Last of Us 2

Weapons List | Where to Find All Weapons

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The Last of Us 2 Weapons.png

This is a list of weapons found in The Last of Us Part 2. Read on to learn weapon stats and locations, as well as how to use each weapon!

List of Weapons


Weapon Description Location
Semi-Auto PistolSemi-Auto Pistol Short-range handgun with high fire rate and moderate accuracy. Obtained by default in Jackson - Waking Up.
RevolverRevolver Mid-range revolver with moderate damage and slow reload speed. Get from the box upstairs in Jackson - Packing Up.
Military PistolMilitary Pistol Short-range handgun with high fire rate and moderate accuracy. Obtain automatically in Seattle Day 1 - The Stadium.
Hunting PistolHunting Pistol Long-range handgun with high damage and slow reload speed. Seattle Day 1 - On Foot (Safe)

Long Guns

Weapon Description Location
Bolt-Action RifleBolt-Action Rifle Long-range rifle with high damage and slow fire rate. Obtained by default in Jackson - Waking Up.
Pump ShotgunPump Shotgun Close-range shotgun with high damage and slow reload speed. Obtain from the Bank Vault in Seattle Day 1 - Downtown.
BowBow Long-range bow with silent shots and slow draw speed. Obtain automatically in Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest.
Semi-Auto RifleSemi-Auto Rifle Mid-range rifle with high fire rate and moderate accuracy. Obtain automatically in Seattle Day 1 - The Stadium.
Double Barrel ShotgunDouble Barrel Shotgun Mid-range shotgun with high damage and slow reload speed. Seattle Day 1 - Hostile Territory (Shop with Chinese Vase)
CrossbowCrossbow Long-range crossbow with silent shots and slow reload speed. Seattle Day 1 - The Coast (Boat, next to dead body)
FlamethrowerFlamethrower Close range weapon that incinerates enemies, dealing lethal damage. Seattle Day 2 - The Descent (near the dead Fedra agent).
Silenced Submachine GunSilenced Submachine Gun A silent automatic sub machine gun that deals medium damage to enemies. Obtained in Santa Barbara - The Resort


Weapon Description Location
BottleBottle A throwable object that can be used to break glass or create a distraction. Only one item of this type can be held at a time. Pick up from ground.
BrickBrick A throwable object that can be used to break glass or create a distraction. Only one item of this type can be held at a time. Pick up from ground.
MolotovMolotov Explodes on impact, and fire lingers in the area. Craft.
Stun BombStun Bomb Stuns enemies in a small area on impact. Craft.
Trap MineTrap Mine Deploys in place and detonates on enemy proximity. Craft.
Pipe BombPipe Bomb Bounce on impact and explodes after a short delay. Craft.

Melee / Other

Weapon Description Location
MacheteMachete Increases the power of your melee attacks. Pick-up
HammerHammer Increases the power of your melee attacks. Pick-up
BatonBaton Increases the power of your melee attacks. Pick-up
Pipe WrenchPipe Wrench Increases the power of your melee attacks. Pick-up
2x42x4 Increases the power of your melee attacks. Pick-up
AxeAxe Increases the power of your melee attacks. Pick-up
PickaxePickaxe Increases the power of your melee attacks. Pick-up
PipePipe Increases the power of your melee attacks. Pick-up
SickleSickle Increases the power of your melee attacks. Pick-up
ClubClub Increases the power of your melee attacks. Pick-up
ShivShiv Instantly kills enemies from stealth and saves from clicker grabs. Craft.
SwitchbladeSwitchblade A one-handed melee weapon used by Ellie. Replaces the use of shivs and can also be used for Stealth Kills. Obtained by default in Jackson - Waking Up.


Weapon Description Location
Health KitHealth Kit Restores a moderate amount of health. Hold R2 to use. Craft.

Weapon Upgrades

The Last of Us 2 Weapons.png

Weapons can be upgraded via Workbenches, which are found in various locations throughout the story. Upgrading weapons allows you to increase things like damage, stability, accuracy, fire rate, and capacity.

How to Upgrade Weapons

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