Last of Us 2

How to Use Trap Mines

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This guide will show you how to use Trap Mines, a throwable weapon in The Last of Us Part II. You'll also be able to find out other information, such as how to find this weapon, and crafting details.

Trap Mine: Basic Information

Weapon Trap Mine IconTrap Mine
Description Deploys in place and detonates on enemy proximity.
Type Throwable
Capacity 3

How to Use Trap Mines

How to Use - Trap Mines.jpg
Trap Mines are stationary bombs that can be only be triggered when someone walks on it. When triggered, it creates a massive explosion that can deal damage to anyone nearby. It is recommended that you use it only on situations where the enemies haven't seen you yet, this way you can avoid taking damage from triggering it too early because of the attacking enemies.

One way of using the Trap Mine is by planting it on a nearby area before moving forward to kill flanking enemies. You can also lure enemes by using a Brick or a Bottle to make noise near the Trap Mine, which they will then set off.

Note: You can also be damaged by the Trap Mine if you are within the range of the explosion.

How to Use - Trap bombs 2.jpg
Keep in mind that if a Trap Mine is not triggered, you can always pick it up and use it for later. However, you must approach it carefully, since you can also trigger the Trap Mine if you step on it.

How to Get Trap Mines

Obtain Through Crafting

Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 How to Unlock
Canister Explosive Find a Trap Mine

Trap Mines can be crafted at any time after learning the recipe, as long as you have the required ingredients.

The recipe is learned from the first time you pick up a trap mine.

Last of Us 2 Weapons

List of Weapons


Semi-Auto Pistol Revolver
Military Pistol Hunting Pistol

Long Guns

Long Guns
Bolt-Action Rifle Pump Shotgun Bow
Semi-Auto Rifle Double Barrel Shotgun Crossbow
Flamethrower Silenced Submachine Gun -


Throwable Weapons
Bottle Brick Molotov
Stun Bomb Trap Mine Pipe Bomb


Other Weapons
Machete Hammer 2x4
Axe Pickaxe Pipe
Sickle Club Baton
Pipe Wrench Switchblade Shiv


Recovery Items
Health Kits


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