Last of Us 2

Chapter 6: Seattle Day 1 - The Forest Walkthrough

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The Forest.jpg
This is a walkthrough for Chapter 6: Seattle Day 1 - The Forest in The Last of Us Part 2 (TLOU2). For a list of objectives in Seattle Day 1, items, collectible locations, enemy strategy and other tips & tricks, read on!

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Winter Visit The Coast

Seattle Day 1 - The Forest Walkthrough

1 Fight off the stalkers.
2 Follow Yara out of the woods.
3 Open the fenced wall.
4 Defeat the big woman.
5 Open the garage door.
6 Look around the area for supplies.
7 After collecting supplies, go to Yara and Lev.
8 Exit through the huge hole of the building.
9 Use the stairs, then head to the coast.
10 Get inside the abandoned house, then go down below.
11 Give Yara and Lev a boost over the locked door.
12 Defend yourself against the infected while waiting for the siblings find another way.
13 Lev will take point while you are carrying Yara.
14 Climb over the blue container to cross over the fence.
15 Go inside the building.

Seattle Day 1 - The Forest Tips and Strategy

Fight off the Stalkers

1. Fight off the Stalkers.jpg
During the start of the chapter, Abby will be equipped with a Hammer to fight off the infected.

Always Dodge the incoming enemy attack by pressing L1, then do a counterattack after dodging.

Defeat the Big Woman

4. Defeat the Big Woman.jpg
This Big Woman is equipped with a Sledgehammer, giving you the disadvantage since you are only using your fists.

Watch out for her attack patterns, especially when she tries to grab you. That is your best chance to counterattack. If she is going to attack with her weapon, she usualy attacks with 2 or 3 big swings using her hammer.

Continue counterattacking her until you grab her weapon, then slam it on her face.

Defend Yourself from the Infected

12. Defend Yourself from the Infected.jpg
This stage will contain a lot of infected, especially clickers, runners, and shamblers. Using a Pipe Bomb is a good idea to defend yourself from being overrun by them. It is also a good idea to run around the area if you don't have enough ammo and ingredients to fight them.

After surviving for a few minutes, Lev will appear from the windshield of a truck. Head towards him to escape from the area.

Seattle Day 1 - The Forest Collectibles


Failed Truce.jpgFailed Truce
Chapter Seattle Day 1 - The Forest
Location This artifact is on a table in the next room after you enter the garage with Yara and Lev.

Last of Us 2 Related Links

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Winter Visit The Coast

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 3 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 4 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 5 The Park
Chapter 6 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 7 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 8 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 9 The Farm
Chapter 10 Santa Barbara
Chapter 11 The Farm


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