Last of Us 2

Ellie: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

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Ellie - The Last of Us 2.jpg
Ellie, one of the central protagonists of The Last of Us is back in Part II (TLoU2) as the main character. This page will explain Ellie's backstory, voice actor, and how old Ellie is.

Warning: This page contains major spoilers! Proceed with extreme caution if you have not played the whole game yet.

Ellie: Character Information

Ellie - The Last of Us 2.png

Basic Information

Name: Ellie Williams
Age: 19
Status: Alive
Occupation: Jackson Patrol
Role: Main protagonist
Voice Actor: Ashley Johnson

Profile and Backstory

In The Last of Us 1, Ellie is immune to the Cordyceps infection that has overrun the world. Joel has to smuggle her out of the city and into the Fireflies laboratory to create a vaccine based on her immunity.

She is now a returning character and the main protagonist for the latest game in the series, The Last of Us II, where she will embark on a journey seeking revenge from the people that hurt her loved ones.

How Long Do You Play as Ellie

Ellie will be playable on the first half of the game. Then she will also become playable at the end of the for the final conclusion of The Last of Us Part II.

The following chapters will be played as Ellie:

Seattle Day 1
Seattle Day 2
Seattle Day 3
The Farm
Santa Barbara
The Farm (Epilogue)

What Happens to Ellie?

Final Warning: Major spoilers Ahead! You have been warned!!


After tracking Abby to Santa Barbara, Ellie is readying to finish the job that she started her journey for and get justice for what Abby did to Joel.

During her fight with Abby, she realizes that Joel didn't want any of this, and that he only wanted Ellie to grow up as a regular child, rather than become a part of the world's problem. Joel had already done enough killing during his time, and he did not want Ellie to be part of all the violence and bloodshed in their time.

Ellie lets Abby go, along with Lev, in a boat to return to her farmhouse after realizing that Dina already left her because of what she did. She ends by finding a way to live in peace amidst the world's pandemic.

Ellie's Weapons


Weapon Description Location
Semi-Auto PistolSemi-Auto Pistol Short-range handgun with high fire rate and moderate accuracy. Obtained by default in Jackson - Waking Up.
RevolverRevolver Mid-range revolver with moderate damage and slow reload speed. Get from the box upstairs in Jackson - Packing Up.

Long Guns

Weapon Description Location
Bolt-Action RifleBolt-Action Rifle Long-range rifle with high damage and slow fire rate. Obtained by default in Jackson - Waking Up.
Pump ShotgunPump Shotgun Close-range shotgun with high damage and slow reload speed. Obtain from the Bank Vault in Seattle Day 1 - Downtown.
BowBow Long-range bow with silent shots and slow draw speed. Obtain automatically in Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest.
Silenced Submachine GunSilenced Submachine Gun A silent automatic sub machine gun that deals medium damage to enemies. Obtained in Santa Barbara - The Resort


Weapon Description Location
BottleBottle A throwable object that can be used to break glass or create a distraction. Only one item of this type can be held at a time. Pick up from ground.
BrickBrick A throwable object that can be used to break glass or create a distraction. Only one item of this type can be held at a time. Pick up from ground.
MolotovMolotov Explodes on impact, and fire lingers in the area. Craft.
Stun BombStun Bomb Stuns enemies in a small area on impact. Craft.
Trap MineTrap Mine Deploys in place and detonates on enemy proximity. Craft.

Recovery Item

Weapon Description Location
Health KitHealth Kit Restores a moderate amount of health. Hold R2 to use. Craft.

Ellie's Player Upgrades


Name Supplements Effect
Endure 60 Otherwise lethal damage will instead leave you at low health, giving you an opportunity to escape.
Listen Mode Movement Speed II 40 Move much faster in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+100% Movement Speed
Increased Health 60 Increase maximum health.
+25% Health
Faster Health Kits 30 Increase the speed of using a health kit.
+100% Speed
Listen Mode Movement Speed I 30 Move faster in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+50% Movement Speed


Name Supplements Effect
Craft More Smoke Bombs 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting smoke bombs, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 1 ▶︎ 2
Inventory capacity: 3 ▶︎ 4
Craft Improved Health Kits 40 Craft more effective health kits.
+50% Healing
Craft Smoke Bombs 30 Stun bombs become smoke bombs, adding a smokescreen which blocks enemy line of sight.
Faster Crafting 40 Craft all items twice as quickly.
+100% Crafting Speed
Craft Melee Upgrades 20 Craft an upgrade for your melee weapon, restoring it to full durability and greatly increasing its damage.
Recipe requires binding, blade, and melee weapon.


Name Supplements Effect
Faster Stealth Kills 60 Stealth kills are faster and keep a lower profile.
+100% Speed
Improved Silencers 40 Increase the durability of crafted silencers.
Durability: 3 ▶︎ 5
Faster Prone Movement 50 Move faster while prone. Hold ◯ to go prone.
+50% Movement Speed
Listen Mode Clarity 40 Enemies seen in listen mode show up in sharper clarity. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
Craft Silencers 20 Craft pistol silencer that makes shots silent until it breaks.
Press △ while aiming to toggle the silencer on and off.
Durability: 3
Recipe requires rag and canister.


Name Supplements Effect
Craft More Arrows 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting arrows, producing more from the same resources.
Craft Amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Hold Breath 40 Press L3 while aiming to hold your breath, steadying your aim.
Listen Mode Range 40 Detect enemies at a greater range in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+50% Range
Faster Aim Movement 30 Move faster while aiming.
+50% Movement Speed
Aim Stability Increase 30 Improve aiming stability and accuracy while moving.
+100% Stability
+100% Accuracy


Name Supplements Effect
Craft More Explosive Arrows 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting explosive arrows, producing more from the same resources.
Press △ while aiming to change what type of arrow is being used.
Craft amount: 1 ▶︎ 2
Inventory capacity: 3 ▶︎ 4
Craft More Trap Mines 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting trap mines, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 1 ▶︎ 2
Inventory capacity: 3 ▶︎ 4
Improved Molotovs 40 Increase the effectiveness of your molotovs, spreading fire in a wider radius.
+50% Flame Radius
Improved Trap Mines 20 Craft more effective trap mines that are deadly at greater range.
+50% Blast Radius
Craft Explosive Arrows 20 Craft arrows with explosive tips that deal massive damage in a blast radius.
Press △ while aiming to change arrow types.
Recipe requires explosive and binding.

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Jackson Community
Ellie Icon.pngEllie Dina Icon.pngDina Joel Icon.pngJoel
Jesse Icon.pngJesse Tommy Icon.pngTommy Maria Icon.pngMaria
Seth Icon.pngSeth - -
Abby Icon.pngAbby Owen Icon.pngOwen Mel Icon.pngMel
Nora Icon.pngNora Manny Icon.pngManny Jordan Icon.pngJordan
Isaac Icon.pngIsaac Alice Icon.pngAlice Jerry Icon.pngJerry
Whitney Icon.pngWhitney Nick Icon.pngNick -
Lev Icon.pngLev Yara Icon.pngYara Emily Icon.pngEmily


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