Last of Us 2

Chapter 6: Seattle Day 1 - On Foot Walkthrough

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On Foot.jpg
This is a walkthrough for Chapter 6: Seattle Day 1 - On Foot in The Last of Us Part 2 (TLOU2). For a list of objectives in Seattle Day 1, items, collectible locations, enemy strategy and other tips & tricks, read on!

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The Stadium The Forward Base

Seattle Day 1 - On Foot Walkthrough

1 Explore the building to clear it.
2 Clear the area consisting of 3 Runners.
3 Head to the end of the area, then climb over the pile of wood.
4 After falling from the top, fight off the infected swarming the area.
5 Go to the door being blocked by a pedestal, and force it open it with the help of Manny.
6 Climb over the truck to proceed the next area.
7 Move towards the Boat Repair building, then give Manny a boost to climb up.
8 After Manny loosens up the rope, climb on it.
9 Use the rope again, then bring it down to the broken roof to climb down.
10 Remove the object blocking the door to let Mel inside.
11 Inside the boat repair room, open the large gate.
12 When the crank breaks, find another way out.
13 Give Mel a boost to open the locked door.
14 Use the ladder to cross through the boat.
15 Grab the ladder again, then place it on the other side of the boat.
16 Throw the rope over the catwalk.
17 Cross through the ladder and use the rope to climb up the catwalk.
18 Go up the ladder to exit through the roof, then head to another ladder to go down.
19 Cut through the railyard to reach the FOB.
20 While cutting through the railyard, you will encounter more Seraphites.
21 After reaching a dead end, go up on the train, then enter the wooden fence.
22 Force open the huge gate, then squeeze through it.
23 Defend yourself from the Seraphites until backup arrives.
24 Get on the truck.

Seattle Day 1 - On Foot Tips and Strategy

Fighting off the Infected

Fight off the infected.jpg
Right after falling off, a swarm of infected will come right at you. The swarm consists of Runners and one Shambler, and you will have no choice but to fight them.

Let Manny cover you using his rifle, and Alice will fight off some of the infected. Use Pipe Bombs to deal damage to the Shambler, and then use the Semi-Auto Rifle to finish him off.

Throwing the Rope

Throwing the Rope.jpg
After placing the ladder on the other end of the boat, you will also need to use the rope. It is located on the top of the boat.

Throw it over the catwalk and climb on it to reach the ladder.

Railyard Battle

Railyard Battle.jpg
The Railyard will be filled with Seraphites. Use your surroundings to find cover. You can sneak past them, or eliminate them one by one.

Defending your Ground

Defending your Ground.jpg
Fall back to the building, then take cover from the Seraphites that are attacking you.

You need to hold out for a few minutes until help arrives.

Seattle Day 1 - On Foot Collectibles


WLF Gun Cache Note.jpgWLF Gun Cache Note
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - On Foot
Location This artifact is on a small file cabinet inside the nearby trailer after you climb down the ladder from the roof of the warehouse.
You can get into the trailer by smashing the back window and climbing through it.


Chapter Seattle Day 1 - On Foot
Location This coin is on a table to your right as soon as you enter the dark warehouse.
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - On Foot
Location This coin is on the furthest counter to your left when you enter the Garden Center.
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - On Foot
Location This coin is on a table with playing cards and cash at the upper level of the area with the boat hanging from the ceiling.
You can get up to this area by carrying the ladder and placing it on the wall right beside where you found it.
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - On Foot
Location This coin is on the desk inside the nearby trailer after you climb down the ladder from the roof of the warehouse.
You can get into the trailer by smashing the back window and climbing through it.

Last of Us 2 Related Links

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The Stadium The Forward Base

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 3 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 4 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 5 The Park
Chapter 6 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 7 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 8 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 9 The Farm
Chapter 10 Santa Barbara
Chapter 11 The Farm


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