Last of Us 2

Abby Anderson: Age, Voice Actor, and Backstory

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Abby - The Last of Us 2.jpg

Abby is a new character appearing in The Last of Us Part II (TLoU 2). This page will explain Abby's backstory, voice actor, how old Abby is, as well other information about the character, such as weapons, player skills, and more!

Warning: This page contains major spoilers! Proceed with extreme caution if you have not played the whole game yet.

Abby: Character Information

Final Warning: Major spoilers Ahead! You have been warned!!


Basic Information

Name: Abby Anderson
Age: Early Twenties
Status: Alive
Occupation: ・Former Fireflies member
・Former WLF member
Role: Antagonist/Deuteragonist
Voice Actor: Laura Bailey

Profile and Backstory

Abby used to be a Firefly member along with her dad, Jerry Anderson, who was the lead doctor set to perform surgery on Ellie during Part 1. We all know what happened to the doctors in the operating room when Joel barged in to rescue Ellie (if you need a refresher - he killed all of them).

This is her reason for getting revenge on Joel and murdering him in cold blood. Her life is much like the others, where they have to do various things in the name of survival, so TLoU2 parallels her with Ellie, who is also set on getting her revenge.

How Long Do You Play as Abby?

For the second half of the game playthrough, you will have to play Abby and learn her story to really understand that her life is more or less the same as Ellie's, where she also has loved ones to care about and protect.

The following chapters are the ones where you will play as Abby:

Chapter 5: The Park
Chapter 6: Seattle Day 1
Chapter 7: Seattle Day 2
Chapter 8: Seattle Day 3
Chapter 10: Santa Barbara

Does Abby Die?

4. Fighting Abby.jpg
SERIOUSLY, FINAL WARNING! This section contains information that is revealed much later on the game.

The conclusion will happen during the Santa Barbara chapter, where Ellie and Abby meet once again. After The Beach part where Ellie successfully rescues Abby from the Rattlers, they will face off on the beach.

Ellie wanted to finish what she started by killing Abby, but when she is close to drowning Abby on the beach, she remembers Joel's smile, then lets her and Lev leave the beach.

She wanted to end the cycle of revenge by sparing Abby's life. Because if Abby dies, it is most likely that Lev will take upon getting revenge on Ellie, then someone will avenge Ellie's death and so forth. This might be the reason why Ellie lets her live, before going back to the farm.

Abby's Weapons


Weapon Description Location
Military PistolMilitary Pistol Short-range handgun with high fire rate and moderate accuracy. Obtain automatically in Seattle Day 1 - The Stadium.
Hunting PistolHunting Pistol Long-range handgun with high damage and slow reload speed. Seattle Day 1 - On Foot (Safe)

Long Guns

Weapon Description Location
Semi-Auto RifleSemi-Auto Rifle Mid-range rifle with high fire rate and moderate accuracy. Obtain automatically in Seattle Day 1 - The Stadium.
Double Barrel ShotgunDouble Barrel Shotgun Mid-range shotgun with high damage and slow reload speed. Seattle Day 1 - Hostile Territory (Shop with Chinese Vase)
CrossbowCrossbow Long-range crossbow with silent shots and slow reload speed. Seattle Day 1 - The Coast (Boat, next to dead body)
FlamethrowerFlamethrower Close range weapon that incinerates enemies, dealing lethal damage. Seattle Day 2 - The Descent (near the dead Fedra agent).


Weapon Description Location
BottleBottle A throwable object that can be used to break glass or create a distraction. Only one item of this type can be held at a time. Pick up from ground.
BrickBrick A throwable object that can be used to break glass or create a distraction. Only one item of this type can be held at a time. Pick up from ground.
Pipe BombPipe Bomb Bounce on impact and explodes after a short delay. Craft.

Recovery Item

Weapon Description Location
Health KitHealth Kit Restores a moderate amount of health. Hold R2 to use. Craft.

