Last of Us 2

How to Upgrade Weapons

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The Last of Us Part II - Workbench.png

The guide will cover everything about upgrading and customizing your weapons in The Last of Us 2. Read on to learn more!

Workbench Customization

The Last of Us 2 Weapons.png
In The Last of Us 2, you can mod your weapons in a couple of ways. These workbenches can be found around the world of the game, and will give you options to do things such as add a scope to your Rifle or increase the capacity of the Shotgun.

How to Upgrade Weapons

Find a Workbench

You'll need to find a workbench before you can upgrade your weapons. After doing so, simply walk up and press △, then select the weapon you want to upgrade, and finally choose the upgrade you want.

The first workbench is found in Jackson when patrolling with Dina, after entering the house from the blizzard. There are also two trophies for finding these.

silver trophy.png In the Field
Find 12 workbenches
gold trophy.png Prepared For the Worst
Find all workbenches

Required Components

Scavenged Part.jpg

In order to upgrade your weapons you will need the weapon (of course) and Scrap that can be picked up from around the game world. These can be found all over, so be sure and pick them up as you see them.

What are Scavenged Parts?

Choose your upgrades carefully!

There won't be enough scavenged parts to get all of the weapon upgrades in one playthrough, so think carefully about the upgrades you will get. Certain trophies can be unlocked after obtaining enough upgrades.

bronze trophy.png Tinkerer
Upgrade a weapon
silver trophy.png Mechanist
Fully upgrade a weapon
gold trophy.png Arms Master
Fully upgrade all weapons

Note: Arms Master is only unlockable via New Game Plus.

Trophy List and Guide

List of Weapon Upgrades

Semi-Auto Pistol

Name Parts Effect
Fire Rate 40 Replace the hammer spring to increase fire rate.
+45% Fire Rate
Stability 50 Replace the pistol grip to decrease weapon sway.
+35% Stability
Recoil 30 Attach a compensator to decrease weapon recoil.
+25% Accuracy
-35% Recoil
Capacity 50 Craft an extended magazine to hold more rounds.
+4 Magazine Capacity

Semi-Auto Pistol: Location and Best Upgrades

Bolt-Action Rifle

Name Parts Effect
Stability 50 Add weight to the stock to decrease weapon sway.
+40% Stability
Capacity 50 Add a magazine to increase reload speed and hold more rounds.
+3 Magazine Capacity
+65% Reload Speed
6x Scope 80 Add a scope to aim at distant targets with greater accuracy by pressing x.
Damage 100 Replace the barrel to fire more powerful shots.
+25% Damage

Bolt-Action Rifle: Location and Best Upgrades


Name Parts Effect
Fire Rate 30 Replace the hammer spring to increase firing rate.
+35% Fire Rate
Stability 50 Replace the revolver grip to reduce recoil and decrease weapon sway.
-25% Recoil
+35% Stability
Reload Speed 50 Use a speed loader to load rounds all at once instead of individually.
+85% Reload Speed
Damage 70 Replace the barrel to fire more powerful shots.
+40% Damage
+25% Accuracy

Revolver: Location and Best Upgrades

Pump Shotgun

Name Parts Effect
Fire Rate 40 Replace the springs and extractor to increase fire rate.
+55% Fire Rate
Stability 40 Replace the grip to reduce coil and decrease weapon sway.
-40% Recoil
+35% Stability
Capacity 50 Extend the magazine tube to increase shell capacity.
+2 Magazine Capacity

Pump Shotgun: Location and Best Upgrades


Name Parts Effect
Draw Speed 50 Restring the bow to increase draw speed.
+50% Nocking Speed
+70% Draw Speed
Stability 60 Replace the grip to decrease weapon sway.
+60% Stability
Rangefinder 80 Add a rangefinder to automatically mark the distance of enemies on the reticle.

Bow: Location and Best Upgrades

Military Pistol

Name Parts Effect
Fire Rate 40 Replace the hammer spring to increase fire rate.
+50% Fire Rate
Stability 50 Replace the pistol grip to decrease weapon sway.
+35% Stability
Recoil 30 Attach a compensator to reduce weapon recoil.
+25% Accuracy
-35% Recoil
Capacity 50 Craft an extended magazine to hold more rounds.
+4 Magazine Capacity

Military Pistol: Location and Best Upgrades

Semi-Auto Rifle

Name Parts Effect
Stability 50 Add weight to the stock to decrease weapon sway.
+35% Stability
Capacity 60 Extend the magazine to hold more rounds.
+3 Magazine Capacity
4x Scope 80 Add a scope to aim at distant targets with greater accuracy by pressing x.
Burst Fire 80 Modify the trigger to allow for a three-round burst that can be toggled on and off with △.
+50% Fire Rate

Semi-Auto Rifle: Location and Best Upgrades

Hunting Pistol

Name Parts Effect
Stability 50 Replace the pistol grip to decrease weapon sway.
+25% Accuracy
+35% Stability
4x Scope 60 Add a scope to aim at distant targets with greater accuracy pressing X
Damage 80 Replace the barrel to fire more powerful shots.
+25% Damage

Hunting Pistol: Location and Best Upgrades

Double Barrel Shotgun

Name Parts Effect
Stability 30 Add weight to the stock to decrease weapon sway.
-35% Recoil
+50% Stability
Reload Speed 40 Store shotgun shells in bullet loops on the stock to increase reload speed.
+35% Reload Speed
Damage 60 Replace the barrel to fire more powerful shots.
+30% Damage

Double Barrel Shotgun: Location and Best Upgrades


Name Parts Effect
Stability 50 Attach a foregrip to increase stability.
+55% Stability
4x Scope 60 Add a scope to aim at distant targets with greater accuracy pressing X
Reload Speed 80 Store arrows in a quiver increase reload speed.
+55% Reload Speed

Crossbow: Location and Best Upgrades

Last of Us 2 Tips and Tricks

Tips & Tricks

Game Mechanics and Features
Combat Guide and Tips List of Skill Upgrades
How to Use Listen Mode How to Stealth Kill | Stealth Tips
How to Upgrade Weapons -
Controls and Techniques
Game Controls & Settings
How to Ride the Horse How to Heal
How to Use Quick Turn How to Run (Sprint)
How to Turn on Aim Assist How to Ride the Boat
Resources and Tools
What are Scavenged Parts? What are Ingredients?
Recipe List List of Training Manuals and Locations
List of All Workbench Locations How to Get Infinite Ammo
Exploration and Secrets
Safe Combinations and Locations How to Find the Downtown Seattle Map
Trophy Guide | List of Trophies How to Open the Bank Vault
Soda Can Code How to Earn the High Score in the Archery Game
How to Win the Marksmanship Competition How to Put a Hat on your Companion
How to Find the Engraved Ring How to Find the Strange Artifact
How to Unlock the Hidden Trophies Easter Eggs
Miscellaneous Guides
Which Skills Should You Upgrade First? Which Weapon Upgrades Should You Get First?
How to Play Guitar What Carries Over Into New Game Plus?
How to Use Photo Mode Difficulty Settings and Best Difficulty
How to Use Generators Scent Trails Explained


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