Last of Us 2

How to Kill Shamblers

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Shamblers are one of the tougher infected creatures you will have to fight against in the Last of Us Part II. Read on to learn how to deal with Shamblers effectively.

How to Kill Shamblers

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Shamblers are large infected creatures that you will first encounter in the underground tunnels. Shamblers emit a dangerous acid cloud that will slowly drain away your health if you stand close to it. Shamblers' usual attack pattern is to get close to you, then discharge it's acid before using regular melee attacks.

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Shamblers are most dangerous at close range, so when you first attack one, it is better to keep your distance and try to land headshots using the revolver, the bow, or the bolt-action rifle, and using motovos to stun the Shambler to keep it from getting close and dealing damage while it's stunned.

Also take note that you cannot execute a Stealth Kill on Shamblers, and they are a lot tougher than the other infected that you will encounter, so be sure to deal as much damage as you can as soon you start fighting them.

Avoiding the Acid Cloud

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It is recommended that you use ranged weapons when fighting against Shamblers. Using a melee weapon against a shambler is not ideal, because of their ability to emit an acidic cloud that can deal damage over time.

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Also, keep in mind that you should avoid killing a Shambler if it is near you. Once a Shambler takes enough damage, it will go down, and a large gas explosion will occur before completely dying, so they can hurt you even after you've killed them off.

Last of Us 2 Enemies

List of Enemies


Infected Enemies
Runners Stalkers Clickers
Bloaters Shamblers Rat King


Non-Infected Enemies
WLF Dogs
Seraphites Rattlers

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