Last of Us 2

How to Kill Runners (Zombies)

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Runners are the most common infected enemy you will encounter throughout The Last of Us Part II. Learn how to fight against Runners efficiently to never get cornered again.

How to Kill Runners

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Fighting against Runners will happen frequently, as they are the most common type of infected in the game. Runners are extremely fast and can be quite dangerous to fight against in large quantities. Also, they can both spot you and hear you if you make a sound, unlike Clickers, which rely purely on sound.

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The best way to deal with runners is by taking them out before they find you. Runners are more likely to be found in groups, so when possible, try to take them out one by one to trim down their numbers instead of fighting the whole group at once.

Seeking out their locations in advance via Listen Mode, then strategically taking them out via Stealth Kills is the best bet!

How to Stealth Kill | Stealth Tips

Killing Runners Efficiently

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Most weapons will work effectively against runners, but try to use weaker weapons to save your ammo for stronger enemies like Clickers and Shamblers. However, if you find yourself in a situation where they are about to surround you, it might be better to use powerful weapons to take them out quickly. In particular, the shotgun is a great tool to use when the runners are trying to rush you, as it is very powerful against close ranged foes, and its large radius means that it can take out multiple of them at once.

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Also, you can use glass bottles or bricks that you might pick up to make a loud sound that can lure Runners to a certain spot. This strategy can also be used to make the Runners group up together, where you can use a Molotov to take them out all at once, allowing you to save time and ammo.

Last of Us 2 Enemies

List of Enemies


Infected Enemies
Runners Stalkers Clickers
Bloaters Shamblers Rat King


Non-Infected Enemies
WLF Dogs
Seraphites Rattlers

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