Last of Us 2

Chapter 1: Jackson - Patrol Walkthrough

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This is a walkthrough for Chapter 1: Jackson - Patrol in The Last of Us Part 2 (TLOU2). For a list of objectives in this section, items, collectible locations, enemy strategy and other tips & tricks, read on!

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The Overlook The Horde

Jackson - Patrol Walkthrough

1 Follow Dina.
2 After getting off your horse, follow and talk to Dina.
3 After talking to Dina, follow her into the next room and talk to her again.
4 Follow Dina to the horses, untie your horse, and follow her on horseback till you get to town
You can search this area for supplies.
5 After finding the dead moose, you must search for infected to clear out.
6 Enter the building closest to the moose and you will find one Runner.
You can enter the locked door by jumping out of the broken window.
7 Squeeze through the door to get to the next area
8 After you squeeze through the door a Runner will charge at you. You will need to quick throw a bottle to stun it before striking it down.
9 Climb out of the room and kill the several infected in the area.
10 Dina will help you get over a delivery tuck to get to the next area.
11 Use the semi-truck to climb into the next buidling.
12 After entering the building you can enter a door to an area filled with sporse. Squeeze through the space in the wall next to the bookshelf and filling cabinets
A safe is in the office with a letter that gives a hint to the combo.
13 After Ellie falls through the floor, you must stealth kill 2 clickers.
14 Climb out of the small window in the pharmacy and fight 2 clickers and several runners.
15 Use a cable to throw over the airduct and climb out of the super market
16 Follow Dana through the snow storm
17 The office door will be locked. Use a bottle to break the window to enter.
18 Turn on the generator.
19 Move the bookshelf to find a hidden basement.
20 Pick up the jar of joints

Jackson - Patrol Tips and Strategy

Utilizing Stealth Kills

Sneaking Up on Clickers.jpg
Stealth kills are a great way to conserve ammo, and often they allow for much quicker and easier kills than using guns would. For clickers especially, learning how to properly stealth kill is essential to your survival.

How to Stealth Kill | Stealth Tips

Super Market Safe

Last of Us 2 Supermarket safe
A safe is in the office with a letter that gives a hint to the combo.

Throwing the Cable

Cable and Air Duct.jpg
After taking out the enemies in the area, you will find a cable underneath a large fan. Pick it up and throw it over the air duct so that you can climb up. Throwing is the same as throwing molotovs and other items, which is by default done by holding L2, adjusting the arc, then pressing R2. If you miss, you can pick up the cable and try again.

Jackson - Patrol Safe Locations

Super Market Safe Code

Market Safe.png
This safe is located on the top floor of the super market inside the office. Once you squeeze through the gap after putting on the gas mask, the office will be the door on your right. The hint for the safe is on the desk next to the safe.

Safe Combination

Jackson - Patrol Collectibles


A Note to Santa.jpgA Note to Santa
Chapter Jackson - Patrol
Location This artifact is inside a drawer of the nightstand when you inspect the abandoned house to your left when Dina suggests if you want to check out the houses for supplies.
Supermarket Apology.jpgSupermarket Apology
Chapter Jackson - Patrol
Location This artifact is inside the back of a truck when Dina saves you from a runner after crawling under the said truck.
Good Boy Combo.jpgGood Boy Combo
Chapter Jackson - Patrol
Location This artifact is on the corner of a desk in the room with a safe when you enter the spore infected area with Dina.
EugeneEugene's Firefly Pendant
Chapter Jackson - Patrol
Location This artifact is automatically given to you when you search Eugene's things at the library.
Photo of Eugene and Tommy.jpgPhoto of Eugene and Tommy
Chapter Jackson - Patrol
Location This artifact is on the table across the bed beside the nightstand with Eugene's Ultimatum at the library.
EugeneEugene's Ultimatum
Chapter Jackson - Patrol
Location This artifact is inside the drawer of the nightstand across the table with the Photo of Eugene and Tommy at the library.

Journal Entries

Entry 1.jpgThe View
Chapter Jackson - Patrol
Location This journal entry can be gained by interacting with the view after looking at it with Dina.
Entry 2.jpgToy Giraffe
Chapter Jackson - Patrol
Location This journal entry can be gained by interacting with the toy Giraffe in the next room after you receive Eugene's Firefly Pendant.

Trading Cards

Chapter Patrol
Location This trading card will be given to you by Dina when you inspect abandoned house to your right when Dina suggests if you want to check out the houses for supplies.
Laurent Foucault CEO SPARK.jpgLaurent Foucault, CEO SPARK
Chapter Patrol
Location This trading card is on top of a table inside the room across the toy Giraffe and a little to the left.

Last of Us 2 Related Links

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The Overlook The Horde

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 3 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 4 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 5 The Park
Chapter 6 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 7 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 8 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 9 The Farm
Chapter 10 Santa Barbara
Chapter 11 The Farm


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