FF7 Remake

Abilities and Best Weapon Upgrades for Mythril Saber

Mythril Saber EDITED.png
This page lists the stats and abilities of the Mythril Saber, one of Cloud's Weapons in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Read on to learn how to get the Mythril Saber, as well as the best Mythril Saber skills to upgrade first!

Mythril Saber Stats and Information

Mythril Saber Base Fully Upgraded
Mythril Saber Image Attack 24 46
Magic Attack 72 138
User Cloud
Materia Slots
(Fully Upgraded)
Fully Upgraded Bonus Stats
Defense +0 Magic Defense +10
Max HP +0 Max MP +10
An immense sword made from magic-infused mythril ore.

Mythril Saber Abilities

Ability Blade Burst
Ability Effect Unleash a wave of non-elemental mako energy at an enemy in front of you with a slash of your sword.
Proficiency Bonus Finish off an enemy.

How to Get the Mythril Saber

Obtaining Mythril Saber

How to Obtain Mythril Saber
Purchase from the Weapon Store in Wall Market (Chapter 14)

You can purchase this weapon from the Weapons Store in Wall Market during Chapter 14. For a full walkthrough on Chapter 14, click the link below.

Chapter 14: In Search of Hope Story Guide & Walkthrough

Best Mythril Saber Upgrades

List of Cores

Mythril Saber Core
(Req. SP 10)
Weapon Level: 1
・Attack Power +6
・Magic Attack Power +6
・Magic Attack Power +6
・Magic Defense +5
・Max MP +10
Mythril Saber Sub-Core I
(Req. SP 14)
Weapon Level: 4
・Elemental Materia Damage 10% Boost
・Debuff Resistance +5
・Trade-Off (Recover MP when taking significant damage)
・Magic 20% Boost with Full MP
・Attack Power +5 with High HP
Mythril Saber Sub-Core II
(Req. SP 16)
Weapon Level: 5
・Attack Power +8
・Magic Attack Power +10
・Magic Attack Power +10
・Magic Attack Power +10
・Magic Defense +5
・MP Regeneration 50% Boost
・New Materia Slot (Or link two existing slots)
・New Materia Slot (Or link two existing slots)
Mythril Saber Sub-Core III
(Req. SP 18)
Weapon Level: 6
・Attack Power +8
・Magic Attack Power +12
・Magic Attack Power +12
・Attack Spells MP Cost Reduction 20%
・New Materia Slot (Or link two existing slots)
・New Materia Slot (Or link two existing slots)

A sword for those who want to max out Cloud's magic ability

When fully upgraded, this weapon has a magic attack stat of 138, making it the second highest in the game. This weapon is great if you prefer to do combat with a heavier emphasis on magic.
The skills you will want to prioritize are all of the magic attack buffs and MP regeneration. After that, you'll want to get the extra materia slots, Max MP up (and Trade-Off), and MP cost reductions. With your remaining SP, get the offensive and defensive upgrades as you see fit.

Related Links

List of Cloud's Weapons

Cloud Strife Weapons and Abilities

Related Weapons
Buster SwordBuster Sword Iron BladeIron Blade Nail BatNail Bat
HardedgeHardedge Mythril SaberMythril Saber Twin StingerTwin Stinger

Full List of Weapons Stats and Materia Slots


1 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Mythril Saber can be Purchased from the vendor of the Wall Market Weapons Store. After Chapter 12.


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