Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Diamond Axe Effect, Stats, and How to Learn

This is a guide to Diamond Axe, a Combat Art In Fire Emblem Three Houses (FE3H). Read on to find out how to learn Diamond Axe, as well as its bonus stats and additional effects.

Diamond Axe Effect and Stats

Diamond Axe Stat Bonuses

Axe.png Diamond Axe
Might Hit Crit Avoid Range Cost
14 -20 - - 1 -7
Effect A powerful attack that greatly increases Mt.

How to Learn Diamond Axe

Diamond Axe can be learned by having a A rank in Axe.

Fire Emblem Three Houses Related Links

List of Combat Arts

Combat Arts.png
Combat Arts Pages
Combat Arts Tier List
Sword Combat Arts List
Wrath Strike Grounder Bane of Monsters
Haze Slice Hexblade Sunder
Soulblade Windsweep Finesse Blade
Assassinate Astra Subdue
Axe Combat Arts List
Smash Helm Splitter Monster Breaker
Focused Strike Wild Abandon Lightning Axe
Spike Diamond Axe Armored Strike
Exhaustive Strike Flickering Flower War Master's Strike
Lance Combat Arts List
Tempest Lance Knightkneeler Shatter Slash
Vengeance Monster Piercer Hit and Run
Frozen Lance Swift Strikes Glowing Ember
Lance Jab Paraselene
Bow Combat Arts List
Curved Shot Heavy Draw Deadeye
Waning Shot Monster Blast Break Shot
Schism Shot Point-Blank Volley Encloser
Ward Arrow Wind God Hunter's Volley
Utility Combat Arts List
Draw Back Reposition Shove
Swap Smite
Relic Combat Arts List
Eviscerate Beast Fang Apocalyptic Flame
Dust Burning Quake Ruined Sky
Fallen Star Atrocity Raging Storm
Foudroyant Strike Sublime Heaven Ruptured Heaven


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