Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Chapter 16: Lady of Deceit Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the sixteenth chapter of Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FETH, FE3H). Read on to find out the best way to use your time in the Monastery, how to win in battle, and which dialogue options to choose!

Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Chapter 15: Tempest of Swords and Shields Chapter 17: Field of Revenge

Chapter 16 - The Silver Maiden


FE3H Chapter 16 (Black Eagles) Calendar.png

3/2 Saint Indech Day
3/4 Jeritza's Birthday
3/8 Morale Meals
3/15 Rare Monster Sighting
Fistfuls of Fish
3/20 Constance's Birthday (DLC)
3/22 Fish Bounty Festival
3/29 Rare Monster Sighting
3/31 Chapter Mission: Raid Arianrhod
Ongoing Event: Axe Tournament Reward: Silver Axe+

Free Time

Main Quests

There is no main quest for this chapter.

Side Quests

Side Quests
Taking Care of Business
Anna's Heirloom (DLC)

Chapter Objectives

None. Do Taking Care of Business to unlock the Dark Merchant, and prepare for the secret siege of Arianrhod.

Optional Supports

Dorothea We'll make it through together.
Ferdinand Kings can't be emotional?
Hapi* I like her too.
Petra Because it's like hunting?

*DLC only, available through the Expansion Pass.

Chapter 16 Mission: The Siege of Arianrhod

Click the link below for more information on the battle for this chapter!

Chapter 16: Siege or Arianrhod (Black Eagles) Walkthrough

Chapter 16 - After the Battle

After the battle, Lord Arundel comes, and leaves a subtle threat. You then hear about what happens to Arianrhod, and you all fear for the worst.

Dialogue Option Effect
A) It was.
B) It was not.
C) I didn't care either way.
A) Increases Edelgard's support.
B) No change.
C) No change.
A) Valley of Torment?
B) The same thing happened in the past?
A) No change.
B) Increases Hubert's support.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Related Links

Story Walkthrough.png
Part 2 - Crimson Flower Walkthrough
Part 2 - Crimson Flower
Chapter 13: Beyond Escape Chapter 14: The Master Tactician Chapter 15: Tempest of Swords and Shields
Chapter 16: Lady of Deceit Chapter 17: Field of Revenge Chapter 18: To the End of a Dream


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