Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Romance Guide | All Possible Romance Options

This is a guide on how to enter romantic relationships with certain characters in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to know general romance information and possible romance options in the game!

WARNING: This page contains spoilers for specific characters in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. Read on if you do NOT mind spoilers!

Romance in Valhalla

Building upon the foundations laid for romance in Odyssey, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla allows the player to choose love interests as they experience Eivor's Saga!

The game offers a wide cast of male and female love interests scattered throughout its world. Some of them are akin to one night stands while others are more permanent partners.

These romantic opportunities present themselves during world events or from the main story itself and are marked with a dialogue option that has a heart beside it.

Do note that you can end a romantic relationship with anyone if you prefer to be with someone else later on.

Male Romance Options

Aldwyn Romance Guide

Aldwyn is an alemaster in Taedden's Shelf and plays a role in the Historia de Cordibus Pathetic world event.

Step Guide
1 Start the Historia de Cordibus Pathetic world event.
2 Tell Aldwyn the truth about the poem's composer when he opens the door to meet Bertha.
His romance option appears during your conversation.

Broder Romance Guide

Broder Romance.png
Broder is one of the Danish brothers whom you initially butt heads with during the The Tale of Thegn Oswald story arc in East Anglia.

Step Guide
1 Reach the Wedding Horns quest of The Tale of Thegn Oswald story arc.
2 Broder's romance option presents itself after interacting with one of the tables during Oswald and Valdis' marriage celebration.

Stigr Romance Guide

ACV - Stigr Romance.png
Stigr is a skald in Hemthorpe and is one of the Flyting Challenges of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla.

Step Guide
1 Beat Stigr in a Flyting competition.
Click here for to see our guide for his Flyting Challenge!
2 Grab the opportunity when Stigr asks if you'd like to take your flyting to somewhere more private.

Tarben Romance Guide

Tarben Romance.png
Tarben is one of the settlers in Ravensthorpe and serves as the settlement's baker.

Step Guide
1 Build the Bakery in Ravensthorpe.
2 Complete the The Baker's Plaint quest in Ravensthorpe.
3 Complete the Man of Mystery quest in Ravensthorpe.
4 Speak to Tarben in Ravensthorpe after completing his quests. His romance option will show up afterward.

Tewdwr Romance Guide

Tewdwr is the heir of Glowecestrescire's ealdormancy and plays a major role during the A Tale of Wicker-Fire story arc in Glowecestrescire.

Step Guide
1 Reach a particular cutscene involving Eivor, Tewdwr, and a lot of ale during The First Night of Samhain quest of the A Tale of Wicker-Fire story arc.
2 Tewdwr's first romance option pops up during your drunken conversation at the first night of Samhain.
Choose the dialogue option with the heart icon.
3 Return to Glowecestre after completing the A Tale of Wicker-Fire story arc.
Speak to Tewdwr again for the last step of his romance path.
WARNING: Tewdwr might go missing if you try to visit him after The Prophecies of The King story arc. It is recommended that you do so before this arc if you want to start a romance with him.

Vili Romance Guide

Vili is Eivor's close friend and plays a major role in the A Tale of Two Jarls story arc in Snotinghamscire.

Step Guide
1 Reach a particular cutscene during the Under the Skin quest of the A Tale of Two Jarls story arc.
2 Vili's romance option appears after your escape from the Odin Mine Hideout.

Female Romance Options

Randvi Romance Guide

Randvi R.png
Randvi is Eivor's close friend and wife of Sigurd. She plays a major role in the story as one of the leading figures in Ravensthorpe.

The timing of your romance with her will affect the ending of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla.

Step Direction
1 Complete a few story arcs from her Alliance Map.
A scribbled note describing Randvi's feelings about Eivor will eventually appear inside the alliance map room. This signifies that Randvi will have a new dialogue option and quest during your conversations inside the alliance map room very soon.
2 Reach the final cutscene of the Taken For Granted quest.
You have a chance to start your romance with Randvi during the final cutscene.
Starting your romance with Randvi while she is still married to Sigurd contributes towards a specific ending of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla where Sigurd does not return to England with Eivor after the A Brother's Keeper quest.
Doing the Taken For Granted quest after completing the main story is also one way of avoiding this particular ending.
There will be another chance with Randvi later on if you prefer to finish the Taken For Granted quest as soon as it appears.
3 Reach the final cutscene of the The Forge and The Flame quest.
Follow Randvi to a private area during the Gunnar and Brigid's wedding celebration.
Another chance at romance will present itself during your conversation if you haven't started one during the Taken For Granted quest yet.

Bil Romance Guide

Bil Romance.png
Bil is one of the earliest possible romances in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. She plays a role in the Comb of Champions world event.

Step Direction
1 Complete the Comb of Champions world event.
2 Accept Bil's offer at the end of her world event.

Estrid Romance Guide

Estrid Top.png
Estrid is the wife Birstan, Ealdorman of Essexe. She plays a major role in the A Breviary of Broken Hearts story arc in Essexe.

Step Direction
1 Complete the Twists and Turns quest of the A Breviary of Broken Hearts story arc.
2 Look for Estrid in Wulfaswic after the ambush.
WARNING: Do NOT choose the "Is Rollo not the man to shake you awake?" dialogue option during your conversation. You will lose your chance with Estrid otherwise.

Gunlodr Romance Guide

Gunlodr is the daughter of Suttungr. She plays a role in The Saga of The Snows story arc in Jotunheim.

Step Direction
1 Complete the A Gift From The Past quest of The Saga of the Snows story arc.
2 Reach a particular cutscene in the A Feast to Remember quest of The Saga of the Snows story arc.
3 Gunlodr's romance options present themselves inside Utgard's vault.
Choose the "I came to bring you a gift." dialogue option when Gunlodr confronts you there. This dialogue option is only available if you obtained Thor's Circlet from the A Gift From The Past quest.

Petra Romance Guide

Petra R.png
Petra is one of the settlers in Ravensthorpe and serves as one of the settlement's hunters along with her brother, Wallace.

Step Direction
1 Build the Hunter's Hut in Ravensthorpe.
2 Complete The Huntress quest in Ravensthorpe.
3 Complete the Have You Seen This Man? quest in Ravensthorpe.
4 Speak to Petra after completing her quests. Her romance options should be available after a few in-game days.

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