Abby's Player Upgrades

Field Tactics

Name Supplements Effect
Increased Health 50 Increase maximum health.
+25% Health
Listen Mode Range 40 Detect enemies at a greater range in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+50% Range
Hold Breath 30 Press L3 while aiming to hold your breath, steadying your aim.
Listen Mode Clarity 40 Enemies seen in listen mode show up in sharper clarity. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
Increased Health 30 Increase maximum health.
+25% Health

Covert Ops

Name Supplements Effect
Craft More Shivs 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting shivs, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Inventory capacity: 4 ▶︎ 6
Faster Prone Movement 40 Move faster while prone. Hold ◯ to go prone.
+50% Movement Speed
Grabbed Enemy Movement Speed 50 Move faster while holding a hostage, allowing you to quickly reposition while shielding yourself or attempting a stealth kill.
+50% Hostage Movement Speed
Listen Mode Movement Speed I 30 Move faster in listen mode. Hold R1 to sense nearby enemies through walls.
+50% Movement Speed
Craft Shivs 20 Craft 2 shivs which allow for instant stealth kills against most enemies. They can also be used to break free when grabbed by a clicker.
Recipe requires binding and blade.

Close Quarters

Name Supplements Effect
Momentum Duration 50 Momentum lasts longer.
+70% Duration
Faster Health Kits 50 Increase the speed of using a health kit.
+100% Speed
Aim Stability Increase 20 Improve aiming stability and accuracy while moving.
+100% Stability
+100% Accuracy
Craft Improved Health Kits 50 Craft more effective health kits.
+50% Healing.
Momentum 40 After killing an enemy with a STRIKE, for a short time your next melee attack will also be a STRIKE.
STRIKES are high-damaging melee moves against stunned or surprised enemies.


Name Supplements Effect
Craft More Incendiary Shells 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting incendiary shells, producing more from the same resources.
Press △ while aiming to change what ammo is loaded.
Craft amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Inventory capacity: 4 ▶︎ 6
Craft More Hunting Pistol Ammo 50 Increase your efficiency at crafting hunting pistol ammo, producing more from the same resources.
Craft Amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Faster Aim Movement 40 Move faster while aiming.
+50% Movement Speed
Craft Hunting Pistol Ammo 20 Craft 2 standard bullets for your Hunting Pistol which deal heavy damage with high accuracy.
Recipe requires explosive and blade.
Craft Incendiary Shells 20 Craft 2 incendiary shells which fire in a wide cone, dealing heavy damage and lighting enemies on fire.
Press △ while aiming to change what ammo is loaded.
Recipe requires alcohol and explosive.


Name Supplements Effect
Craft More Pipe Bombs 40 Increase your efficiency at crafting pipe bombs, producing more from the same resources.
Craft amount: 2 ▶︎ 3
Inventory capacity: 4 ▶︎ 6
Improved Silencers 40 Increase the durability of crafted silencers.
Craft Amount: 3 ▶︎ 5
Improved Pipe Bombs 30 Craft more effective pipe bombs that are deadly in a larger area.
+50% Blast Radius
Improved Melee Weapon Upgrades 40 Craft more durable upgraded melee weapons.
+1 Durability
Faster Crafting 20 Craft all items twice as quickly.
+100% Crafting Speed

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Jackson Community
Ellie Icon.pngEllie Dina Icon.pngDina Joel Icon.pngJoel
Jesse Icon.pngJesse Tommy Icon.pngTommy Maria Icon.pngMaria
Seth Icon.pngSeth - -
Abby Icon.pngAbby Owen Icon.pngOwen Mel Icon.pngMel
Nora Icon.pngNora Manny Icon.pngManny Jordan Icon.pngJordan
Isaac Icon.pngIsaac Alice Icon.pngAlice Jerry Icon.pngJerry
Whitney Icon.pngWhitney Nick Icon.pngNick -
Lev Icon.pngLev Yara Icon.pngYara Emily Icon.pngEmily


1 Anonymousover 4 years

She didn't live out her life at the farm, she left it.


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