Last of Us 2

List of Training Manuals and Locations

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Stealth Training Manual.jpg

This is a guide to finding all of the Training Manuals in The Last of Us Part II, which are used to learn new Player Upgrade Branches. Read on to learn how to find them all!

What Are Training Manuals?

Crafting Training Manual.jpg

Training Manuals are an item that, when found, can be used to unlock new Player Upgrade branches, giving Ellie more skills to use in combat. They look like regular magazine, text books, or other types of books. As you encounter more and more enemies, mastery of these upgrades will help you a lot, so it is important that you don't leave any behind!

List of Skill Upgrades | All Player Upgrades

Finding all training manuals will also allow you to get the following trophy:

silver trophy.png Journeyman
Find all training manuals

Trophy Guide | List of Trophies

About Training Manual Locations

There are several locations that you can pick up training manuals. Even if you miss one of the locations listed below for the manual on this page, you can still find the manual in a different location, so there is no need to restart your save. For example, if you miss the first magazine in the overturned truck, you can find the Crafting Training Manual at the Court House on the 2nd floor.

Therefore, this guide will show the first obtainable location for each manual. If you miss a location, it will show up in a different spot on its own, so you don't need to worry much about trying to find them.

Crafting Training Manual

Chapter: Seattle Day 1
Section: Downtown
Detailed Explanation:
This training manual is inside a rolled over truck, below the bridge with a firetruck. You can get to this truck by rappelling down, using the firetruck's hose and swinging to the platform with the rolled over truck.


Name Supplements Effect
Craft Melee Upgrades 20 Craft an upgrade for your melee weapon, restoring it to full durability and greatly increasing its damage.
Recipe requires binding, blade, and melee weapon.
Faster Crafting 40 Craft all items twice as quickly.
+100% Crafting Speed
Craft Smoke Bombs 30 Stun bombs become smoke bombs, adding a smokescreen which blocks enemy line of sight.
Craft Improved Health Kits 40 Craft more effective health kits.
+50% Healing
Craft More Smoke Bombs 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting smoke bombs, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 1 ▶︎ 2
Inventory capacity: 3 ▶︎ 4

Stealth Training Manual

Chapter: Seattle Day 1
Section: Capitol Hill
Detailed Explanation:
This training manual is beside a typewriter in the Coffee House section of the Books store.


Name Supplements Effect
Craft Silencers 20 Craft pistol silencer that makes shots silent until it breaks.
Press △ while aiming to toggle the silencer on and off.
Durability: 3
Recipe requires rag and canister.
Listen Mode Clarity 40 Enemies seen in listen mode show up in sharper clarity. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
Faster Prone Movement 50 Move faster while prone. Hold ◯ to go prone.
+50% Movement Speed
Improved Silencers 40 Increase the durability of crafted silencers.
Durability: 3 ▶︎ 5
Faster Stealth Kills 60 Stealth kills are faster and keep a lower profile.
+100% Speed

Precision Training Manual

Chapter: Seattle Day 2
Section: Hillcrest
Detailed Explanation:
After leaving the bike shop, head to the building with the Goldstar Liquor sign on it. Go to the basement, and you will encounter 2 Shamblers in the area.
After defeating them, you can see a little opening on the brick wall. Use prone to go through it, then head upstairs.
It will be placed beside a dead body near a computer.


Name Supplements Effect
Aim Stability Increase 30 Improve aiming stability and accuracy while moving.
+100% Stability
+100% Accuracy
Faster Aim Movement 30 Move faster while aiming.
+50% Movement Speed
Listen Mode Range 40 Detect enemies at a greater range in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+50% Range
Hold Breath 40 Press L3 while aiming to hold your breath, steadying your aim.
Craft More Arrows 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting arrows, producing more from the same resources.
Craft Amount: 2 ▶︎ 3

Explosive Training Manual

Chapter: Seattle Day 2
Section: The Seraphites
Detailed Explanation:
Before proceeding to Route 5, head to the building on the right side. Go up on the truck to enter the building.
You need to use the Workbench first, then WLF members will ambush you.
After defeating them, the locked room will now be open, and the Training Manual is placed on the bed.


