Last of Us 2

Seattle Day 2 (Ellie) Collectibles Guide

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This is a guide to finding all collectibles in Chapter 3: Seattle Day 2 (Ellie) in The Last of Us Part 2. Read on for help finding all trading cards, artifacts, and journal entries in this chapter.

Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest Collectibles


Join WLF Note.jpgJoin WLF Note
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This artifact is on a desk inside the office at the back of the Majestic Laundromat building.
Need a Plan Note.jpgNeed a Plan Note
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This artifact is on the counter inside the building at the end of the overgrown path to your left immediately after you climb the broken truck.
BorisBoris' Daughter's Drawing
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This artifact is on a small table at the basement of the Rosemont clothing store.
YolandaYolanda's Note
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This artifact is on the counter of the Used & Rare Books store.
Condolence Note.jpgCondolence Note
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This artifact is on the desk in the room to your right after you climb on from a dumpster to enter the previous room.
Note in Hillcrest Tattoo Parlor.jpgNote in Hillcrest Tattoo Parlor
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This artifact is on the table at the back of the Velvet Tattoo Parlor.
Turn in Boris Note.jpgTurn in Boris Note
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This artifact is on the table at the back of the locked room of the Pet Botique & Grooming.
You will need to kill the infected nearby before entering or else they will hear you break the window.
DaleDale's Combo
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This artifact is on the wall on to your left as you enter the next room from the Fine Ales Wines & Spirits store connected to the Pet Botique & Grooming.
BorisBoris' Confession
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This artifact is on the coffee table inside the living room of the house that leads to the black smoke.
RosemontRosemont's Flyer
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This artifact is on a drawer to your left once you enter the house leading to the black smoke.

Journal Entries

Entry 11.jpgAnti-WLF
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This journal entry can be gained by examining the tarp directly in front of you after climbing the broken truck.

Trading Cards

Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This trading card is inside a pickup truck directly behind you and below you at the start of the chapter.
Sahir the Sorcerer.jpgSahir the Sorcerer
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This trading card is inside a box at the back of the building on the end of the overgrown path to your left immediately after you climb the broken truck.
Naledi The Youthful.jpgNaledi The Youthful
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This trading card is on the rear wheel of a bike in the room with the workbench after you climb on from a dumpster to enter.
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This trading card is on the back of the play house after scaling a fence that leads to the black smoke.
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest
Location This trading card is under the bed in one of the bedrooms on the second floor of the Yellow house .

Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings Collectibles


TaraTara's Invitation
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings
Location This artifact is on a drawer in one of the bedrooms before you reach the area with infected inside the hotel.

Journal Entries

Entry 12.jpgJackson View
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings
Location This journal entry can be gained by examining the view towards Jackson by turning right at the start of the chapter instead of following Tommy.

Trading Cards

Chapter Seattle Day 2 - Finding Strings
Location This trading card is on the passenger seat of the car below the broken road by the puddle .

Seattle Day 2 - The Serpahites Collectibles


WLF Target List.jpgWLF Target List
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This artifact will be dropped by a Runner when you kill them inside the Kingsgate Brewing Co. building.
Last Letter to Husband.jpgLast Letter to Husband
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This artifact is on the floor beside the couches in the locked room on the second floor of the Conference Center.
You can get into the locked room by breaking the nearest window and the glass platform when you look outside to your left, then throwing the rope from the window to the open platform.
Evacuation Letter.jpgEvacuation Letter
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This artifact is on the dining table of the room to your right inside the apartment building
WLF Deserter Letter.jpgWLF Deserter Letter
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This artifact is on the table with the TV in the room to your left at the apartment building.
You need to interact with the workbench first, then a group will attack you from the locked room before you can enter.
Dying HusbandDying Husband's Plea
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This artifact is beside a corpse in room 302 on the third floor of the Garden Suites 113.
You can get into the room by climbing up the fire escape from room 201 and by breaking the window from the fire escape.
Pharmacy Note.jpgPharmacy Note
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This artifact is on a shelf behind the counter of the Weston's Pharmacy.
Hospital Supply List.jpgHospital Supply List
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This artifact is on the counter in the next room after you reach the second floor of the hospital.

Journal Entries

Entry 13.jpgThe Message
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This journal entry can be gained by examining the Seraphite message written in blood inside the Conference Center just across the street from Kingsgate Brewing Co..
Entry 14.jpgThe Hospital
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This journal entry can be gained automatically when Ellie discovers the hospital.
Entry 15.jpgSCARS
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This journal entry can be gained by examining the corpse beside the bus stop after you cut through the park.

Trading Cards

Randy Styles.jpgRandy Styles
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This trading card is on the shelf near the wall and beside the counter at Quickmart .
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This trading card is on one of the couches in the locked room on the second floor of the Conference Center.
You can get into the locked room by breaking the nearest window and the glass platform when you look outside to your left, then throwing the rope from the window to the open platform.
Star Sign.jpgStar Sign
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This trading card is inside the drawer of the nightstand in the room to your right at the apartment building.
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This trading card is inside the drawer of a desk in a locked room at the ground floor of the Seattle Conference Center.
To get into the room, you will need to throw a bottle or a brick to break a window at the back of the room to enter.
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This trading card is on the floor near room 212 at the corner of the hallway on the second floor of Garden Suites 113.
Bhat MBhat M'Andarr
Chapter Seattle Day 2 - The Seraphites
Location This trading card is on a shelf beside the counter of the Weston's Pharmacy.

Last of Us 2 Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 3 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 4 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 5 The Park
Chapter 6 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 7 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 8 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 9 The Farm
Chapter 10 Santa Barbara
Chapter 11 The Farm


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