattle front gate with the WLF warning on it.
2 Head to the left side of the area and climb the 2nd Fedra mobile unit to get up.
3 Jump around the roof, then have Dina boost you up to the ladder.
4 Cross to the other side of the wall to get inside.
5 Use the ladder to climb down.
6 The generator will be on the other side of the Fedra mobile unit. Use a bottle or melee attack to smash the windows and jump through.
7 After opening the small gate, unplug the cord line and throw it over the other fence, to reach the other power outlet.
8 Input the password 0-5-1-2 to open the main gate.

Seattle Day 1 - The Gate Tips and Strategy

Climbing the roof for more collectibles

Climbing the roof for more collectibles.jpg
Before you throw the line on the other side of the fence to open the main gate, you can throw the cable behind the sign of the trailer beside the generator. This will allow you to climb onto the roof using the cable of the generator to get more collectibles.

Getting the line to reach the other outlet

Get the line to reach the other outlet.jpg
Just like you did back in Jackson, you will need to retract the cable and aim it by pressing the L2+R2 buttons, then throwing it over the fence. Simply running around the fence while holding it will cause it to snag.

Seattle Day 1 - The Gate Collectibles


Map of Seattle.jpgMap of Seattle
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - The Gate
Location This artifact is inside a file cabinet in the trailer at the left of the old highway.
Refugee Note.jpgRefugee Note
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - The Gate
Location This artifact is on the table inside the first military trailer to the left of the gate.
Infected Infographic.jpgInfected Infographic
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - The Gate
Location This artifact is on the table inside the second military trailer to the left of the gate.
IsaacIsaac's Orders
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - The Gate
Location This artifact is on a military crate at the top of the watchtower after you successfully cross the QZ gate.
Checkpoint Gate Codes.jpgCheckpoint Gate Codes
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - The Gate
Location This artifact is inside a drawer in the first military trailer you encounter after crossing the QZ gate and going down the watchtower.
Rooftop Note.jpgRooftop Note
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - The Gate
Location This artifact is on the roof of a military trailer with a generator beside it.
You can get to the roof by throwing the cable behind the sign on the roof and climbing the cable from the other side.

Journal Entries

Entry 5.jpgWLF Message
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - The Gate
Location This journal entry can be gained by interacting with the "WLF TRESPASSERS KILLED ON SIGHT." message on the gate.

Trading Cards

Chapter The Gate
Location This trading card is on the side of a bus stop when you see the first cars in the current chapter.
The Starfire Kids.jpgThe Starfire Kids
Chapter The Gate
Location This trading card is pinned on the cork board inside the trailer at the left of the old highway.
Chapter The Gate
Location This trading card is on a table at the top of the watchtower after you successfully cross the QZ gate.
Chapter The Gate
Location This trading card is on the roof of a military trailer with a generator beside it.
You can get to the roof by throwing the cable behind the sign on the roof and climbing the cable from the other side.

Last of Us 2 Related Links

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Packing Up Downtown

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 3 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 4 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 5 The Park
Chapter 6 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 7 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 8 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 9 The Farm
Chapter 10 Santa Barbara
Chapter 11 The Farm


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