Last of Us 2

Dina: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

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Dina - The Last of Us 2.jpg
Dina is a new character appearing in The Last of Us Part II (TLoU 2). This page will explain Dina's backstory and role in TLoU2, who plays Dina, and how old Dina is.

Warning: This page contains major spoilers! Proceed with extreme caution if you have not played the whole game yet.

Dina: Character Information

Dina - Basic Information.jpg

Basic Information

Name: Dina
Age: Likely the same age as Ellie (19-21 yrs. old)
Status Alive
Occupation: Jackson Patrol
Role: Supporting Character
Voice Actor: Shannon Woodward

Profile and Backstory

Dina is a resident of the Jackson community, and also part of the patrol that protects the community. She used to have a relationship with Jesse, but is now Ellie's romantic interest.

She later on joins Ellie's crusade to exact revenge on those who killed, Joel but finds out that she is pregnant during their time in Seattle.

What is Dina's Role?

Dina is an ally that will help you throughout your playthrough. She will cover your back when fighting off enemies, and help you break easily when an enemy grabs you.

Dina can also kill some enemies with her pistol, with her being a huge help since she can reduce them enemy count. When Ellies does a stealth kill, she can also take out the other nearby enemy that is patrolling the area.

What Happens to Dina?

WARNING! Might contain some information that is later revealed on the game. Do not read if you haven't finished the game.

What Happened to Dina.jpg

After the Seattle event, Dina and Ellie settle on a farm, where they are peacefully living along with her newborn child JJ. That peace is disturbed when Tommy visits their place with information regarding Abby.

Tommy wants to finish the job and kill Abby, but Dina and Ellie are by this point already done with it. He reminds Ellie that she promised to kill Abby once and for all. After Ellie leaves Dina, she goes back to Jackson, leaving Ellie behind.

Related Links

See All Characters

Jackson Community
Ellie Icon.pngEllie Dina Icon.pngDina Joel Icon.pngJoel
Jesse Icon.pngJesse Tommy Icon.pngTommy Maria Icon.pngMaria
Seth Icon.pngSeth - -
Abby Icon.pngAbby Owen Icon.pngOwen Mel Icon.pngMel
Nora Icon.pngNora Manny Icon.pngManny Jordan Icon.pngJordan
Isaac Icon.pngIsaac Alice Icon.pngAlice Jerry Icon.pngJerry
Whitney Icon.pngWhitney Nick Icon.pngNick -
Lev Icon.pngLev Yara Icon.pngYara Emily Icon.pngEmily


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