Last of Us 2

Manny: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

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Manny is a new character appearing in The Last of Us Part II (TLoU 2). This page will explain Manny's backstory, voice actor, and how old Manny is.

Manny: Character Information


Basic Information

Name: Manny Alvarez
Age: Unkown
Occupation: WLF Combatant
Role: Supporting Character
Voice Actor: Alejandro Edda

Profile and Backstory

Manny is another of Abby's Friends. He is ethnically hispanic, and is often is heard speaking Spanish. He has family living within the WLF that he cares for.

Manny accompanied others of Abby's friends to Jackson as well.

What Happens to Manny?

When playing as Abby, there is a section where you are trying to catch up to a sniper (Tommy). Upon cornering him and them trying to sneak up on him to take him by surprise, Manny is shot by Tommy, dying instantly.

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