Last of Us 2

List of Enemies | Infected and Non-Infected Enemies

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This page contains information about all infected and non-infected enemies in The Last of Us 2. Read on for a list of enemies, as well as tips on tricks for how to beat them!

Types of Infected


Runners - Killing Runners 2.jpg
Runners are the most common enemy in The Last of Us 2, and the first stage of the infected. They are fairly weak and quick to deal with but, are almost always in groups, or are along side later stage infected, like Clickers and Shamblers.

How to Kill Runners (Zombies)


Stalkers - Banner 1.jpg
Stalkers are the next stage of infected after runners. They tend to ambush the player and stay hidden. Stalkers won't one-shot you like Clickers, would but they are a bit tougher to kill than regular runners, and will attempt to retreat after attacking. They are also hard to spot in Listen Mode.

How to Kill Stalkers


How to Kill Clickers - Banner 1.jpg
Clickers are completely blind, thus there is no need to worry about being spotted by sight. However, they have better hearing, meaning that you need to push the movment stick lightly or else a Clicker might hear you. Clickers are also tougher than runners, can't be meleed without being stunned, and can one-shot the player, making ranged attacks necessary.

How to Kill Clickers


Bloaters - Banner 1.jpg
Bloaters are a late stage of infected, are extremly dangerous and can take a lot of damage. They also throw acid bombs at the player that will leave a acid cloud that will damge the player over time.

How to Kill Bloaters


Shamblers - Banner 2.jpg
The shambler is a new type of powerful infected that can release spores when damage or killed. Because of how deadly the spores are, you have to keep your distance against them.

How to Kill Shamblers

The Rat King

Rat King - The Last of Us 2.jpg
Another new infected in TLoU2. This beast is like a combination of a clicker, bloater, and shambler, all thrown into one deadly package.

How to Kill The Rat King

Non-Infected Enemies


One of two rival factions fighting for control of Seattle. In addition to infected enemies, you will have to fight these humanoid enemies as Ellie.

Washington Liberation Front (WLF): Battle Tips and Strategy


Companions of the WLF. They can sniff out your scent trail and alert enemies of your presence, so distracting and disposing of them is key.

How to Deal With Dogs


How to Kill Clickers - Banner 1.jpg
The other faction fighting for control over Seattle. This cult-like group have scars on their faces, and communicate to eachother via whistles when hunting.

The Seraphites (Scars): Battle Tips and Strategy


Rattlers Banner - 2.jpg
A group of hostile humans who roam around Santa Barbara. They use traps to pick up strays and turn them into slaves, and also chain up infected, which can be set free to use against them.

Rattlers: Battle Tips and Strategy

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