Last of Us 2

Chapter 3: Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings Walkthrough

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Finding Strings.jpg
This is a walkthrough for Chapter 3: Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings in The Last of Us Part 2 (TLOU2). For a list of objectives in Seattle Day 2, items, collectible locations, enemy strategy and other tips & tricks, read on!

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Hillcrest The Seraphites

Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings Walkthrough

1 Follow Tommy.
2 Shoot the Runners with Tommy's rifle.
3 Follow Tommy to the ski lodge.
4 Follow Joel to the horses
5 Follow Joel on horseback
6 Follow Joel and climb into the van.
7 Head back to the front door of the lodge.
8 Joel will lift up a collapsed roof for you to crawl through.
9 From the inside, go around to the front door to let Joel in.
10 Follow Joel and allow him to move the vending machine.
11 Follow Joel through the building.
12 Fight several Runners with Joel.
13 Another group of Runners and some Clickers will attack
14 After squeezing through a gap, fight a Bloater with Joel
It's a good idea to use molotovs to stun the Bloater and get clean headshots
15 Follow Joel to the next room to end this section.

Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings Tips and Strategy

Fighting the Bloater

The Bloater here will start by chasing Joel. Take this chance to land some good shots, because the bloater will start to ignore Joel and charge Ellie. You can use the dodge button to avoid damage. The Bloast can also throw acid like bombs, so avoid staying in one spot for long, and only stop to make a clean shot.

Us molotovs to stun the Bloater and cause fire damage. Take the chance to line up head shots with the bolt-action rifle. A Runner will charge you at some point during the fight. Make sure to finish it off quickly with a melee weapon, like a baseball bat. Avoid melee with the knife, as it will take too long, leaving you open to getting caught by the Bloater.

Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings Collectibles


TaraTara's Invitation
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings
Location This artifact is on a drawer in one of the bedrooms before you reach the area with infected inside the hotel.

Journal Entries

Entry 12.jpgJackson View
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings
Location This journal entry can be gained by examining the view towards Jackson by turning right at the start of the chapter instead of following Tommy.

Trading Cards

Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings
Location This trading card is on the passenger seat of the car below the broken road by the puddle .

Last of Us 2 Related Links

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Hillcrest The Seraphites

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 3 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 4 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 5 The Park
Chapter 6 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 7 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 8 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 9 The Farm
Chapter 10 Santa Barbara
Chapter 11 The Farm


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