Name Supplements Effect
Craft Explosive Arrows 20 Craft arrows with explosive tips that deal massive damage in a blast radius.
Press △ while aiming to change arrow types.
Recipe requires explosive and binding.
Improved Trap Mines 20 Craft more effective trap mines that are deadly at greater range.
+50% Blast Radius
Improved Molotovs 40 Increase the effectiveness of your molotovs, spreading fire in a wider radius.
+50% Flame Radius
Craft More Trap Mines 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting trap mines, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 1 ▶︎ 2
Inventory capacity: 3 ▶︎ 4
Craft More Explosive Arrows 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting explosive arrows, producing more from the same resources.
Press △ while aiming to change what type of arrow is being used.
Craft amount: 1 ▶︎ 2
Inventory capacity: 3 ▶︎ 4

Covert Ops Training Manual

Covert Ops - Training Manual Abby.jpg

Chapter: Seattle Day 1 (Abby)
Section: On Foot
Detailed Explanation:
At the boat repair area, it will be placed inside the Boat when going up to reach the latch.

Covert Ops

Name Supplements Effect
Craft Shivs 20 Craft 2 shivs which allow for instant stealth kills against most enemies. They can also be used to break free when grabbed by a clicker.
Recipe requires binding and blade.
Listen Mode Movement Speed I 30 Move faster in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+50% Movement Speed
Grabbed Enemy Movement Speed 50 Move faster while holding a hostage, allowing you to quickly reposition while shielding yourself or attempting a stealth kill.
+50% Hostage Movement Speed
Faster Prone Movement 40 Move faster while prone. Hold ◯ to go prone.
+50% Movement Speed
Craft More Shivs 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting shivs, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Inventory capacity: 4 ▶︎ 6

Close Quarters Training Manual

Close Quarters - Training Manual Abby.jpg

Chapter: Seattle Day 1 (Abby)
Section: Hostile Territory
Detailed Explanation:
After getting a boost from Manny, head towards the houses and go toward the back of the houses. Then go inside the open window. It can be found in the kitchen area.

Close Quarters

Name Supplements Effect
Momentum 40 After killing an enemy with a STRIKE, for a short time your next melee attack will also be a STRIKE.
STRIKES are high-damaging melee moves against stunned or surprised enemies.
Craft Improved Health Kits 50 Craft more effective health kits.
+50% Healing.
Aim Stability Increase 20 Improve aiming stability and accuracy while moving.
+100% Stability
+100% Accuracy
Faster Health Kits 50 Increase the speed of using a health kit.
+100% Speed
Momentum Duration 50 Momentum lasts longer.
+70% Duration

Firearms Training Manual

Firearms -  Training Manual Abby.jpg

Chapter: Seattle Day 1 (Abby)
Section: The Forest
Detailed Explanation:
After defeating the big woman, open the garage doors, then head to the kitchen area. It is placed on top of a table.


Name Supplements Effect
Craft Incendiary Shells 20 Craft 2 incendiary shells which fire in a wide cone, dealing heavy damage and lighting enemies on fire.
Press △ while aiming to change what ammo is loaded.
Recipe requires alcohol and explosive.
Craft Hunting Pistol Ammo 20 Craft 2 standard bullets for your Hunting Pistol which deal heavy damage with high accuracy.
Recipe requires explosive and blade.
Faster Aim Movement 40 Move faster while aiming.
+50% Movement Speed
Craft More Hunting Pistol Ammo 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting hunting pistol ammo, producing more from the same resources.
Craft Amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Craft More Incendiary Shells 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting incendiary shells, producing more from the same resources.
Press △ while aiming to change what ammo is loaded.
Craft amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Inventory capacity: 4 ▶︎ 6

Ordnance Traning Manual

Ordnance - Training Manual Abby.jpg

Chapter: Seattle Day 1 (Abby)
Section: The Coast
Detailed Explanation:
Get inside the boat, then head to the top deck. Head to the main control area, then open the safe.
The Code is 90-77-01


Name Supplements Effect
Faster Crafting 20 Craft all items twice as quickly.
+100% Crafting Speed
Improved Melee Weapon Upgrades 40 Craft more durable upgraded melee weapons.
+1 Durability
Improved Pipe Bombs 30 Craft more effective pipe bombs that are deadly in a larger area.
+50% Blast Radius
Improved Silencers 40 Increase the durability of crafted silencers.
Craft Amount: 3 ▶︎ 5
Craft More Pipe Bombs 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting pipe bombs, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Inventory capacity: 4 ▶︎ 6

Last of Us 2 Collectibles

List of Collectibles and Locations

Last of Us 2 Collectibles
Artifacts Trading Cards
Journal Entries Coins
Training Manuals


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